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You're almost in a panic when you reach the school. Your heart is racing, sweat making your entire body clammy. Your shirt sticks to your chest, feeling almost too tight. It squeezes your torso as you desperately wish for any life to twitch in your cock.

No one deserved to go through life impotent for something as simple as asking a girl if she wanted to have a threesome. You were positive she was into it. You could feel the lust bleeding of off her. And Amber... Your cheek still remembers her slap. Her lust had evaporated just as fast.

None of this made sense.

You hurry towards the main building. It's not a large college, only a handful of collection of buildings. Most of the classes are held in this large structure made of brick that towers over everything. The windows look steel gray today, reflecting back the sky that looks as dour as you feel. You cast a gaze around, looking for the sign of that witch.

“She has to be able to undo it,” you tell yourself. “If I just ask nice enough. I'll even beg.”

You are certain there is nothing you wouldn't do to get your cock working again. What's the point of being an incubus if you have a dead pecker? 

“Hey, Todd,” you call at a classmate lounging outside the entrance. He's a tall guy, his hair blonde and falling in a shaggy mess about his face. He has a punk look about him, baggy jeans sagging low on his hips, an anarchist shirt, the sleeves torn off, hanging off his lanky frame. “Man, have you seen Sun?”

“That Korean chick?” Todd asks.

You nod as you stop before him.

“Dude, I don't mess with that chick. She's totally crazy, you know?”

“Yeah, I'm starting to realize that.” You shift your hips as a cute girl passes by, her skirt hugging her ass. Todd pauses to look, nodding his head in appreciation. On a normal day, your dick would have tingled, maybe even grown a chub.

Today, nothing.

“Why you looking for her anyways?” Todd asks, still watching the cute girl's ass as she headed deeper into the building. “Looking to get a love spell? I'm telling you, Amber's dying for you to tap that ass. You don't need any magic or whatever the shit Sun's into to get into Amber's pants.”

Had Amber's feelings for you been that obvious? Well, she didn't any longer. Not after how hard she slapped you.

“I just need to talk to Sun, okay?” you say, not at all wanting to tell Todd that your dick no longer works.

He shrugs. “I saw her go inside about five minutes ago. Your guess is as good as mine as where she is now.”

“You don't know what class she has first?” you ask, trying to keep the creeping panic out of your voice. But your words crack anyway, sounding like you're just going through puberty. 

“Dude, I don't know. She went inside. I stay away from crazy snatch.”

“Right, right,” you say and dart inside. You have to find her.

You hurry down the halls, peering through the narrow windows set in every classroom door, hoping to spot Sun sitting at a desk. Your heart beats faster and faster, your skin growing tighter like something ratchets it about you until you feel like you'll rupture and explode. Every time you don't see her, the pressure tensioning your skin increases.

“Fuck,” you say, your head pounding. Cold sweats drip across your body. “Where the fuck is she?”

You should be in Ms. Rhea's class right now, ogling her tits, getting a hardon from those massive sweater puppies the busty MILF packs. What you wouldn't give to chub up at the sight of her tits. Or any tits. None of the girls you pass does anything for you. Not even the glimpse you have the school's hottest cheerleader, Lilah, striding through the halls does anything for your cock.

Sun has to be somewhere in the school. You race up to the second floor to begin your search, shoes squeaking and... Through the open doors of the library, just to the right of the stairs, you spot Sun sitting on a desk, her legs crossed before her, her eyes locked right on you. She has a smirk on her lips, something amused.

She's been waiting for you to find her.

“I was starting to think you weren't going to track me down,” she says as you rush to her. “I see my spell has made an impact upon you.”

“Yes!” You reach her, panting, sweat pouring down your face. “I'm so sorry, okay? I just thought you were into it. I didn't mean to piss you off.”

“You thought a complete stranger would want to have a threesome with you and that skank you fingered?” She arches an eyebrow. “You have that high opinion of yourself?”

You shift your hips. “Yeah, it was arrogant of me. Okay? I'm sorry. But you got to break the spell. Please.”

“Well... an impotent incubus is fairly useless,” she says, leaning back, her large breasts stretching the pale-lilac top. They sway, her nipples press so hard against it. “And what would you do for me if I were to reverse my curse?”

You're not surprised she knows that your an incubus. Not after the spell she cast on you. And you're starting to understand why she did. She was horny, but she also needs something from you. She's manipulate you. But what choice do you have? She's right. An impotent incubus is useless. “Anything. Just, please, fix my cock.”

“First, do my task,” she says.

“Fine, what is it?”

She fixes you with a steely gaze and says, “I need the cunt juices of a succubus for a spell. You procure me that, and I'll fix you.”

“Where the fuck do I find that?” you thunder at her, your voice echoing through the room. Anger swirls through you. She made you impotent to do this? To set you with an impossible task? She's fucking with your life for a spell!

“You're resourceful,” she says with a fake smile, condescension almost dripping from the corners of her lips. “You'll figure it out. I have complete faith in you.”

You could go on her impossible task and try to track down this succubus, or you could make her fix you. Why should you let her blackmail you into doing her dirty work. Let her get her own cunt juices.

What do you do?

Do you search the succubus? 

Do you make Sun release her curse?