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Chapter Thirteen

Two days later, the wildhounds had found all three dungeons. To the north was a builder with Fire, to the south was Wind, and Ice lay to the east. I had to revive my wildhounds, and several of the other monster girls from skirmishes with the builders' minions.

They all seemed week. Only level 1 monster girls. I could go myself, but I figured I would show the halflings that cooperation was possible, so I chose the adventurers to handle it with a group of monster girls in support.

I transported Vern, Ashiliozia, Sarkz, Vargi, Hagza, Bellia, Karvin, and Nomaz to Outpost Voashire North. With them, I sent my orcs, werebears, Baaghi, Paanee, and Bjorni. By now, the halflings were watching the towers, obviously concerned.

I wanted my adventures to be seen working with monster girls.

Vern led the way out of the tower, an imposing warrior in his armor. At his side was his lover, Ashiliozia, the elven rogue cutting a delicious figure in her tight leathers. The dwarves with them were imposing while Bellia looked sexy in the boob armor I had made for her. The orcs marched with them, in their golden armor and weapons. The werebears lumbered in their animal form, bruisers. At the rear, came Baaghi, Paanee, and Bjorni.

I smiled as the halflings watched.

 \  / *

Hagza smiled at the halflings. Behind her, the door out of the tower melted away, Leo's work. Her lover watched them from a scrying senor that she could not see. It was good that he wasn't doing this himself. That was why had had adventures.

“Lord Leo has ordered us to destroy the dungeon builders plaguing your territory,” Vern shouted from the front. “We shall not cross into your farms! We just want to keep you safe. Lord Leo forgives you for killing his monster girls, but his mortal servants are another matter. May the Lady of Life bless you.”

He bowed and led them north.

Hagza grinned. They had a map from the wildhounds who were still prowling around out there, scouting for them. They wouldn't be used on the dungeon since Lord Leo had them spread out around Voashire to make sure that no other attacks happened.

It took two hours to reach the dungeon. The entrance was a staircase in the ground. Just out in the plains. No attempts to hide it. Adventurers didn't come to the Wild Lands, supposed Hagza. She smiled down it.

“Bjorni, I want you behind the scouts,” Vern said. “Nomaz, Ashiliozia, take point.”

The bugbear grinned, looking feral with her bear head.

Hagza rolled her shoulders then gripped her magic circle. “Na-Nir Uzu.”

She drew on power from the piece of the Void Crystal she carried. Ashiliozia had trained Nomaz to be a skilled thief, but this was the first time he would really get to put it to the test. She would be there to catch anything he missed.

They went in followed by half the orcs and one of the werebears. Then the rest of the adventures went it with Paanee and Baaghi in their midst. Hagza walked down the steps beside the slithering naga, her breasts jiggling. She wore a happy smile on her lips.

“Good to be out?” Hagza asked.

“Yessss,” Paanee said. “Good to be ussseful to Massster.”

Hagza nodded as they reached the bottom of the stairs. The enemy dungeon stretched out before the group. It was dark, so torches were lit. It was a fire dungeon, so it was unsurprising that the stones had a reddish hue and stylize flames in them. The temperature grew.

Glad I'm not wearing armor, Hagza thought.

Nomaz found his first trap. Ashiliozia supervised the rogue as he worked quickly to disable it. Hagza waited in the back with Paanee. The naga did not look pleased to be here. Water was the opposite of Fire. All the twelve had their opposites. Nomaz rose, nodding and they proceed onward.

Branches spread from the tunnel. A labyrinth engulfed them. Sweltering. Sweat poured down Hagza's brow and soaked her clothes. It was like being in the depths of the mines. It could be the coldest winter gripping the mountains, but the deeper dwarves delved into the earth, warmer it grew.

A great fired burned beneath the world. A furnace capable of melting stone.

Nomaz bent down to disable another trap when the attack came. Fire burst along the walls, consuming what appeared to be stone but wasn't. Hellhounds leaped into the party, the slender monster girls coal-black but riven with glowing cracks. They howled like dogs. One jumped on Nomaz, knocking him down.

The trap fired.

Ashiliozia dodged an arrow that struck Vern behind her. The arrow burst on his armor. He grunted, stumbling back from the impact. A dent left in his breastplate. He caught himself as chaos boiled around them.

Na Kak!” Hagza shouted, focusing her magic through the circle on her amulet, the small phrase completing the ritual.

Rock Spike erupted, a shard of stone thrusting out of the ground and impaling a hellhound in the guts. She howled in pain before bursting into motes that twinkled around Hagza. Another howled in pain, stabbed by Bellia. Sarkz swung his ax, cleaving into them.

It was chaos as werebears roared and attacked. The orcs swung their swords. Acid spat from Paanee's mouth. Baaghi leaped into one, crashing into her and slamming her down to the ground, the rakshasa tearing at her. Bjorni joined the werebears in crushing.

It was over a moment later, the glittering essence of the monster girls spilling around them. Two dozen hellhounds. Hagza panted, wiping at her sweaty brow. She looked around. No one was hurt. It had to be most of the builder's forces.

Slepkavi the orc chuckled, her golden sword gleaming in her hand. “You let one scratch your armor.”

“She tried to bite my tit,” Zobens said, the orc shaking her head, an evil gleam on her lips. She held up her sword. “Come, we have a builder to kill.”

Vern nodded. “You okay, Nomaz.”

“Yeah,” Nomaz said, rising. He gave a weak smile. “Didn't expect that.”

“They weren't ready for us,” Bellia said, the village girl turned warrior grinning. She had gained confidence since starting her training. “We have to put him down. He's evil. Attacking the halflings!” Hatred shown on her pretty face.

Right, right, you were kidnapped by a builder to be breeding stock. The dwarf spat, her spittle steaming on the floor.

“Let'ssss move. It'ssss hot.” Paanee twitched her tail.

It took another half-hour to defeat the labyrinth and its myriad of flame and arrow traps. No more monster girls attacked. At the end of a long hallway, every step lined with traps that Ashiliozia and Nomaz had to work on together to disable, lay a bronze door with a devilish woman embossed in it. Sensual. Seductive. She seemed to beckon them inward.

The mechanism defeated Nomaz but not Ashiliozia. The elf worked with her picks before she nodded and stepped back. Vern motioned for Zobens and Dzelzs to take point. The two orcs moved up to the door and threw it open.

A gout of flame, let the breath of Lord Gibil burn!”

Flames engulfed the two orcs. They screamed in pain as the fire consumed them. The heat washed over Hagza. She flinched back as Vern cried, raising a gauntlet-clad hand against the heat. The spell vanished, revealing a devil moving before the builder, a man with flames tattooed on his face and dressed in red robes. The devil threw a burning pitchfork.

It struck Vern's shield, exploding over it and throwing the warrior to the ground. Ashiliozia shouted in fear as Bjorni leaped over the warrior. The bugbear snarled, rushing straight for the builder, Baaghi right on her tail.

The devil threw another pitchfork. At that distance, there was no chance for Bjorni to dodge. It slammed into her face and ripped exploded. She howled in pain, landing on the floor and vanishing in a burst of pain.

Baaghi cashed into the devil, the rakshasa's teeth ripping at the devil's throat. With a snarl, Baaghi slew the foe. She exploded in motes as the builder thrust out his hands at the rakshasas. Hagza clutched her medallion.

A gout of flame, let the breath of Lord Gibil burn!”

Baaghi jumped clear of the flames and landed to the right. The builder squealed like a pig and turned, running from the monster girl. Sarkz charged in, ax raised, Bellia on his heels, the three surviving orcs and five werebears following them.

“Please!” the builder sniveled.

Sarkz's ax caved the man's head in. The body flopped to the ground as the dungeon shifted. The unnatural heat dissipated, the normal temperature returning. The magic left the place. Sarkz spat on the corpse.

“Squealed like a pig,” Sarkz said. “Who wants some bacon.”

Bellia shot him a shocked look. “Bacon?”

“Only thing the little piggy's good for,” Sarkz said.

Vern chuckled as did Ashiliozia. Hagza grinned and slapped Bellia on the ass. “He's just a builder.”

“Lord Leo's a builder.”

“He's more than a builder,” Hagza said. “He's a savior. Different from the rest. Special. They others are all vermin. Or, at best, Munjan.”

“Siwang,” Bellia said.

“Another outlier.” Hagza shrugged. “They all are corrupted. I'm glad that Lord Leo is done playing at negotiating with them. We have to run them down. This will give him power to save the world. Besides, you were bloodthirsty before to kill him for the halflings.”

“I know, but...” She stared at the corpse and swallowed. “It's just...”

“Life,” Sarkz said.

“Don't weep for them,” Vargi said, a big grin on her lips. The female dwarf leaned on her ax. “Not a tear for the pigs. We're adventurers. We risk our lives to protect the world. Lord Leo's one of us.”

Nomaz nodded.

“That make us adventures?” Briesmoni asked. The orc's golden armor vanishing, revealing her full-figured form.

“Yes?” asked Panja, one of the werebears. She had resumed her human form much to Sarkz's appreciation. Nomaz and Karvin, too.

“Course it does,” Sarkz said, slapping Panja familiarly on the ass.

She shot him a warning look. “You want to fuck a monster girl, try one of Munjan's whores. I'm an adventurer.”

“That you are, lass.” He grinned. “And a fine-ass adventurer you are. Just appreciating your natural talents.”

Panja laughed, so did her fellow werebears.

“Let's crack the Void Crystal apart,” Hagza said and marched toward the back where the Vault should lie, another builder killed. Lord Leo would be pleased.

Chapter Fourteen

“Zobens and Dzelzs, appear!”

My words echoed through my vault as my two orcs spun out of the darkness. They stretched their backs, their large breasts jiggling. They had green skin and thick, black hair. Celestial gold rings pierced their nipples, a blessing from Lady Sherida.

“Lord Leo,” said Zobens. “Tell me we were the only ones who died.”

“Bjorni perished, too,” I answered.

“Any wounds to the mortals?” Dzelzs asked.

“You did you jobs admirably,” I said. “Did it hurt dying?”

“We did our duty, Lord Leo,” Zobens said.

“We would die a thousand deaths for you, Lord Leo,” Dzelzs said. “I hope you're still not feeling bad about it. It saves us a trip back. All that walking.”

“Instead, we get to be rewarded,” purred Zobens, her voice smoky.


I smiled at them and pulled them to me. “Yes, you do. Thank you for dying for me.”

I kissed Zobens first, savoring the feel of my orc's lips on mine. She thrust her tongue into my mouth, her hand sliding down my back to squeeze my rump. The builder was dead. I felt his power rush into him. I might have picked up a new companion, or a new type of Level 1 monster girls.

Either way, the halflings were protected. I had to find the builders before they became monsters.

I broke the kiss with Zobens and kissed Dzelzs. She moaned into my lips, her hand slapping down on my rump with a stinging smack. My cock lurched as I made out with my orc. I owned them. I was glad to have their love.

I was glad that they wanted to die for me.

I broke the kiss and said, “Who gets to ride my face, and who gets to ride my cock.”

“I get his cock,” Zobens said.

“Perks of command,” Dzelzs said. “How it corrupts.”

I laughed and sank to the ground, eager to enjoy the two orcs. My cock was hard as I sank to the ground on the stones, eager for them to ride me. Dzelzs straddled my head and dropped to her knees, her pussy bald, her clit pierced by a golden ring. The spicy aroma of her cunt filled my nose.

She planted that twat on my face. I groaned, licking at her and enjoy the flavor of her cunt. She groaned as I did that. She arched her back as my tongue flicked through her folds. She was so delicious to feast upon. I stroked through her as she ground on me.

“Lord Leo!” moaned Dzelzs as Zobens gripped my dick.

“Your mighty rod commands me,” Zobens moaned as she plunged her pussy down my dick. “Lord Leo!”

I growled my pleasure into Dzelzs's pussy as Zobens's cunt gripped me. I loved that hot pussy surrounding my dick. She gripped my shaft and slid up me, riding me with a warrior's passion. I tongued Dzelzs's snatch.

I licked at the orc's spicy folds as her fellow orc worked up and down me. Zobens's hot twat massaged me. I growled in delight, enjoying my orcs. They deserved their reward. I tongued that wonderful pussy, brushing the clit ring.

I batted it.

“Lord Leo!” gasped the orc. “Lady Metal's hard clit, that's good!”

“So good!” moaned Dzelzs. “I can't wait for you to make Nisaba yours.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Zobens moaned, working her cunt up and down my dick. “I've heard it feels incredible when you claim her.”

“Yes, it does,” I growled into Dzelzs's pussy.

I savored that hot cunt riding up and down my dick. She massaged me with her hot flesh. She brought me closer and closer to cumming in her snatch. The pressure grew at the tip of my dick as she massaged me. I would have a mighty cum.

I batted Dzelzs's clit ring. I flicked it back and forth as she squirmed on my face. She moaned, her green butt-cheeks clenching before my face. It was just amazing to do that to her. I was having such a great time licking at her.

My dick throbbed as that hot pussy worked up and down me. Both orcs groaned in their husky voices. I savored their passion as the need to cum swelled in me. I suckled hard on Dzelzs clit. I nursed on her as she gasped out in delight.

Her pussy juices gushed out of her cunt and drowned me.

I licked at her twat, savoring that hot cream flooding out of her. It was so good to feast on her. She squirmed on me, her passion echoing through the Vault. I loved it so much as Zobens's hot pussy plunge down my cock.

“Lord Leo!” the orc gasped as she came on my dick.

Her hot flesh rippled around me.

Zobens's cunt suckled at me with that silky delight. I growled into her fellow orc's pussy as the pressure in my nuts burst. I spurted my cum into her pussy. The orc cried out louder as she bucked on me, milking my dick with her hot cunt.

“Yes, yes!” I snarled, the pleasure slamming through me.

I loved every second of that heat shooting through my body. It was a magical moment. Stars flashed across my vision as I dumped my load into that hot cunt. I filled her up with my jizz. She squirmed on me as I did.

“Fuck!” I snarled, enjoy that pleasure screaming through me.

“Oh, such a stud, Lord Leo!” gasped Zobens as her pussy writhed around my spurting cock.

“Yes!” Dzelzs said as I tongued her cunt.

I lapped as her pussy as the pleasure shot through me. I fired the last of my cum into Zobens's pussy. The pleasure swept through me. I groaned, savoring that delight. It was just a wonderful treat to have it all washing through me.

“Lord Leo,” Zobens groaned as she rose off me.

“Yes, yes,” Dzelzs panted as she slid off my face.

Feeling amazing, I sent them back to Outpost Voashire North to await the return of the party. I sat up, licking my lips. I gripped the stone and raised the other monster girl that died. I called out Bjorni's name and she appeared.

“Leo,” the tall woman growled. She had a head of a bear, but the rest of her was all women. Well, not her fingernails and toenails, those were claws. Other than that, she was an athletic and busty beauty. “That was a nice nap.”

“How'd you die?” I asked, delving into my interface and finding another waiting monster girl to be conjured, a devil named Yaramaza.

“Flaming pitchfork to the face.”

“Ah, so Yaramaza killed you!” I said. “Appear.”

My newest servant spun out of the darkness, a red-hued beauty with small tits and black nipples. Her eyes burned like coals. She smiled at me, her black hair spilling down her back. She glanced at Bjorni.

“Sorry for killing you,” Yaramaza said. “I guess we serve Leo now. Are you his monster girl?”

“Naw, I'm like you,” said Bjorni, slapping her on the ass. “I was liberated from a fool.”

“Ates wasn't a...” Yaramaza trailed off. “Fine, fine, he was a fool. I won't miss him. I didn't even know who he was. He wasn't happy since he said he came to my restaurant all the time.” She shrugged.

“So you're sorry you killed me,” Bjorni said.

“Yes,” Yaramaza said.

“Well, you can apologize to me by eating out my pussy,” Bjorni said, licking her chips.

The devil's tail swished behind her. “I see. Is that how things work here.” She glanced at me. “Oh, I can see that it is. Well, at least you have a bigger cock than Ates. So small, and I used to like it.”

She dropped to her knees and gripped Bjorni's hips. The devil buried her face into the bugbear's thick bush and feasted at her. I dropped to my knees and loved that tight, hairless pussy peeking out fro between her thighs.

I nuzzled my cock right into that wet hole and thrust into Yaramaza's pussy.

“I'm honored to serve you, Leo!” Yaramaza moaned, her tight cunt suing squeezing down on my cock.

“She's very honored,” Bjorni said and chuckled.

I wicked at my bugbear while savoring my new devil's cunt around my dick. I drew back my cock, savoring the heat around my dick. She moaned in delight, massaging me with her hot flesh. I slammed back into her, burying my cock in deep.

The devil's wings flapped as I pumped away at her. I fucked her hard and fast, savoring the silky grip around my cock. She massaged me with her hot flesh. I groaned, burying into her hot flesh again and again. It was fabulous.

I hammered her cunt with everything that I had. It was just incredible to bury into her hot flesh. I loved her twat with everything that I had. I buried into her again and again. I slammed into her snatch. I fucked her with passion.

She groaned as I did that.

“Fuck,” I groaned, pounding her hard and fast.

I thrust away at her. She gripped me, massaging my dick with her hot flesh. I loved thrusting away at her with force. She wiggled her hips, stirring her cunt around my cock. She felt so amazing about me. I loved how she massaged me.

“That's it,” Bjorni growled, the bugbear's big tits jiggling as she ground her cunt on the devil's face. “Lick me. Just like that. You're doing such a good job!”

“Mmm,” the devil moaned as I hammered her. She squeezed her cunt down on me. “That's so good!”

“So good,” I growled, fucking her hard and fast. I thrust into her hot flesh, loving the way she massaged me. “Shit!”

I pumped away at her hot pussy. I fucked her with everything that I had. I held nothing back as I buried into her over and over again. I loved the way she held me tight. I groaned, plunging deep and hard into her snatch.

She moaned, her wings flapping as I fucked that tight snatch. I thrust into her over and over again, enjoying this heat. I slammed into that wonderful cunt, my nuts smacking into her clit. She moaned as I thrust away at her.

I plunged into her so much force. It was a joy to fuck her with everything that I had. I pounded her cunt with force. I slammed into her snatch. She groaned, wiggling her hips from side to side. She massaged me with her wonderful cunt.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I growled, fucking her hard and fast.

“Leo!” she moaned.

“That's it, devil-slut!” gasped Bjorni. “Shit-boots, that's good. Just lick me!”

The devil moaned into the bugbear's pussy as I slammed into her snatch. I fucked her with force, my nuts smacking into her clit over and over again. The need to cum built and built in me. I was just so ready to burst.

Bjorni's big tits bounced as she threw back her head. She roared in delight as she bucked. I smiled as she ground her furred muff on the devil's face, drowning Yaramaza in pussy cream. I pumped deep and hard into that hot cunt.

“Oh, yes!” the devil moaned. “Leo! Such an honor to serve you!”

Her devilish cunt went wild around my cock.

I growled in delight, savoring that wonderful cunt suckling at me. I pumped away at her, enjoying this delight. I pounded her again and again, loving how she writhed around me. The pressure in my nuts swelled from her cunt's massaging spasms.

I slammed into her.

“Yes!” I growled.

I erupted into my new devil.

I flooded the monster girl's cunt with my jizz. She moaned in delight, her twat suckling at me. She massaged me with all that hot spunk. It was just incredible to dump my spunk into her. She moaned into the bugbear's furred muff as I flooded that delicious snatch with my seed.

“Oh, yes, yes,” groaned Yaramaza.

“I can smell that cum!” Bjorni moaned, her tits heaving as she came. “I will lick her clean!”

“Yes!” I growled, spurting more and more of my cum into that hot snatch.

The devil's fiery spasmed around me. It was so good to feel that. I loved it immensely. It was just so glorious to a have all that pleasure rushing through me. I groaned, savoring the heat spurting from my dick and slamming through my body.

The devil's hot snatch milked me dry. She worked out every drop of cum that I had in my nuts. I shuddered, panting. The heat washed through me. It was just a magical delight. I was so glad for it. The heat spilled through me.

What a wonderful thrill to have all pleasure washing through me. I felt amazing. A big smile spread on my lips. Bjorni stared at me with such heat in her eyes. She licked at her chops, shuddering. I ripped my cock out of the devil.

“Feast,” I growled.

“Yes,” Bjorni moaned.

“Oh, my,” Yaramaza cooed and rolled into her back. She spread her legs wide, my cum spilling out of her pussy and down to her taint. The bugbear pounced on her and licked. “Yes! That tongue! Oh, it's so thick!”

Bjorni growled her delight, her hips wiggling back and forth. I smiled at the sight and moved behind her. I dropped to my knees, my dick slapping on the bugbear's ass. She growled her delight, licking up my cum.

“Enjoy her ass, Lord Leo,” Souleen purred as she watched.

I winked at the Soul of the Void Crystal and drilled my cock against my bugbear's asshole.

Bjorni roared as her asshole surrendered to me. That tight, hot hole opened wide and swallowed my cock. I sank into her hot flesh. It was just incredible to sink into her anal sheath. I loved the feel of her engulfing me.

It was beautiful to slide into her flesh. I enjoyed every inch of her hot anal sheath devouring my cock. She squeezed down on me. It was a wonderful sensation to be in her. She wiggled her hips, stirring her asshole around me.

“Leo,” she growled.

“Fuck, Bjorni, that's an asshole.”

“Enjoy her,” cooed my new devil. She rubbed at her small breasts and twisted her nipples. “Ooh, her tongue is melting my pussy. I love it!”

I winked at Yaramaza and drew back my cock. My bugbear's asshole gripped me.

The velvety delight swept through me. I groaned as I slammed back into her bowels. I buried into her hot flesh with force. I loved how she gripped me. She felt incredible about me. I pumped away at her. I thrust into her asshole with hard strokes.

My nuts slapped into her taint, enjoying the feel of her around me. It was just so good to have that delight. I pumped away at her. I fucked her with all that I had, loving the feel of her anal sheath gripping me. It was beautiful.

She moaned in delight as I fucked her. I pounded her with force. I thrust into her asshole with everything that I had. It was just a wonderful time. I loved it so much. I fucked her with such force. I pounded her with all that I had.

“Yes, yes, yes,” growled Bjorni.

“You delicious bugbear!” Yaramaza gasped. “Oh, wow, that' tongue. Fuck her asshole hard, Leo! Pound her! Ooh, I am going to love serving this dungeon. You even had humans serving you. Real ones.”

“And dwarves, a few elves, even a halfling,” I groaned.

“Hot!” gasped Yaramaza. “Ooh, ooh, that's amazing!”

“So amazing,” Bjorni growled. “Leo is going to save this world!”

I grinned as I pounded my bugbear's asshole. I fucked her with such force. I enjoyed the way that her asshole gripped me. My nuts slapped into her flesh. The pressure in my nuts swelled with every thrust into her flesh.

She growled, feasting on the devil's cunt with passion. It was so hot to hear. I loved every second of it. This was just a wild moment. I loved the heat building in my nuts. I plundered that hot asshole, reveling in my power over the Earth monster girl.

The devil twisted her coal-black nipples. She pinched them as she humped against the bugbear's fierce tongue. The devil was having such a wild time. She trembled, building toward her orgasm. Her eyes widened.

“Her tongue is in me!” she gasped. “Her tongue is in my snatch. This is wild. I can't believe how thick and long it is. She's licking to my cervix!”

I smiled at the sounds, hammering the bugbear's asshole. That tight anal sheath gripped me. It drove me wild. I loved every second of fucking her. I could not wait to cum in her bowels. I would have a huge one.

She gripped my bowels with her hot flesh. The need to cum swelled in me. It was just so delicious to pound her asshole. She growled, feasting on the devil's cunt. Yaramaza trembled on the ground. Her back arched.

“That's it!” she gasped. “I... Yes!”

She bucked through her orgasm. Her pussy juices drowned the bugbear as I hammered her asshole. I savored that tight anal sheath gripping me. The need too burst swelled in me. I hurtled toward that wonderful moment.

“Shit, shit, shit!” I gowned. “Cum, Bjorni!”

“Leo!” she snarled.

Her asshole convulsed around my dick. I groaned at that heat. The pressure in my nuts hit that bursting point. I slammed into her anal sheath and grunted as the pleasure burst through me. I exploded into her cunt.

I flooded her asshole with my spunk. The heat washed through me. It was just so good to have all that pleasure shooting out of my cock. I growled with my ecstasy with each blast of spunk that pumped into her anal sheath.

She writhed around me. I grunted pumping my hot cum into her anal sheath. I loved how she rippled around me. It was just an incredible moment. The pleasure shot through me. Stars flashed across my vision.

“Fuck!” I growled.

“Shit-boot, that's right!” growled Bjorni.

“Yes, yes, yes,” gasped Yaramaza. “That's so good!”

I loved every second of dumping my cunt on my bugbear's asshole. I flooded her with my jizz. I filled her up with my spunk. It was so good. Just a wild moment to have all that pleasure sweeping through me. I grunted with each blast of cum that I fired into her bowels.

She milked me with that hot asshole. I groaned and savored that heat. It was just wild. I savored every second of spurting my cum into her asshole. It was fabulous. The pleasure slammed through me. I growled in delight.

“Fuck, that's good!” I groaned. “Don't die this time, Baaghi. And take Yaramaza with you. The ice dungeon's next.”

“Ooh, yes, yes,” purred Yaramaza. “Do you mean Bang? His monster girls are so nasty. Wendigos. I saw them eating halflings once. Gross.”

I pulled out of Bjorni's asshole. The group should be almost back to the outpost. Then I would send them to the east outpost so they could hunt down Bang. I gripped the Void Crystal and sank down into the interface.

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