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The Futa Pill - Beginning

  • Do you take the pill yourself? 7
  • Do you offer the pill to your friend? 1
  • Do you trick your rival into taking the futa pill? 3
  • Do you spike your boss's coffee? 4
  • 2018-08-08
  • —2018-08-11
  • 15 votes
{'title': 'The Futa Pill - Beginning', 'choices': [{'text': 'Do you take the pill yourself?', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Do you offer the pill to your friend?', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Do you trick your rival into taking the futa pill?', 'votes': 3}, {'text': "Do you spike your boss's coffee?", 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 11, 19, 44, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 8, 22, 44, 49, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 15}


You feel that nervous writhe rippling through your belly as you head to the meeting with your boss, the intimidating Ms. Kato. You straighten your charcoal-gray pencil skirt and pray there isn't a run in your beige, thigh-high stockings as you move through the cubicles, passing the other drones who work at your company, Nathaniel, Larson, & Public Chemicals. Five years ago, you were thrilled to work for NLP Chemicals, pioneers in so many different fields in the chemistry and pharmaceutical business.

Not that you're a chemist. You're more a manager who oversees the chemists. For the last two years, you've thrown your all into a weight loss and anxiety drug known as Phendexrohol-Uraciline Tamrixillin (nicknamed the futa pill by the lead scientist, Deandra Martins, since the real name was a mouthful). Your chances of advancement in the company rely on the success of this pill.

The latest reports in your folder are grim.

You reach the door to Ms. Kato's office, knock.

“Enter,” came the cold, brusque tone of the head of your department.

Deep breath.

You enter the door. Ms. Orihime Kato sits behind her desk like a queen, her silky, black hair pinned up in an elegant bun, leaving the pale-olive cheeks of her delicate, Japanese face unobscured. Not that her almost doll-like appearance did anything to reduce the impact of her intimidating aura. In fact, it enhances it. Her smooth features are almost like porcelain, a mask of cold, uncaring stone, lips pursed tight, slanted eyes locking on you like a pair of magnifying glasses focusing the sun into two burning pricks.

You feel like the ant about to be fried.

“Ms. Kato,” you say. “I have the reports on...” Your words trail off when you notice who else is in the meeting.

Paris Richardson.

The loathsome, redheaded woman's smile grows as she glances at you. She's seated in one of the two chairs before Ms. Kato's desk. Her files are spread open, full of graphs and projections on her weight loss drug.

Paris being here is a bad sign.

Swallowing, you take your seat, back straight. Ms. Kato's eyes follow you the whole way down. Paris's hoop earring sways, attracting your attention. She's dressed to show off her lush body, her scarlet blouse cut low, exposing her generous bosom. Fiery curls spill over her shoulders. Her legs are crossed, her light-blue skirt riding high, exposing her ivory thighs, toned and perfect.

“Mmm, I hope you wow her,” Paris murmurs, “because my pill is kicking ass. The trials were amazing.”

You clear your throat, ignoring her. “Here is the latest trial with the pigs, Ms. Kato.” You hand over your paperwork. “The results, I'm afraid, were mixed.”

“Mixed?” asks Ms. Kato. She flips through the reports.

You swallow and pull out a little Ziploc baggie holding a cream pill not much bigger than an M&M. “I am certain this pill works on humans. All the projections show it will help reduce weight and lower anxiety by—”

“Projections are not tests,” Ms. Kato says. “We need more than a belief. Only 5% of the pigs given the pill lost weight. Some even gained weight?”

Paris smirks. She taps her own baggie before her, a pink pill in there. “Sulfaridine-Laxic-Uraciline Tamrixillin is showing far more promise, Ms. Kato. We're narrowing in on the dosage. As you can see, 75% of the pigs we dosed lost weight.”

“Yes, yes, very impressive,” Ms. Kato said. “And the libido effect... Will that work with human women, too?”

“We may have found the holy grail of female Viagra,” Paris says. Her smile growing. “This pill will make NLP billions.”

“And it'll take millions to make your pill... viable?” asks Ms. Kato, her eyes falling on you.

The weight of her gaze pins you in the seat and makes you squirm. “Yes.” You swallow, seeing only one way out. So you ask, “Are we... really going to go with the slut pill?”

“Slut?” Ms. Kato's look grows sharp. “What's this?”

“Just the chemists nickname for my pill,” says Paris, waving her hand. “It's from the chemicals. The acronym is slut. Same reason they call hers the futa pill. Marketing we'll re-brand it into something... palpable.”

“Oh, good.” Ms. Kato says. She flicks her eyes to you. A narrow eyebrow arches. “Is there... anything else you can show?”

“My pill has to be tested on humans,” you say, your heart beating desperately. You can feel your first big project nosediving. This will be a big disruption in your plans of advancement. It might even stall you out. “Dr. Martins projections say it will work on humans. We have to move to that phase of testing.”

“With inclusive results on pigs and rats?” Ms. Kato shakes her head. “We can't risk human trials on that. The issuance company would cancel our premium and we'd all be fired.” She closes your file. “No more resources will be allocated to your project. Paris's has results. She will lead the way. You will merge your team into hers.”

“Mmm, I am going to love working over you,” Paris says.

You grind your teeth. You can just tell the redheaded bitch will make your life miserable gloating every chance she gets. You snatch up the pill and shove it into your skirt pocket. You know this will work. You trust Deandra. If she says it's gold, then it must be. The girl is young, but a genius.

“You can go,” Ms. Kato says to you. “I need to speak to Paris.”

“Thank you for your time, Ms. Kato,” you say, voice tight.

You rise and smooth your skirt, leaving the pair to their discussion. You keep your back straight and your head held high until you're out of the door. Then your shoulders slumps. There goes your chance of an office. It's back to cubical hell working under...


“Oh, god,” you moan as the world crumbles out from beneath you.

“That doesn't sound good.”

Cassie Morgan, your best friend at NLP, saunters up to you. She's wearing a pair of gray, pinstriped slacks and matching vest over a frilly, creamed-colored blouse. Despite the mannish clothing, she exudes femininity. The way she carries her body somehow transforms the suit into a delicious outfit, the slacks clinging tight to her legs and rump, the vest somehow emphasizing the roundness of her breasts.

“No, it's bad,” you say. “Ms. Kato gutted my project and gave Paris the entrails.”

“Oh, no,” Cassie says, her face going pale. “We're working for her?”

“Yep.” You sigh, pulling out the plastic baggie and staring at the futa pill. “It would have been beautiful. A drug that controls anxiety and helps you lose weight... Deandra swears this is the formula. All the slut pill does is make you horny.”

“There is a market for that,” says your friend. “After all, addyi is turning out to be a big disappointment.”

Addyi, also known as flibanserin, was once thought to be the female Viagra, the magic bullet to let women who have trouble getting horny to get in the mood. But addyi came with all sorts of side-effects for maybe a slight increase in female libido. The original makers had sold it off fast, and the new owners were seeking any sort of study to prop it up, even claiming it's for female empowerment and had to be supported.

“We could have both pills,” you complain. You stare at it, an idea popping in your mind.

A reckless one.

“No, no, you can't do that,” says your friend. “It's dangerous.”

“Deandra says it's fine.” You focus on the pill. One swallow...

“Hey!” Paris barks. You whirl around. The redheaded bitch is striding from Ms. Kato's office right for you. “Welcome to the team. I need you to get me coffee as well as one for Ms. Kato.” A smile spreads on Paris's lips. “It's a project you can manage, right?”

“Yes,” you say, anger boiling through you.

She saunters by.

“What a see you next Tuesday,” mutters Cassie.

“With a big, capital C,” you add.

“You're going to do it, aren't you?” asks Cassie.

“Maybe.” You feel the pill in your palm, thick and ready to be swallowed.

“I can do it,” Cassie offers. “I trust Deandra. You can see how it affects me.”

“I was thinking of spiking the cunt's coffee,” you say. “Let her feel the results.”

“Ms. Kato would be better to dose,” Cassie says. “Unless you just want to get some revenge Paris.”

You shiver. Revenge sounds nice. So will proving the pill works. You can do that just as easily as giving it to Ms. Kato. Or you could try it out on your friend. She's willing.

What do you do?

Do you take the pill yourself?

Author Note: This story went so far out of control, I cut off all these other paths found below.


William Cramer

Will Ms Kato make another appearance, it would be great to see her take part in some of the festivities!


Yes. She's out there, just waiting for the right choices to bring her into the story.