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You swipe your phone's screen to use FaceTime, a video-chat app. Lilah's face appears, her features twisted with angry pleasure Red hair spills in lustrous curls down to her shoulders. Her bewitching, green eyes sparkles as she stares at her screen. It almost feels like she's right before you instead of separated by technology.

“Oh, there you are, incubus,” she purrs, her voice throaty with pleasure. In the background, you can hear something that sounds like wet licking, and the whimpering moans of a girl in reveling in naughty passion. “I was a little miffed with you for choosing that little's trumpet over me.”

“Well, Amber just holds a special place in my heart,” you say to her. “After all, she still had that cherry. She hasn't been fuck by every guy in our school.”

Lilah laughs, her head thrown back, her fiery locks dancing about her face. You catch a flash of her naked, pillowy tits bouncing the bottom of the screen. “Oh, you are so right, incubus. But that's what we are. We are sexual beings. We feed off sex. But I understand why you chose Amber over me.

“She's proving herself to be quite... delicious.”

A sinking feeling descends into your guts. That licking sound grows louder, almost like someone is eating pussy just off screen. Lilah's pussy. Pleasure crosses succubus's face. The image pans down the redhead's body, past her heaving mounds, to reveal Amber's hazel eyes staring up from between Lilah's thighs. Your girlfriend is eating the succubus's cunt with zeal.

“Oh, yes, yes, I can see why you chose her, incubus,” Lilah purrs, a taunting note to her voice. “She has such a delicious tongue and... Yes, she can jam it sooooooo deep in the me.”

Your dick throbs even harder while anger flares through you. That's your girlfriend Lilah is playing with. It's clear she put her succubal influence on Amber, twisting her into eating a pussy-eating slut. But there's no denying the joy that's and Amber's eyes. She's savoring eating Lilah's cunt.

“You are a petty bitch, Lilah,” you growl. “Do you think—”

“I think you're going to do what I say, unless you want my boys to play with Amber.” Lilah turned her phone to reveal the horde of naked football players, all stroking their cocks, staring at Amber with such hunger in their eyes. “So you listen carefully, incubus, unless you want the entire football team to run a train on your pretty, little girlfriend.”

“What do you want?” you growl, not hiding the anger in your voice.

“It's simple, you do something for me, and I'll make sure Amber returns to you unharmed. She'll just have some fun licking my pussy. No big deal.” Lilah gave me such a hungry smile, her green eyes twinkling. “You know there's a witch at our college?”

“I've heard... rumors about Sun.”

“Good. I want you to use your incubal desires on the witch. I want you to catch her by surprise, inflame her lust, fuck her hard, and the bring her back to me.” Lilah licked her lips, plump and shiny and red. “You do that, and I'll trade the witch for your girlfriend. But if you don't...”

“I won't let any one of those assholes touch her,” you growl. If you could send hate through the phone, you would choke the life out of the succubus-bitch.

“Good,” Lilah purrs. The video-chat call ends.

You snarl, hand clenching about your phone as you debate your options. Do you find Sun, fuck the witch, and drive her wild with passion? Or do you decide not to play the succubus's game, march down to the Commons, and take back your girlfriend?

Do you track down Sun and fuck her?

Do you go after Lilah and rescue Amber?  



Let's go after Lilah and rescue Amber!