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Holding hands, you and Amber search your college for the witch. As you peer through the rectangular windows set into each classroom door, hoping to spot Sun, you come to enjoy the feel of Amber's hand in yours more and more. There is a connection building between you, something more than the lust you felt outside in the forest. Something deeper.

Those unspoken emotions, those feelings you'd both kept hidden from each other, are rising and you both. Your new incubal senses allow you to define what she it is feeling. And it's this warm, bubbling surge of affection. She's willing to take on a witch because she loves you.

Isn't that a remarkable thing?

Her short, brown hair dances around her face. Her normally playful expression swallowed by the seriousness of her focus. She wants to fix you. She wants you to be whole again. Not just so she can enjoy you, but because she wants restore your happiness.

You give her hand squeeze. She glances at you, and you smile at her. She beams back. She she shines like the rising sun. It almost blinds you with her beauty. You stand in awe of her emotions.

“We'll find her,” she says. “Don't you worry.”

“I'm not,” you say, believing her. A surge of emotions rise in you. They all want to tumble out of your mouth, but there's so much of them, they tangle your tongue. You can't put into words what you feel for her. So you let your eyes speak.

She understands.

You find Sun waiting for you on the second floor, perched on a table at the entrance to the library, her legs crossed, the overhead lights glinting off her black thigh-high boots. Her large breasts swell her lilac baby doll t-shirt. Delicate, black eyebrow rises above her slanted eye.

“Now this is interesting,” the witch says, her voice purring. “You broke my spell I put on Amber. Interesting.”

“I knew you made her slap me,” you accuse Sun.

Amber nods her head in agreement.

Sun just shrugs.

“Well... we're here to ask you to undo your spell,” you say, swallowing your anger. You squeeze Amber's hand. “I'm sorry for thinking you wanted to join us. It was a mistake.”

“You can't punish him for getting overwhelmed by what he is,” Amber says. “Just, please undo your spell. He's a wonderful guy. Yeah, he may be a perv, but what guy his age isn't?”

The witch's tongue slides across her lips. She gives us considering looks. Her breasts rise and fall she ponders the situation. He shakes her head, something that looks like disbelief flashing across her face. She lets out a laugh.

“An incubus in love...” she says, looking up to the ceiling, to the heavens. “You have got to be kidding me.”

Your hand grips Amber's tightly. The focus on Sun, saying, “Yes, I do love her. I think I've always loved her. I just... I just never noticed her loving me back. Please, you're punishing her as much as me.”

“Damn,” she says, “I was really looking forward to using you to fuel my magic. You'd make a fun toy, but this is interesting, too. Love... That's powerful. You know what I could do with love?”

Amber shakes her head.

“I could wrought miracles.” Her eyes narrow at the pair of us. Her face grows hard. “If you give me your love, Amber, I will restore him. If you don't, the impotence will rob him of being an incubus. By the end of the day, he will be a normal guy. A normal guy with the dick that will never fuck again. That will never get hard. You will always feel empty. You always feel like he is lacking something essential about him. It will eat at him. It will gnaw at him.

“But if you give me your love...”

Before you can object, Amber blurts out, “Yes!”

“No!” you exclaim. “You can't do that. You can't give up your love.”

But Amber has already broken away from you. She's heading towards the witch, back straight. You can fill the resolve inside of her. It stiffens her spine. It empowers her. She loves you so much that she's willing to give up her feelings to make you whole.

Sun grabs Amber. The witch pulls your friend to her. Their lips come closer and closer, almost touching. You know it'll be the hottest lesbian kiss of all time. You know that it will change everything. That it will steal away Amber's emotions for you.

But you'll be whole. You'll be an incubus again. It's what Amber wants. Shouldn't you respect that?

Or should you stop her? Love is more than sex. It's something special, something amazing, something that transcends everything. Can you let the witch steal it from Amber? Can you let her use it to work more of her dark magic?

What do you choose to do?

Do you let Amber kiss Sun? 

Do you stop Amber before it's too late? 



You Let Amber Kiss Sun!