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You rush after Amber. You had to break this curse, and to do that, you have to make it right with your friend. You've known her all your life. This isn't the first time she's been mad at you. You can fix things between you.

You race down the trail, hurrying to catch up to her. You burst out of the woods onto your school's grounds. The main building rises above you, the exterior clad in brick. The windows look steel gray today, reflecting back the overcast skies. Students are arriving, cute girls in tight jeans and fun skirts are flowing into the building. You ignore them, scanning for Amber. You know her schedule. Where she'll be.

“Hey, man,” Todd, your friend, calls as you race inside. He's lounging outside the entrance. “What's your rush?”

“Just got to find Amber.” You pause, studying Todd. He's a tall guy with blond hair falling in shaggy waves around his face. He wears his baggy jeans sagged low on his hips, his anarchist t-shirt's sleeves ripped off. “You seen her?”

“Oh, yeah, she looked pissed. Marched through her like a minute ago.” Todd grins at you. “What did you do to piss her off? Forget to tell her how great that ass looks in that skirt.”

“Something like that,” you mutter and dart inside.

You head for the stairs, racing up them too at a time. You burst onto the third floor, breathing heavily. Heart pounding in your chest, you snap your gaze around the hallway. You spot Amber talking with another girl outside her first class. 

“Amber!” you shout.

She stiffens as you charge down the hallway. You reach her as she turns around, studying her expression. You don't see the anger that she showed earlier, but her forehead is furrowed, her eyes wide and her lips half-parted.

She says your name, shaking her head.

“I'm sorry, Amber,” you say, grabbing her arm. “Can we talk?”

“Um, I'll see you in class,” the other girl says. “If you're okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, I'm fine,” Amber says. “I'll see talk to you later.”

Amber's friend heads into classroom as you stare into Amber's eyes. The golden glint in her hazel irises. “I'm sorry for thinking you would be okay with the threesome. I... I thought you were into it. I don't know. Everything's so crazy today.”

“Yeah,” she says, a shiver racing through her body. “I mean, I was kinda into it. Feeling her watching us while you were fingering me. I...” She shakes her head and then punches you in the shoulder. “You just made me that horny, stud, that I would have had a threesome with you. What's up with that?”

“Well...” You swallow. “I guess I'm an incubus.”

Her head cocks to the side. “Well, I just saw a witch cast a spell on you. So I guess that explains why you're just so...” She shifts. You can feel the lusts billowing through her, hot winds sweeping across her body. Her nipples harden. “So yummy. Like a Ken doll.” Her hands grab your shoulders, fingers squeezing you. “So solid. I mean, I thought you were cute before but now... Now I want you. I...” She frowns.


“I think that witch cast a spell on me, too,” she says. “I was so into having a threesome until she got mad and... And then I was just so angry at you. It came from out of nowhere.” Her forehead furrows. “That bitch.”

“Yeah.” You nod your head in complete agreement. Despite the lust you feel billowing through Amber, your dick is still as limp as a noddle, just so flaccid in your boxers. “Yeah, she is a bitch.”

“She was into you,” continues Amber. “I saw it. Then she got mad and cursed you. What, did she want you all to herself?”

“I don't know.”

“Come on,” Amber says, grabbing your hand. “Let's get your dick working. Let's prove that witch wrong. I'll make you so hard!” She spins around, her short, brown hair flaring about her head. She marches ahead, yanking you after her.

The sway of her ass in her tight jean skirt does nothing to turn you on.

She leads you right to a single-use, gender-neutral bathroom. Not caring that the other students streaming by sees you two, she throws the door open and pulls you in. When Amber sets her mind to something, she gets it done.

It's her turn to pin you against something, the door. She presses her body against yours. Her mouth is as hot as earlier, lips so plump and delicious. Her tongue thrusts into your mouth while her hips sway, grinding her crotch into yours.

No twinge. No tingle. No twitch. Your dick stays limp.

She kisses you harder, moaning. She sounds almost angry, almost passionate, wavering between the two emotions. Her lusts pulse through her, beating with frustration as she grinds her crotch harder into your dick, her breasts pressing on your chest.

With a hiss, she breaks the kiss, snarling, “Nothing?”

“Sorry,” you groan. “You feel so good against me, but...”

“But it's not enough.” She grabs her shirt and peels it off revealing a purple bra beneath. She doesn't even unhooks it, just yanks it up and over her tits. Her small breasts jiggle out, so firm with her youth, her nipples dusky and hard. They thrust at you. She cups her tits, squeezing her little handfuls. “Huh, is this doing anything?”

“No,” you groan, almost drooling even as your dick stays as soft as a pillow. “Nothing. There's no blood flowing at all.”

“Is it my tits?” she demands. “I know they're not those massive boobs Lilah parades around the school, or that teacher you're always drooling over.”

Ms. Rhea's busty cleavage pops into your imagination.

“Your tits are great,” you say, grabbing them, feeling her hard nipples rub against your palms. She shivers at the touch, her pupils dilating. “They're perfect handfuls. I want to worship them but...”

“That fucking witch.” Her face hardens. “We're going to get you hard.” She falls to her knees and attacks your jean's fastener and zipper. “I'm going to make this dick explode. You'll see. You'll be spurting so hard into my mouth.”

She thrusts open your jeans and hauls them down your legs. She squeezes your soft dick through your boxers then yanks them down, too. You shake your head. Your cock has never looked smaller, so insignificant. She grabs it and brings it to her lips.

She swallows your dick.

She sucks, her tongue dancing around the crown. You can feel the wet swipe of her tongue, your dick still drinks in sensations, but it lacks that exciting tingle. Your cock doesn't throb or twitch. No building ache grows at the tip.

She growls around your cock, determination flashing across her expression. She sucks even harder, her cheeks hollowing. She fondles your balls, kneading them, trying to stir some life in your cock. Drool runs down her chin as she hums, the vibrations buzzing around your shaft.

“Fuck,” you cry out in frustration. You just want to get hard, to fully enjoy her warm, wet mouth around your cock.

Her mouth pops off. “Nothing?”

“Not a twitch,” you groan.

“I didn't even taste any precum,” she says. “But don't fear, I have another idea. Just need more stimulation.”

She pulls up her skirt revealing the cutest pair of panties you've ever seen. Hello Kitty panties, white with the cute cat mascot printed right on the front. They are something a kid would wear. You don't even think to laugh, you're too panicked by your limp dick, your stomach twisted into knots. She shoves them down, exposing her virgin pussy you fingered early through those very panties. 

She spreads her legs wide, her brown bush trimmed and glistening with her juices. Her pink lips part, exposing her hymen stretching across the entrance to her virgin pussy. She rubs at herself, sliding up her folds to her clit peeking out of its hole.

“Look at this cunt,” she moans. “It's begging to be taken by you. To be fucked. Don't you just want to pop my cherry? Don't you just ache to bury into me and make me explode?”

“Yes,” you groan in utter frustration, staring with such longing at that beautiful sight. You lick your lips, your dick still so dead. Not a peep comes from it. “I want you so badly.”

You can feel her lusts rising in her, but you can't even take a bite. How can you enjoy her passion if you can't get your dick up? That witch has robbed you of the most primal part of your existence. She has stolen it from you.

“It's not working!” you shout. “Fuck, I want you so badly!”

You fall to your knees. You press your face right into her bush, feel her silky pubic hair rustling on your face. You inhale so deeply of her musk. She smells so wonderfully sweet and feminine. This rich musk that you just have to enjoy. 

And can't.

Even licking through her pussy, tasting her sweet passion, feeling her maidenhead and the promise of such pleasure does nothing for your dick. You look up at Amber's hazel eyes, defeat sagging your shoulders.

“I can't get it up,” you groan, words so soft, your mouth tasting like ash instead of delicious pussy.

“What about the succubus?” asks Amber.

You frown. “Succubus?”

“They say one of the cheerleaders—Lilah, I think—is a succubus.” Amber bites her lower lip for a moment. “Maybe she can help. Or... Or maybe we just have to go and beg to the witch to break it. Together. Maybe... With me there, Sun'll be nice and free you.”

Can you trust Sun to release your curse? Or should you gamble on whether or not Lilah is a succubus who can even help you? What do you choose?

Do you and Amber go to Sun and beg her to break the spell? 

Do you and Amber track down Lilah and hope that she can help you? 


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