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Here's a little look at what I've been working on today. More of my telekinetic lesbian having fun molesting straight women with her mind. This time, a hot wife under her husband's nose. This is ROUGH DRAFT, so forgive any mistakes.

The door opened to the waiting room and a couple walked in. The man was average and nothing I cared about. But the woman with him, a wedding ring glinting on her fingers, perked me right up. I shifted in my seat, drinking in the sight of her large breasts bouncing in the tight top she wore. She had black hair framing a motherly face, approaching her early thirties, her makeup light, enhancing her natural beauty.

She sat down in a pair of jeans, crossing delicious looking legs. I shifted on the seat, staring across at her as I lowered my phone. She pulled out her own from her purse, scrolling through it while her husband shifted beside her.

“It's going to be fine,” she said to her husband. “Totally routine.”

“I know, Beverly,” he said, leaning back. “Jesus, we got here too early. And you know the doctor's never ready on time.”

“You didn't want to get stuck in traffic,” the wife answered, scrolling at her phone.

The husband snagged a national geographic magazine off the waiting table, flipping through it. He leaned over, resting his elbows on his knees. His foot tapped with nervous energy. I understood. My own stomach sometimes roiled.

I didn't want there to be anything wrong with it.

“Isn't she cute?” I murmured to Nikki.

Nikki leaned over to me, her hand resting on my skirt-clad thigh. “Yes, she is. She's got big boots. I wouldn't be surprised if she gave birth not long ago.”

I frowned. “Why do you say that.”

“Well, those look more than a little swollen. Like they're...ripe.” Nikki licked her dark lips. “Just full of milk.”

“Ooh, that would be something nice to enjoy,” I purred.

The woman looked up at us. I glanced down at my phone, my finger sliding across the screen. I accidentally brushed Anahita's link on the website. It loaded a new page. I glanced at the top heading, reading about her as a fertility goddess with big tits.

I bet she had milk-laden boobs.

“Damn, I just want to suckle on them,” I kept murmuring, staring down at my phone, pretending to read about this goddess Anahita.

“Uh-huh,” Nikki groaned. “Ooh, you have utterly corrupted me. Are you going to play with her.”

“Not worried I'll pop a blood vessel?”

Nikki nuzzled to my ear, her breath warm. “We're about to see the doctor. It can't hurt. Besides, you'll do it anyways.”

I grinned at my girlfriend then gave her a hot kiss on the mouth. I loved the feel of her lips against mine, so warm and plump. I loved this woman so much. She understood me. How I thought. How my lusts worked.

“Mmm, go play with her busty, married body beneath her husband's nose,” purred my girlfriend when I broke the kiss.

I grinned. “Gladly.”

The wife glanced at us, color spotting her cheeks. When she noticed us looking back, she stared down at her phone. Her hands shook, knuckles going a little white as she trembled with embarrassment. I grinned, licking my lips.

I sent out my thoughts with careful ease. I loved my telekinetic powers. They let me have such naughty fun. I drifted across the intervening space and slipped through the married woman's clothing. I passed through the weave and then touched her skin right between her breasts.

She had big, thick breast, heavy and soft. My thoughts circled them, giving her only the lightest touch. I clenched my own hands, wishing to feel those big tits directly. Nikki leaned over to me, nuzzling at my ear.

“What are you doing?” she whispered, her hand rubbing on my thigh through my skirt.

“Just the lightest touch on her breasts.” Then a naughty idea popped into my head. I split my thoughts, reaching out to Nikki, too. I slipped through her clothing, my telekinetic powers caressing her round tits, mimicking my actions on hers.

Nikki nodded, her blue eyes smoldering. “Good idea, you don't want her to know you're playing with her.”

“Nope,” I grinned at my girlfriend. She was oblivious that I was playing with her, too.

I sent both my thoughts caressing around both women's bodies. I stroked their skin with just the lightest of touch, just a flutter that you could almost miss. I explored their stomachs and the curves of their hips. I dove between their thighs, finding the black-haired woman's pussy covered in a trimmed bush, her hairs a little longer and a little softer than Nikki's.

I explored between their thighs. The wife had thick pussy lips, the type that protruded at least an inch from her pussy folds. Nikki, on the other hand, had a much tighter slit, only a hint of her labia peeking out. I loved the feel of them both.

Nikki squirmed beside me. “It's making me so hot just knowing your playing with her. My entire body's tingling. And my pussy's getting so wet.”

“Mine, too,” I groaned, pressing my thighs tight, my clit throbbing. 

The wife kept shifting, her eyes staring fixedly on her phone. Her fingers moved, typing out responses to her friends. Beside her, the man flipped through the magazine bored. He had no idea I was caressing his wife's pussy.

Then I moved my thoughts, sliding down both Nikki and the wife's thighs. The wife had toned legs. She was in good shape, her thighs thicker than Nikki's. I moved down her calves and to her feet. I rubbed at their soles.

Both women shifted, Nikki rubbing her foot absently into the carpeting.

“Ooh, yes, she's so much fun to play with,” I grinned, sliding my thoughts back up her legs. “I'm going to be a little more bold.”

“Good,” Nikki said, squirming as my thoughts reached both women's pussies again. I caressed through their folds. Nikki whimpered. “I am so turned on right now. I want to finger myself.”

“Me, too,” I purred, stroking up and down her slit. Not a hard touch, but not as light as before.

The hot wife perked up. Her eyebrows furrowed. She shifted in her seat, her cheeks growing pinker. Nipples tented the front of her blouse, growing hard as I slid my thoughts through those fat pussy lips. Her juices flowed as I savored the texture of her labia.

Nikki trembled beside me. I caressed up and down her vulva, brushing her labia peeking out. My girlfriend licked her lips. She pressed her thighs so tight. But not tight enough to slow down my naughty thoughts.

“I can almost feel what you're doing to...” Nikki's words trailed off. “Are you touching me, too.”

“Guilty,” I grinned. “What I'm doing to you is what I'm doing to her.”

Nikki's blue eyes widened. “No wonder she's squirming. You're rubbing her pussy. Ooh, you're so naughty.”

“So naughty,” I agreed, my thoughts moving up to their clits.

I massaged both women's buds. My own pussy grew hotter and hotter as if let their clits. Nikki's a little larger and fatter. I circled them both, coated in their juices. I massaged their slippery nubs, Nikki groaning.

And the wife frowned. She shifted, rubbing her right hand on her jeans. She bit her lip, her cheeks red now. Her chair creaked as she looked around. Her eyes were so wide, feeling the pleasure of my naughty caresses.

“Oh, yes, she must love that,” murmured Nikki. “I know I do.”

I grinned, turning my thoughts into mental-fingers. I rolled both their clits. The wife gasped, her body straightening. Her big breasts jiggled in her bra, so heavy and full. I wanted to play with those two. Her eyes were wide, tongue licking lips.

“Something wrong?” her husband asked her.

I kept rolling her clit. Her breath quickened. I knew pleasure rippled through her. She swallowed, confused by her body's reactions. “I'm fine. It's just... I'm nervous.”

“Me, too,” he said, patting her thigh.

I divided my thoughts again. I formed two telekinetic-mouths and sent them after both Nikki's and the woman's nipples. My mental-lips phased through blouses and bras to find hard nipples. I latched onto both women and suckled.

The wife groaned, her face going beat red. Sweat broke out across her body. Her clit throbbed in my mental-fingers' grip. She clutched at her cell phone, her eyes growing wild, black hair shifting as her head danced around.

I sucked harder on both women's nipples.

“Yes,” Nikki groaned, her nub smaller than the wife's.

“I know. I'm so naughty. This is...” My words trailed off as I tasted something creamy in my mouth.

A wet spot soaked across her blouse. My mental-mouth suckled at her breast. She was lactating. Her milk flowed. I could taste this hot, creamy treat, so much sweeter than cow's milk. I licked my real lips, tasting the flavor squirting out of her nipple and soaking into her clothing.

Nikki and the hot wife both squirmed. My girlfriend whimpered, understanding what was happening, but the married woman stared down at the growing stain on her blouse, not sure why it felt like something nursed at her nipple.

This made me so hot to play with her, to taste her creamy breast milk. I loved the flavor. It had a melony aftertaste, like cantaloupe. I squirmed, my pussy on fire as I swirled a telekinetic-tongue about her nipple and the suckled again.

The woman squirmed. A panicked look crossed her face. She stared at me. I winked at her.

“Time to really have fun,” I mouthed to her.

Her eyes widened. She shook her head, giving her husband a look. He was engrossed in the magazine, staring at it, eyes moving as he read. I licked my lips and nodded my head. Nikki just whimpered beside me, loving my thought playing with her nipples and clit.

I created new thought-mouths. Four of them. Two per women. I moved them to their assholes and pussies. Suckling hard at both their nipples, wishing Nikki lactated, I attacked their naughty holes. I rimmed their sphincters and lapped at their pussies.

The married woman bucked. Her eyes were so wide. “How?” she mouthed at me.

I just winked at her, mouth tasting so many flavors. The two different sour musks of Nikki and the married woman's asshole, one tangy pussy (Nikki's) and one sweet, and then delicious flavor of breast milk. My mind experienced all these wonderful delights at once.

I loved my powers.


Bob Fink

This is going to be another awesome and very naughty story ;-)