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Your anger boils through you. Sun has no right to cast spells on you and make you impotent. You shouldn't have to play her games. Let her get the succubus's juices on her own. Your right fist balls in anger. You slam it down on the library table she sits beside.

A cracking thud echoes through the library.

The witch flinches.

Sun's olive face pales even more. Her slanted eyes widened, the confidence she possessed wavering for a moment. Her nostrils flare, her large breasts rising beneath her tight, lilac top. You glare at her, letting her feel the anger bubbling in you.

The impotent frustration builds.

“Just undo the goddamn spell!” you rage. “This isn't fucking funny! I felt your lusts, Sun! You wanted to join in! Don't even pretend you were offended! You just want to use me. Well, fuck that. Just wiggle your hands and undo it right now.”

She shudders, her eyes so liquid. Something stirs in her depths as her hand reaches for her medallion. She grasps it as you lean closer, boring into her eyes. She quivers before you, feeling so small now. She has magic, made you impotent, and yet you feel in control all of a sudden.

And she knows it.

She quivers again, a soft, whimper-like moan escapes her lips. She swallows, conflict tightening the features of her face. You can see her gathering herself, pushing away whatever emotion it is you see in her eyes. It's not fear. It's...



It hovers between them, fluctuation. Your dominating outburst has awakened something in her, something she's secretly craved. You've seen Sun strutting through the halls with such strength and power, moving with the arrogance of one who think she's better than everything around her. But secretly, deep inside her, she knows it's a lie. Like those businessmen who pay dominatrixes to spank them, she craves someone stronger than her, someone she can surrender to.

The more you realize it, the more your incubal powers can sense it in her, a desire that she's struggling to extinguish. To snuff out before you can stoke it and make it consume her flesh with quivering lust.

You reach your soul, your hunger, into her and fan it.

“I gave you an order,” you snarl and seize her silky-black hair. Her tresses feel so fine and soft in your grip. You yank back, jerking her head to look up at you. The coal glows brighter in her nethers as your incubal powers fan her ardor. Her pupils dilate wide, swallowing her rich brown irises with black pits swimming with aching need.

“You are going to fix what you've done to me,” you growl. “You're going to do it right now.”

“No,” she gasps, struggling to extinguish that coal, to smother it with her fear of surrendering and submitting, to giving into what she desires. You can't let her do that.

“Do you know what happens to girls when they disobey?” you snarl, letting go of her hair to seize her shoulders.

“I won't do it!” she moans, the coal flaring hotter as you feed her submissive desires. Her nipples harden, pressing against her blouse. “You can't make me. I'll do worse to you.”

You flip her over so she's lying on her stomach on the table. You don't care about her threats. You have to be stronger than her. You can't show any fear. It doesn't matter if she could tie you in knots with her magic. She isn't in control here. 

You are.

She gasps as you pin her to the table by planting your left hand between her shoulder blades. Your right hauls up her skirt, revealing black panties trimmed in lace. They cup her gorgeous rump, hiding it from your view. You rip them down and groan at what is unveiled before you.

A black bush grows thick between her thighs, long hairs hiding her pussy. But it's her ass that catches your eye, almost ivory but tinged with that delicious, olive hue, giving it such an exotic difference from Western beige. For a moment, you're shocked your dick isn't throbbing in your pants at the sight of something so breathtaking.

But she stole that from you.

You lift your hand, not out of anger, though it seethes in you, but out of discipline. She needs to learn her lesson. She can't curse a man's cock, and she can't disobey your commands. You have to fan that coal in her, give her what she needs.


She cries out, such a sweet sound as the red handprint spreads across the cheeks of her rump. This scarlet hue that has her squirming and groaning. She sucks in such deep breaths, her body wiggling, her rump jiggling.

Juices bead her thick, long pubic hairs.

“Let me go!” she moans, her voice so wanton. “You'll regret this!”


“Good girls don't bad-talk their masters,” you growl. “They take their punishments and accept responsibility.”


“Good girl? Master?” She throws a look over her shoulder, partly with an anger that tries to melt your bones, and partly full of awakened rapture. Her submissive lusts surge through her body, molded by your soul's touch.


“Good girls accept their punishments because they know they've been bad and have to make it up to their masters.”


Her ass glowed such a wondrous shade of red. You ache to be hard, to feel that swelling lust in your jeans at the sight of her scarlet rump. She wiggles her hips more, the spicy musk of her hot pussy reaching your nose.


“Good girls don't curse a man they have the hots for because they think they're in charge!”


“Do they?”

“No,” she moaned, arching her rump up for your next spanking. Her juices glisten on her hairs, a line trickling down her thighs. “No they don't!”


Her lusts swirl through her, building in the depths of her pussy. It's like she's feeding off the pain, drinking it in and transforming it into ecstasy. Her snatch grows hotter and hotter, her hips wiggling, her voice so throaty as she moans and whimpers.


“So what are you going to do?” you ask.


“Break my curse!” she cries out.


Her back arches. Her body heaves. You feel the lusts crashing through her, the orgasmic passion raging through her body. She came just from being disciplined. Her juices squirt out of her cunt, anointing your jeans as she quivers in rapture.

Her spicy musk fills your nose as she whimpers and squirms. Her pleasure surges through her body. She groans, her eyes rolling back into her head. Her moans sing out through the library, her silky, black hair swaying about her shoulders.

“You are my Master!” she howls, gripped by her ecstasy. “You deserve my devotion, not my pettiness. You made me so wet. You made me so hot! But I was such a bitch! I thought I could control you! Deserved to control you! I recant my curse! I take it back! Your cock can rage hard for as long as you want.”

The room shook beneath the power of her words. The table vibrates beneath her. The power washes over you. You stagger back, feeling her magic grapple with something inside of you. You groan, clutching your chest.

“You are free of my wickedness! You are free of my selfishness! You are free to use your cock and fuck me hard, Master!”

The power of her words surges down through your body to your dick. In an instant, you spring to full hardness. Your cock aches and throbs in your jeans. You clench your fist, sucking in such deep breaths as the room spins around you. You groan while the aching need assaults your thoughts.

Before you can think, you're ripping down your jeans. Your dick bounces out hard before you, thrusting with all your turgid need. Her hot eyes watch you over her shoulder, her crimson rump quivering as she wiggles in anticipation. You can feel her desire sweeping through her.

Your slave needs your dick in her pussy, fucking her.

You ram into the silky glove of her snatch. She spasms around you, her cunt embracing you with her juicy heat. You groan as you sink to the hilt in her. She quivers, her back arching, her twat clamping down so tight on you.

“Yes, yes, yes, Master!” she moans as you lean over her, your crotch pressed into her well-spanked ass. “Fuck me! Pound me! Use my pussy! I wanted this so badly earlier! Yes, yes, yes!”

You draw back your hips and slam your cock into her pussy. Your balls smack into her clit, her snatch squeezing down each time you fill her. She wiggles her hips, stirring her twat around your thrusting shaft, massaging it with her juicy delights.

“You are dripping wet!” you groan, savoring the feel of her, watching her butt-cheeks ripple before you. “You're my slut, aren't you?”

“Your slut!” she moaned, squirming on the table. “I'll do anything for you! Oh, yes, I need this! You're feeding on me! I love it!”

You devour her lusts spilling through her body. She holds nothing back, submitting to you utterly. She's open to you, wanting you to devour her passion and feed your incubal hungers. It gives her more pleasure. She shudders in delight knowing that she gives you the satisfaction you crave, that she satiates all your lusts.

You fuck her harder and harder, smacking into her well-spanked rump. Your hands grab her ass, unable to resist the presence of her well-spanked rump. She hisses at the pain as you squeeze them. But she doesn't object as you part her butt-cheeks.

“Yes, yes,” she gasps, moaning your name with such passion. “Do whatever you want to me. I'm yours! Always yours!”

You stare at her asshole. You never had anal in your life. You've always craved that treat. And Sun will give it to you. The witch will do anything for you. She aches to please you in every way. By using her, dominating her, you are giving her what she's always secretly craved, secretly yearned for.

You rip your cock out of her pussy. Her juices drip off your shaft. Your dick twitches before you as you readjust it. You guide it to her brown, puckered hole. You know she's a virgin back there, that she's never taken anything into her bowels.

“Fuck my ass, Master!” she gasps as you press the wet tip of your dick against her sphincter. “Just ram it into me!”

Her begging words only makes it sweeter as you thrust.

For a moment, her asshole resists you. It fights against your invading dick. But lubed by her spicy juices, it surrenders to your girth. She let out a long, throaty moan as her tight ring spreads wider and wider, swallowing the tip of your dick. Then the shaft. You groan, sliding deeper into her. You clutch at her hips as you keep pressing forward until your crotch presses against her well-spanked rump. 

You grin in satisfaction when her bowels have taken your dick to the hilt. She shudders, clenching her velvety flesh about your dick. It's so much tighter than her pussy. Not as juicy. A different thrill that has you groaning in delight as you draw back through her velvety sheath.

“Master!” she moans, her back arching. “Oh, Master, yes! It hurts soooooo good! Use me! I'm your slut!”

“Always!” you growl, feasting on her lusts. The more you devour her passions, the closer her soul feels towards yours.

You drive your dick hard into her bowels. You ram into her depths, making her groan. Her asshole clenches down on you. Your crotch smacks into her cherry-red ass. The Korean witch whimpers in pain and delight, bucking back into you. The table creaks beneath you.

Every thrust sends pleasure rippling down your dick. It surges into your balls. You have a load of cum building and building, aching to explode out of you. Never again will your dick be hard, your nuts empty. Not when you have a witch as your submissive slave.

“Fuck!” you groaned, the rapture of her velvety asshole building your orgasm so fast. 

Just as it builds in her. Every time you ram into her, she moans. The pain and pleasure swells through her, swelling each other, They create a feedback loop in her, driving her towards the height of ecstasy, giving you the sensual energy you crave.

You plant your hands on the table and plow her so hard, ramming into her with every ounce of your strength. Your balls smack into her taint, mixing with the sounds of her gasps and moans. She clenches her bowels harder on your dick, her orgasm about to explode through her.

“May I cum, Master?” she whimpers.

The idea of controlling her orgasms hasn't even occurred to you. “Yes!” you growl, unable to stop yourself, on the verge of erupting yourself. “You may cum, slave!”

“Thank you, Master,” the witch howls with such joy in her voice. She savors this delight, this permission you've given her.

She gasps and moans. Her pleasure bursts out of her. She bucks and convulses. Her asshole writhes about your dick, sucking at it. You savor it. The pleasure surges through your body as her bowels spasms about your cock, aching for your cum.

You devour all the lusts spilling out of her. You claim her soul utterly as yours. She'll be your submissive witch for the rest of your life. You don't need Amber. Not when you have this exciting slave in your life.

“Sun!” you groan. “My slut! My slave!”

“Yours, Master!” she howls. “Cum in me! Use me! Satiate yourself in my dirty hole!”

With a groan, you bury into her bowels. Your dick slams to the hilt in her. Your back arches as the pleasure rushes out of you. Your cock erupts. You pump blast after blast of your spunk into her bowels. You fill her to the hilt with your cum.

The rapture surges through you. The best orgasm of your life as you cement the submissive witch to you. She'll be your devoted servant. With her magic and your lusts, the pair of you will have so much wicked fun.

All the pleasures you could ever want will be at your disposal while your submissive witch kneels at your side.

“I love you, Master!” she howls as the final blast of your cum floods her asshole.

You drink in her lust, her love, her utter submission, and grin. “What other naughty things should I do to you, slave?”

“What ever you want, Master,” she purrs.

The Submissive Witch Ending



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