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“Fuck,” you gasp in frustration as you pull your fingers out of Amber's juicy pussy.

Your friend, her eyes wide, shoves down her skirt, her cheeks so flushed, her hazel eyes glassy with desire. She groans with you, shaking her hips, trying to look normal. You swallow, glancing down the trail, trying to adopt a casual pose while your dick swells in your pants.

Then Amber does something that shocks you. She grabs your hand and pulls your fingers, coated in her sweet juices, to her lips. She pops them into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing, sucking hard on your fingers, cleaning her own juices off her fingers. You feel something, almost like lust, spilling through her. A quivering, depraved desire that swells in her.

“You are so naughty,” you groaned as you pull your fingers out of her lips.

“I know,” she said just as the interloper appears. Amber puts on a bright smile, saying, “Hi, Sun.”

“Oh, hi,” Sun, a Korean student who attends your college, said. She dresses in a rather unique style. She wore her usual outfit, goth but with a sensual flavor about it. A lilac baby doll t-shirt hugs her large breasts, some of the biggest at your school, matching with the darker purple of her skirt hemmed with delicate, black lace. The skirt swayed about her thighs, leaving an inch of her pale-olive flesh exposed before the tops of her heeled, thigh-high boots. They were black, of course. Her slanted eyes glances at you, her eyebrows arching.

She gives a polite smile as she struts by, her ass swaying in a way that makes your dick hard. You can't help but follow that ass as she saunters towards the school. Amber nudges you in the ribs, shaking her head, a playful smile on her face.

“Your eyes are about to fall out of your head, stud.” Her smile grows. “First you try to finger my pussy, then you drool over another girl.”

“I'm just appreciate art in all its natural glory,” you tell her, glancing down at her hard nipples pressing on her top. “Wherever it's found.”

She rolls her eyes and heads down the trail. “Come on,” she said. “Let's get going. Classes start soon.”

“Yeah,” you groan and adjust your cock throbbing in your jeans.

She takes your arm as you walk, pressing against you in a way that feels nice. She leans in, giving you a kiss on the mouth. You can taste the lingering flavor of her own pussy juices staining her lips. It makes your dick ache and throb as you walk with her. Your steps are light as you can smell her excitement. The aroma carries you along as you march through the woods.

Even though you were interrupted, you know that Amber still wants you. The lusts simmers in her. Next time, it'll be perfect. Next time, you'll have the privacy to strip her naked and devour her pussy. To make her moan and gasp and squirm in ecstasy. Your dick aches just thinking about all the naughty things you want to do to her, how you'll ravish her and make her sing out in ecstasy.

You reach the school, other students marching in. You notice the girls in their tight jeans or flaring skirts, all those hot, young coeds who get your dick hard. Ms. Rhea, your busty communication's professor, struts from the parking lot in her heels, her legs clad in dark nylons, a beige skirt clinging to her swaying rump. The dark fabric of her bra, containing her large tits, bleeds through her transparent, maroon blouse.

“Is that what you want to stare at?” Amber asks, her fingers digging into your arms. “There's a pair of tits much, much closer you can ogle, stud”

You stare down at her breasts, so firm and taut as they press against her black top, the Avenged Sevenfold logo stretched over them. “Yes, they are.”

“And I can think of something else you'd like to stare at,” she whispers as you walk into the school in Ms. Rhea's wake.

“Oh?” you ask.

You shouldn't be surprised when Amber pulls you towards a supply closet with the amount of lust brimming in her. She was building towards her orgasm with Sun interrupted your fingering. Now her desires spill out of her into you. Your... soul eats them, feeding on them.

She turns the nub, grins at you in such a playful manner, and then hauls you inside. The door closes behind you. It's small, cramped, shelves covered in cleaning supplies surrounds you, the scent of lemon-zest fills the air.

“What is it you want to show me?” you ask her as she leans against a metal shelf, bottles of window cleaner rattling behind her.

“This,” she says, lifting up her jean skirt to reveal a pair of cute, Hello Kitty panties she's wearing.

You goggle that your tomboyish friend was wearing such cute, childish panties beneath her skirt. The cartoon mascot, all pink and white, is stretched over her pussy mound, the crotch darkened by her excitement. Amber blushes to the roots of her brown hair at your hungry gaze, but that doesn't stop her from pushing down her panties, unveiling her soft bush dripping with her desire.

You let out a hungry groan, licking your chops. She looks so delectable as she peels down the Hello Kitty panties farther and farther down her thighs. She steps out of them with such a dainty gesture, her cheeks blazing scarlet now. She holds them up to you.

“I swear, you better not laugh at me about these,” she says, glaring daggers at you.

You take the panties from her, holding them up before your face to examine them. The cute mascot is on both sides. You imagine seeing her rear clad in these panties, your dick throbbing at how naughty the sight would be. “Why would I laugh at you wearing the panties of a kindergartner?” You give her an innocent smile. “I didn't even think these came in adult sizes.”

She arches an eyebrow.

You inhale the sweet musk clinging to her panties, feel the warmth of her flesh. “Of course, this is the scent of a woman.”

“That's right, stud.” She runs a finger through her curling pubic hair down to her pussy. “It's all woman right here. You stirred me up. I need you to finish the job. You can't get a girl feeling this frisky and leave her hanging.”

The laughter wants to burst out of you, but at the same time you realize that she's trusting you with something so personal, so private. These are the panties she would never share the world, that feminine side of her she's hidden beneath her bold, playful act. The desire swallows any humor now. You just want to feast on her.

To make her explode.

You fall to your knees before Amber. As good as smelling her sweet musk was on her panties, you knew experiencing her fresh and hot would be even better. You nuzzle into her soft bush, inhaling as deep as you could. Her fragrance fills your nose, making your entire body tingle.

She trembles, staring down at you, aching for you to begin. You can feel it in her, that wanton need to be feasted upon. And you can't resist. Not this succulent, virgin feast laid out before you just begging to be devoured.

You take your first lick.

She moans your name in wanton passion. “That's so good.”

Amber's pleasure spurs you on. You take another lick, caressing her hymen stretched over the entrance of her pussy. She lets out a keening wail. Her eyes roll back into her head, her breasts swelling the front of her Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt. Her sweet cream flows across your tongue.

You slide your hands around her hips to grab her ass. He squeeze her tush, pulling on her, pressing her pussy against your mouth. Her lap harder, flicking your tongue through her juicy snatch. She lets out another whimper, her hips undulating, stirring her snatch on your hungry lips.

“Damn, you taste good,” you moan, savoring the freshness of her passion. You want to keep licking her, to make that lust in her grow and blossom.

Something else you long to devour. Her passion. Her part-time emotions.

“And you... Oh, damn, I didn't know it could feel so good.” Her hazel eyes glimmer as she stares down at you. “Just keep licking. I need it.”

“To cum?”


Your tongue attacks her clit this time. You flutter it against her pink nub. She jumps, her body electrified by the contact with her bud. Her moans grow even louder, echoing through the supply closet. She sucks in such a deep breath, trembling as you please her. She shifts her hips from side-to-side, smearing her pussy on your mouth.

Over and over she moans your name, singing out your praise as you devour her virgin pussy. You drink the sweet cream that flows out of her while squeezing and kneading her ass. Her hands cup her tits, thumbing her hard nipples through shirt and bra.

“Oh, yes,” she whimpers then calls out your name again. “Oh, yes, that's so good.”

“Just let it happen,” you tell her, feeling her orgasm on the verge of erupting through her. “Don't fight it. Let it spill through your body.”


You flutter your tongue across her hymen and brush her clit again. She gasps, squeezing her eyes shut. The pleasure swells in her, that great feast your soul hungers to devour comes nearer and nearer to being readied. She simmers, about to boil into rapture.

You nip her clit with you tongue.

She screams out your name in orgasmic bliss.

Sweet cream floods out of her cunt and pours into your mouth. You gulp it down as she bucks above you. Her moans echo through the supply closet. The metal shelf she leans against creaks as she thrashes in pleasure.

And her lusts... Her lusts spill through her body. They consume Amber. She gasps and whimpers as they ripple through her. She let's out the naughtiest of moans. She bucks and heaves, smearing her pussy across your mouth. She whimpers, groans. The delight surges through her body and pours into your soul.

You feast on her passion. You devour it. Nothing has ever tasted sweeter to you. You revel in it as she moans and gasps.

Just as her pleasure dies down, the door opens.

“Well, well, well,” a feminine voice husks.

Lilah, the head cheerleader, enters. The most popular girl at your college, the vampish, busty redhead that could make a corpse erect, grins at you. She has her hands on her hips, her short skirt clinging to her lush, tone thighs. Her breasts jiggle, so perky despite their size, clearly unconstrained by a bra beneath her skin-tight, vermilion top. Her hungry, scarlet lips purse as she examines you.

“What the fuck?” gasps Amber, shoving down her skirt.

“I thought I sensed something naughty in here and...” Her eyes fall on you. “Well, well, well, this is interesting.” She grabs the hem of her skirt, drawing it up to expose the shaved folds of her pussy, a gold ring pierced through her clit. “So, big boy, you wanna eat my cunt, too?”

You stare at that cunt and feel something... special about it. About her. She feels... like you. A female version of what you are. A succubus aching to experience an incubus's passion.

“No, no,” Amber groans, yanking back up her jean skirt, baring her virgin twat. “I need you in me. I need to be fucked!”

You have two tempting offers before you, the delicious pussy of Lilah, or the virgin delight of your friend. Which do you choose?

Do you eat Lilah's pussy? 

Do you fuck Amber's virgin pussy? 



Well, let's have fun and fuck Amber's virgin pussy!