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You want a free Amber from Lilah. So you're going to do it. You going to drive the witch, Sun, wild with your passion. You're going to make the Korean chick your slut. Part of you is excited for it, hungry to unleash your sexual domination upon the girl.

You're starting to understand how your abilities work. You can feel the desires of the girls around you. They notice you, sensing that your different, but you can give them pleasure that they've never experienced before. They all quiver for you, they all want you, and you want them. But there's one girl you're looking for in particular.


You felt her earlier today when she came across you and Amber on the path. She has a unique aura. It seems that every has their own vibration, their own frequency, to their lusts. Amber's passions quivers deep and throaty, full of more than just desire for you. Sun's, on the other hand, remind you of a highly strong viola. Something that will quiver to the highest reaches of passion. She feels restrained, like there's something in her that she's holding back.

That tension draws you. You climb up to the second floor, feeling her vibration amid the sea of wanton passion. You need to get her alone. You need to find the right moment to pounce on her. You're a wolf stalking your prey. Hungry for her.

You feel her moving off to the library, that tight ball of passion under her control. You peek around the corner watch her vanish into the library. After having that our being taught by Ms. Rhea, you know you can affect women. You can pluck their strings.

You pluck Sun's.

Not hard, but enough to start to get the juices flowing. Start to get her horny and wet and aching for a man to fuck her. You can feel her quivering with rising passion, this high-pitch note beckoning you. You stalk down the hallway and enter the library, feeling her within the stacks of books. Between all the shelves hiding her from sight.

Alone. Aching. Needing you.

You strum her string harder, hearing an audible gasp come from her. You can feel her just on the other side of the bookshelf, wondering why she's so wet all of a sudden, wondering why she's thinking about you. Why she's remembering how you and Amber were staring at each other was such hunger on the path this morning. You stimulate her into realizing that she had interrupted something between you and Amber this morning.

Something that she would've liked to see. To join in on.

You worker skillfully, getting her hornier and hornier, putting you're all into the seducing her with your incubal powers. You have to save Amber from Lilah. You can't let Sun get away from you. You feel her passions mounting as she pictures you pinning Amber against the tree, your cock spearing into your girlfriend's cunt.

“Yes, yes, yes fuck me with that huge cock!” you imagine Sun is picturing in her mind right now, fantasizing about how you fucked Amber hard. “This dick is amazing! You're going to make me cum so hard!”

You lick your chops, feeling that wet heat swelling in Sun's pussy. Her labia is engorge, her clit throbbing. She's eager to be filled. She needs a cock to fuck her. Your cock. You move around the shelf, knowing this is the perfect time to pounce. She's distracted with lust. She needs you.

You undo your fly as you round the corner. Sun's back is to you, her hips swaying, her purple skirt, trimmed in black lace, hugging her rump. Her legs look gorgeous in her thigh-high boots. You know her pussy is juicy inside of her panties.

You spring on her.

“Oh, my god,” she moans as you hug her from behind. Your lips kiss at her neck, tasting the salt of her skin. “What is going...? Oh, god, you're in incubus!”

“And you're a slut with a hot pussy,” you growl into her ear. “Aren't you? Aren't you just aching for my cock to ram into your cunt?”

“Yes,” she moans, her voice quivering. “I shouldn't. I shouldn't let you feed on me. But...”

“You need your Master to take you hard,” you growl, sensing that this is what she's been concealing. The desire that she's bound so tight inside of her. She's a submissive. She craves someone strong to seize her and take control of her body.

To fuck her like a whore.

“Shove down those silk panties, and I'll pound your cunt so hard, slave,” you growl into her ear.

You feel her lust quiver through her. She wants is so badly. She reaches beneath her skirt, yanking down her underwear. Then, without being told, she hikes up her skirt. Your dick nudges into her bare asscheeks, smearing precum across her naked rump.

You slide your cock lower, nuzzling into her thick, black bush. The silky strands are coded in her excitement. Her juices wet and hot. You find her pussy lips, her labia engorged, her whole aching to be filled by you. She lets out a wanton moan, throwing a look over her shoulder at you, her slanted eyes molten.

“Please, fuck me, Master!” she cries out, her lust quivering through her.

You thrust your dick into her submissive pussy. Her cunt clenches down on you as she welcomes you into her silky embrace. Her moans echoed through the library as your crotch smacks into her ass. Her hands squeezed her large breasts through her baby doll t-shirt, needing them, enjoying them as you draw back your dick through her hot sheath.

She feels incredible. Amazing. Your balls smack into her clit each time you bury into her. She gasped, her body shuddering, the pleasure rushing through her. You feast on her desire, devouring her submissive delight. The more you eat her passion, the more it swells in her and the better she feels.

“Yes, yes, yes fuck me, Master!”

“You're just my slutty slave now, aren't you?” you growl.

“Yes, Master!” Her cunt clenches down hard on your thrusting dick. “I'm your slave!”

You thrust harder, your balls boiling with a load of your cum. Her juicy pussy just build your orgasm, driving you closer and closer to erupting. You can't wait to spill in her, to make her quiver about you. She feels like she's on the edge of her own pleasure. Her own climax.

You thrust so hard into her, ramming your dick into her silky snatch. You giving her what she wants. What she craves. She wants to please you with your cunt. She wants to make her Master cum. That ache builds at the tip of your dick, that erupting need to spilling your seed inside of her. You want to fill her to the brim with every drop of your jizz you can.

“Cum in me Master, please!” She moans. “Just dump it all in the me. Use me! I'm your slave!”

Your incubal powers have enhanced that natural submissive trait in her. What would've taken weeks to develop you've unleashed in her in moments. She's quivering now, needing to climax, but can't. Not without your jizz spurting into her.

She needs to please you first before she can surrender to her passion.

Your balls boiling, you ram your dick to the hilt inside of her silky cunt. The friction ripples around your shaft, the pleasure electrifying your cock. You squeeze her hips as you groan. Your cum fires from your dick, splattering the insides of her pussy.

You give Sun just what she craves. The slave whimpers as she feels your hot spunk flood her cunt. Her pussy clenches down on your dick. She throws back her head, her silky, black hair spilling about her shoulders. She lets out a wanton moan.


The witch cums on your dick.

You groan as her pussy spasms about your cock, writhing and milking out the last of your jizz. The pleasure increases inside of you is you feast on her lusts. You devour the passion surging through her body. The ecstasy of pleasuring you consumes your mind.

“I'm yours, Master!” she gasps.

“Yes!” you groan, spurting the last drop of your cum into your slave. You own her. Which means you can trade her.

You rip your cock out of her pussy and thrust it wet back into your jeans. “Follow, slave,” you order. “Now!”

You can feel the delight sweeping through her. Her clothing rustles as she adjusts her skirt, her boots clicking on the vinyl flooring as she follows. You know your cum is soaking into her panties, the crotch sliding in place after you thrust it aside to fuck her. Your seed is trapped in her.

You march through the school, knowing just where you're going to find the succubus. She likes to hold court in the Commons, the college's cafeteria. There, surrounded by all the hunky football players, she enjoys herself. So obvious now that she's succubus. Sun quivers with lust behind you, eager for what is going to happen next. She's devoted to you.

She has no idea you're about to hand her over to the succubus.

You march on the stairs and reached the first floor, both your footsteps echoing down the halls. Everyone else is in class, you see them through the window set in the doors. Professors lecture while students listen. They are unaware that an incubus and a succubus prowl their campus.

You thrust through the double doors into the Commons. As you expect, Lilah is perched on a table, naked, her red hair falling about her vampish face. Her enchanting, green eyes follow you. Kneeling before her is the naked Amber, her face smeared in Lilah's pleasure.

“I brought her,” you growl. “Now hand over Amber.”

Your girlfriend stares at you, such hope in her eyes. She cries out your name, trembling.

The succubus licks her lips. “You made her your slave, didn't you?”

“Yes. Are we trading?”

“You send the witch, and I'll send your little... girlfriend back to you.” 

“Sun, Lilah owns you now,” you say. “Go to your mistress.”

A nervous travel passes through Sun's lust. But you twisted her submissive nature around your finger. She obeys, walking forward, head bowed. The same moment, Amber springs to her feet and darts naked across the cafeteria to her, her round breasts jiggling, her short, brown hair swaying about her face. She throws herself into you, hugging you tight.

“Thank you,” she moans. She kisses your cheek and your chin. Over and over, punctuating each one with a, “Thank you.”

“I got you,” you say to her, stroking her naked back. “I won't let her take you from me.”

“If I wanted to own her, there is nothing you could do about it,” Lilah says. “But I don't really care about your little... girlfriend. I have what I wanted.”

Lilah seizes the witch's shoulders, pulling her close. You shudder, feeling the angry, triumphant passion surging through the succubus. She lets out a wicked laugh. “I finally won. I've finally beaten you. I knew you wanted to be a whore for a man. You can't resist the incubus. He twisted your desires about his lusts, molding you, making you mine.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Sun says, her voice tight. You can feel her trembling, a part of her aching, hoping that you'll take her back.

“Boys!” Lilah says, her green eyes flashing with glee. “Look at the hot, fresh pussy I have for you. Slave, bend over the table, and please every single one of them. I want them to degrade you. I want them to pump you full of their jizz.

“And I want to stare into your eyes as you cum over and over, nothing more than my whore. You've lost, slut.”

For a moment, defiance quivers through Sun. But the submissiveness that you unleashed in her swallows it. Sun's true nature cannot be denied now. She'd suppressed it for so long, bottling up inside of her, but once it was out, there is no putting it back.

Sun bends over the round table, her cheek pressed against it. Her slanted eyes find yours, her true Master. But you gave her to Lilah. Her submissive nature drives her to please you. Even now, serving the succubus, she's obeying you.

She's doing it all for you.

“You thought you could fuck with me,” Lilah purrs, such vicious joy in her voice. The first of her boy toys is lining up to fuck Sun.

Strange exhilaration surges through you. Your dick aches and throbs. Part of you wants to watch, to witness your slave submission. So eager to serve you, she'll let Lilah degrade her. It makes your dick hard. You can enjoy yourself with Amber as you watch Lilah play with your slave.

But don't you owe Sun something? You unleashed this in her. You claimed her. Why should Lilah get to play with her? Do you stop this from happening? Or do you sit back and enjoy the show?

Do you stop the boy toys from gangbanging Sun? 

Do you watch the gangbang with Amber? 



Watching the gangbang with Amber!