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Bryan G

A moon is the entire phase of a moon over time from a new moon too a full back to a moon. It’s about a month, but it’s not exactly the same as the calendar.

Sour Cream

I can see why people didn’t like P.P.O.V episode but it was funny to me lol , love the different perspectives


When I was growing up, my mother used to make my sister and I cucumber sandwiches for school lunches occasionally. It was always cucumber, mayo, and salt & pepper.

Friki Nidi

Damn we flying huh

Jeff Spencer

A moon is as easily explained as a bit is in equestria. no one knows. sure we have guesses but it's never been explained in or out of the show by the VA's or writers. best is if you must think of it go by a lunar cycle and don't worry because thats the best guess. also if you think this episodes were just ok thats YOUR fault scoot, you wrote them blame your self lol.


the starlight ep would have made more sense earlier in the season

Popee Possum Kid

A moon is a full moon cycle and there are 13 cycles in a year