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Hi everyone, I have finished writing the free story for my patreon fans for June, Futa Captain's Naughty Diplomacy. It's the first of a three part adventure of Futa-Captain Breyna Ogisma and the naughty crew of the PES Penetrator. Here's a sneak peak at the rough draft. I should have the completed book ready sometime next Wednesday afternoon.

Stardate 173.03.78 – Planet Apeira Prime

Captain's Log, PES Penetrator: We have arrived at Apeira Prime, our objective simple: seduce the Apeirians into joining the Pangalactic Unified Star System Empire. An eager tingle even now throbs up my girl-cock as I stare down at the purple oceans below, abutting against the green continents. They say the Apeirians Queen is a stunningly beautiful creature, a being of such sexual appetites. A being I shall have to conquer with my thrusting prowess and graceful beauty for the good of the Empire! Oh, I shall cum so hard!

“Captain, the odds of successfully satisfying an Apeirian Queen is statistically improbable,” Science Officer Sia said as she strode besides the futa-captain of the Penetrator.

Captain Breyna Ogisma gave a flippant wave of her hand. The futanari captain of the PES Penetrator was set on her course of action. Her girl-cock, tenting the front of her red uniform—a form fitting dress that was low-cut to show off her round breasts, and the skirt short enough to flash her lovely thighs down to the knee-high, black boots, heeled to give her that extra, seductive sway—demanded she continue on her course of action.


It was why the Pangalactic Empire had sent her. She would serve PUSSE proud and fuck the Apeirian Queen into submission. And none were better at serving the mission of the Imperial Navy than her. They had one goal: to protect and befriend. To defend the democratic Empire from outside threats and to seduce new races into joining the Empire and increasing its strength and diversity.

In other words, to fight and fuck. And none were better and either than Breyna Ogisma.

The beautiful, redheaded futanari walked with a sway through the Grand Hive of the Queen, no doubts in her mind that she would succeed at making the Apeirian Queen explode in rapture on her big futa-dick. Like all of her hermaphroditic species, sex dominated her mind, her pussy dripping with the prospect, spicy juices reaching down to the tops of her boots.

“Respectfully, Captain, I believe you are once again thinking with your cock and not your brain,” said Science Officer Sia, a platinum-blonde and busty alien with sapphire eyes. She strode on Breyna's right, her uniform dress pure black for the science department instead of the red of a command officer. Her breasts swelled the front, the silver piping marking her rank flashing in the light peeking through hexagonal holes in the ceiling.

And drawing Captain Breyna's attention. It never failed to strike the futanari just how sad it was that such a pair of fine breasts were attached to Sia. She was Cyrgax, a race that cybernetically modified its members from birth, cutting out all forms of emotion, driven to the purest forms of logic.

“You don't understand the challenge,” Breyna said, waving her hand dismissively. “The challenge to conquer new pussy. You don't have a cock or a sex drive.”

“I have a sex drive, Captain,” Sia said, her voice at once both full and voluptuous while cold and logical. “I have that same instinct to procreate and ensure my genetic diversity passes on to another generation. I can even feel the pleasure of sexual intercourse.”

Not that I've noticed, thought Breyna. She had enjoyed her science officer many times. Sia saw sex like shaking hands, something you did to be polite.

“I have a cock, and it doesn't make any sense to me,” First Officer Trizzie Moirtsa said, walking on Captain Breyna's left. Like the futanari, Trizzie wore the red uniform, though her skirt was down to the maximum length allowed—mid-thigh. It left hardly any of her creamy thigh exposed.

Superficially, she looked human, as did Captain Breyna, but she was of a different hermaphroditic race. The Gynoclitist could transform their clitorides into full-functional cocks, while futanari like Captain Breyna always had their girl-dicks thrusting out from above their pussies.

“You don't have a cock right now,” Breyna noted, seeing no tale-tell bulge tenting the front of her second-in-command's uniform. “Maybe you should let it sprout.”

Trizzie let out a groan. “You know that doesn't matter. Unlike you, Captain, I can control my desires.”

“So can I,” smiled Breyna, her eyes locked on the bright opening. They were almost to the Breeding Pit, the place where the Apeirian Queen held court, fucked by her drones so she could give birth to a thousand of her species a day. She was one of two-hundred-and-thirteen Queens scattered around the seven plants settled by her race. But she was also their foremost queen.

The High Queen.

“I just choose not to,” she continued. “Not when such hot pussy awaits.”

“And if you fail?” Trizzie asked. “You're risking the entire crew with this mad plan. The ship!”

“Yes, beside the 103 crew members,” Sia said in her cool, yet purring, voice. “you risk a 13 quadrillion credit warship.”

Breyna gave another negligent wave. “I won't fail. Trust me.”

“Not if I can help,” Trizzie muttered. 

Capitan Breyna Ogisma only beamed as she stepped out into the Breeding Pit, suddenly awash in the buzzing cheers of the alien race. Though the arena wasn't that big, dominated by the comfortable bed the Apeirian Queen reclined on, the rising rows of seats climbed higher and higher, crowded with thousands of the hive race. They all appeared humanoid, tall and slender, with large, black eyes centered in reddish or brown or purple faces. They had wings, delicate and veined, fluttering in their excitement. Clothing was entirely absent beneath the warmth of their sun burning red above. Besides their wings, their other strange feature was the second set of arms, sprouting from their shoulders and ending in delicate fingers.

Breyna marched out alone, her two subordinates remaining behind. The futa-captain welcomed the challenge. It was said Apeirian Queens had such huge appetites because their drones never satiated them. They were forever driven to fuck and then lay their eggs and fuck some more.

It had made the initial negotiations...difficult. It was hard to conduct diplomacy with a raging hardon and a pussy demanding to be filled.

But Captain Breyna had persevered anyways. 

“Welcome, Captain,” said Queen Zzigrisa, reclined on her bed, purple satin sheets spread out beneath her. Her burnished-red, thin legs were spread apart, revealing a pussy devoid of any hair. Apeirians did not have hair. Her head was equally bald, giving her such an alien beauty that, combined with her big, dark eyes, made Breyna tremble.

“My Queen,” Breyna said, sweeping a bow, bending over, her cleavage dangling before her. “As promised, I am here to deliver you satisfaction.”

“We shall see,” the Queen said. She licked pink lips her lower arms sliding up her body to cup her large, pillowy breasts. She squeezed them, her golden nipples waving atop them. Her knees bent as her hips undulated. “Satisfy me or see the destruction of your ship.”

“Cum hard, and join the Empire,” Captain Breyna said, walking towards the bed, her pussy on fire. 

“Agreed,” moaned the queen, a humming, buzzing quality to her lush tones. “Let us see the famed prowess of the Captain of the Penetrator.”

“Oh, we will,” Breyna said, reaching the side of the bed. “After you strip me naked and worship me with that lovely mouth.”


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