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“Your juices?” you demand of the succubus. “I think I've delivered on my end.”

“Ooooh, yes, you did, incubus,” Lilah purrs. Her eyes flick to the gangbang, Amber's moans echoing through the cafeteria.

The naked succubus, her large breasts swaying before her, grabs her purse from her piled clothing beside her. She opens it up, rooting around inside. The scent of her pussy juices, an exciting ambrosia that tickles your nose and almost makes your dick hard, fills the air. She squirms, a clear puddle forming around her ass.

“Here we are,” she says, pulling out a small vial, like the type you would use in chemistry class. She pulls off the gray rubber stopper and brings it to her pussy. She lets out an orgasmic moan, her pussy lips clenching tight, forcing out a river of her cream to flow into the container.

She fills the vial.

“Enjoy,” she says with a wink that is somehow malevolent. A chill runs down your spine. Can you trust Sun?

Do you have a choice?

You can feel the warmth of the succubus's juices through the glass vial. You hurry through the halls, clutching it in your hand. You race up the stairs the second floor and hustle to the library where the witch awaits you. Amber's moans echo through your mind.

Will she be a whore for the rest of her life?


Sun awaits you perched on the library desk. She has her legs crossed before her, her thigh-high boots dully reflecting the overhead light. She sucks in a deep breath, her breasts pressing up against a lilac blouse.

An unnatural light glints off her amulet.

“Wonderful,” she purrs, her almond-shaped eyes locking onto your hand.

You hesitate for a moment as she reaches for the vial. Can you trust her? Do you have a choice?

You let Sun take the vial from you. Such a look of ecstatic delight surges over her. She holds it up before her face, her delicate eyes drinking in the side of it. Color darkens the pale-olive of her cheeks.

“My curse is so strong,” Sun says as she reaches into the pocket of her purple skirt. She produces another vial full of a blue liquid. “Not even I can do the magic I placed on you. But with that succubus trollop's help, I can create an antidote that will break the enchantment.”

“I'll get hard again?” you ask her.

“Oh, yes, you'll have all your lusts back. You will brim with all that desire, incubus.” 

She trembles as she uncorks both vials. With great care, she pours the succubus's pussy juices into the sapphire concoction. You tremble as a deep indigo stains the elixir as the cunt cream mixes with it. Sun swirls it the contents around, the purple spreading like a vast cloud, overtaking the blue. Her smile grows and grows.

Your skin galvanizes. Electric current runs across your flesh, raising every hair on your body. You can feel the magic in the air. It crackles from that vial. Hope beats in your heart. You crave it so badly, you want your dick to get hard again. You want to experience your desire once more.

Sun holds the vial out before you, offering it. You take it. 

Such greedy excitement fills you. You don't think, you just raise the warm vial to your mouth and drink. It tastes at once both tangy and spicy, two different musk swirling together on your tongue. It coats your mouth, your throat, as it slides down to your belly. You feel it settle inside of you.

For a moment, nothing happens. Your cock stays limp. 

Then you can feel the potion's sitting in your stomach. It feels so heavy and brims with possibility. You tremble in anticipation. You moan, eyes widening as the power it surges out of your belly. Your body soaks up the magic, drinking it up like a dry sponge. It spreads and spreads, filling every inch of you. It reaches down to your toes and up to the crown of your head.

Your fingers tingle.

Your cock throbs.

Your body quivers.

Joy surges through you as your dick hardens. It swells in your jeans, pulsing with the beat of your heart. Your cock grows uncomfortably tight in your boxers. You're hard. You're aching to fuck. The spell is broken. You are free of the curse.

Sun laughs. Cold, triumphant, victorious.

A cold sweeps through you, knifing through the heat from the potion. Your body trembles as you feel the elixir doing even more to you. It hasn't just freed you from her spell but is transforming you. You gasp as the world grows smaller and smaller and smaller around you. You gape as Sun rises above you, stretching out with the height of a tree as you shrink farther and farther down. Your clothes grow looser about you. Your jeans and boxers fall off your narrowing hips. Your arms retreats into the sleeves of your t-shirt. And then it falls down your body when your shoulders slim narrower than the neck opening.

In moments, you're only six or seven inches tall. You stand surrounded by your falling clothes. They form vast mounds that pen you in. Sun, a giantess, grins in triumph. She reaches down for you. You race for your shirt and jump on the fluffy pile of clothing as you scramble to escape. You scramble over it, heart pound and—

She snags you.

“You are not going anywhere, my little toy,” the witch says, her voice a thunderous purr. “Oh, no, I need all that lust in you. That succubus-bitch won't resist me any longer. Not with my little toy powering me.”

You struggle and thrash in her grip. But she holds you with strong fingers. Your little fists drum on her thumb. But you're no stronger than a gerbil thrashing in his mistress's grip. Her left hand lifts her skirt, revealing her black panties trimmed in lace. She hooks her gusset and hauls her panties to the side. A thick, black bush spills out, the hairs coated in drops of dew the size of your own head.

“No!” you shout as she brings you towards her dripping snatch. You can see her pussy lips surrounded by her thick pubic hairs. Her spicy musk fills your nose, every inhalation makes you dizzy from the scent of her passion. “You can't do this to me!”

She ignores your protests as she brings you to her pussy. Like a living dildo, she slides you into her silky depths. The juicy walls of her cunts around you. She pushes you deeper and deeper, her spicy cream bathing your body. If pours into your mouth. Your dick throbs as it rubs against her sheath.

Pleasure races through your body.

You're in her pussy. The tip of your cock drinks in the silky feel of the walls of her snatch. The deeper you slide, the more pleasure you feel. You writhe and thrash in her, her cunt contracting around you. You can feel her moans of passion vibrating through her body. You're stimulating her as you squirm inside of her.

You drink more and more of her juices. You breathe her cunt cream. Somehow, you don't drown. You hump your hips, fucking your cock against the silky walls of her pussy. She feels so good. You're utterly surrounded by her hot, inner depths.

She moans again, her cunt rippling about you, massaging your entire body. It's like nothing you've ever experienced in your life. You're her living dildo. And she loves you being in her. You are pleasing her as you wiggle. As you thrash. You can't help yourself. She feels like silky heaven, stimulating your entire body, making you squirm.

You guzzle down her spicy juices. You're growing drunk on them. Your cock throbs harder and harder. Your balls grow tighter and tighter. Your orgasm grows in you. Every thrust against her her inner walls brings you closer and closer to erupting. 

You scream out in rapture as you cum in her depths. Your jizz fires out of your cock. Ecstasy shivers through your body. Stars burst before your eyes as you thrash and writhe within her. The bliss drowns your mind, bathing your thoughts in euphoria.

You don't care that you're trapped in her pussy.

You don't care that she shrunk you and made you into her living dildo.

You just care about the ecstasy firing out of your dick. The euphoria sweeping through your body. You can feel more than just your cum erupting from your dick. You can fill that primal energy that transformed you into an incubus spilling into her.

She drinks it in. She's using it. It gives her such ecstasy to devour your lusts. Her pussy spasms around you. You can feel her moaning and gasping in orgasmic delight. She cums, bathing you in more of her spicy juices. You revel in them. You savor your new life.

You are the witch's toy. You'll spend an eternity of rapture buried in the depths of her pussy and love every second of it.

The Witch's Sex Toy Ending


Bob Fink

Now that was a very surprising ending, but I guess a deserving one after what he did to Amber.


So we had a tie. I let the random number generator decide. It selected Do You Choose to Enjoy Amber?