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Fun fact Princess Candence was born a Pegasus and earned her horn to become an Alicorn. Basically the opposite of Twilight. This is told in a canon book. So based on that I assume that earth ponies can also become Alicorns, earning both wings and a horn.

Awkward Segway

As some in the chat mentioned, Cadance was a pegasus before she became an alicorn, so it's not just unicorns that can become alicorns.


AND Celestia and Luna were Unicorns who were so powerful at moving the sun and moon they became Alicorns. Moving the Sun and Moon normally took several unicorns and would give them magical backlash in the form of headaches.


I wonder if Scoot noticed the thing in the background in the sky at the end?


Cadence was born a Pegasus and earned her horn! If you were earth pony you would probably end up getting both and have to get used to both wings and a horn. Like how twilight had to get used to her wings. And cadence probably had to get used to her horn like twilight got used to her wings to.


any pony can become an alicorn if u do something special and you’re worthy of the powers (even an earth pony) but only an alicorn can turn a pony into another alicorn. we know Twilight was a unicorn that became an alicorn by completing Star Swirl the bearded’s spell, she represents the element of magic, and she studied under princess Celestia- but an example of a non-unicorn becoming an alicorn is Cadence who was born a pegasus (which is why the tips of her wings are purple), she is a distant relative of the crystal empire’s original princess before Sombra made it disappear. after Cadence defeated a villain named Prismia in the books, Celestia adopted Cadence as her neice and made her an alicorn. because Cadence did something special and would be worthy to protect the crystal empire when it reappeared, Celestia made Cadence into an alicorn. so even if an earth pony did something really special and was worthy of alicorn magic and powers, they could be given wings and a horn by an alicorn.


BUT an alicorn has never had a baby up until this point, so i’m guessing that as long as it’s in your gene pool, u could just be born an alicorn. like how Mr and Mrs Cake are both earth ponies but because of their genes, their kids Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake are a unicorn and a pegasus


ok so I could write a whole essay on the theories and ideas behind why alicorns exist and how the mechanics work. so, as stated by Celestia in the show Flurry is the first naturally-born alicorn, establishing that alicornhood is usually something earned. The theory is that when a pony, no matter the race, accomplishes a feat of some kind they can be granted the powers of all three pony races (assumedly via a spell). many theorize that Starswirl (a unicorn whos been brought up a few times in the show by name already, and the mentor to Celestia and Luna) was the pony to turn Celestia and Luna into alicorns. The two sisters were originally unicorns. Cadence was confirmed to have originally been a pegasus which is why she does not bare the long flowy hair the other two sisters have, and instead has colorful wings. there is no like 100% concrete explanation behind why or where alicorns come from to my knowledge, but i heard Gen 5 is trying to kinda explore them more, though i don't fully recognize gen 5 as canon because i personally don't like it and it rewrites and retcons some gen 4 lore. there are also ofc the comics that i personally haven't read but do explore the world more, there are other alicorns mentioned in these comics i believe but they are never brought up in the show so i don't see this as a spoiler. there is this pretty well-made video by a PonyTuber named SawtoothWaves on his theories on why alicorns exist, they do a lot of fun stuff with pony genetics its a good watch you should check the vids out on your own time (maybe once you've finished the show since the vids may contain spoilers). that's all the things i can think of off the top of my head :} hope this was insightful


yeah and alicorns that were originally pegasus have colour gradients on their wings

Popee Possum Kid

i hate flurry heart with all my being. kill that baby.


Originally Celestia and Luna were also born alicorns, but that got retconned by Luna saying that equestria has never seen the birth of an alicorn.

Natasha Hightower

Candace was a Pegasus before becoming an Alicorn


Maybe gen 5 is worth checking out just because of that 🤷🏾‍♂️


So up to this point there hasn’t been an alicorn with earth pony origin?


Idk man I just keep feeling like earth ponies don’t get as much love for lots of reasons


nope, up to this point in the show Celestia, Luna, and Twilight were originally unicorns, Cadence was originally a pegasus, and Flurry Heart is the only natural born alicorn up to this point in the show there has never been an earth pony who has turned into an alicorn


i think u should at least watch the gen 5 movie once you’re done w gen 4 mlp


maybe! just because it isnt my cup of tea doesn't mean squat! you should check out the gen 5 movie after gen 4 at least, i actually enjoyed it (even if some bits hurt to watch). and if you love gen 4 so much that you wanna give gen 5 a shot then go for it! I'll watch either way :}


Welp, the Gen5 Movie was good, but its a shame the Gen5 series which was split into 2 Subseries is some kind of a mess in some regards... its partially watchable... but unlike gen4 you shouldnt expect too much of it. - Good thing is that you still have 4 Seasons of Gen 4 to go, thats at least something to look forward to.


While i can understand your comment due to the reason that hasbro only put her in to market the toys and that somewhat questionable look (Holy.... the size of these wings :o) - Its much too extreme...

Thine Tiny Equine

To repeat the entire chorus: Cadance was a pegasus. But notably, it's believed both Celly and Luna were Unicorns. We know that to raise the sun and the moon took five ponies plus Starswirl to do it, and if those ponies weren't regularly cycled out and trained they could die/'lose their magic forever' in the process. Alicorns seem to be forces of nature by design. The sun, the moon, the love of creatures, and the magic of the world. And Flurry is maybe sorta slightly theorized to be in control of Fimbulwinter, the eternal snowstorm that the crystal heart protects the empire from. So when she grows up, she might be the one to replace the need for the heart. But that's a total theory. As for earth ponies not getting love? You're not wrong, but it seems to have been the corporate's decision. The promotional posters for this season literally replace Applejack with Starlight in both public and internal images. But an earth pony can indeed become an Alicorn, and do in fact have plenty of magic. I'm reading a little fic called No Nose Knows where an earth pony is very important, and magically capable just like Twilight and the others. Just in his own way.

Jeff Spencer

And you finally get to meet the new baby Mc Flurry. and I still swear that evil thing is a changeling baby shining armor got as part of his custody rights for when he and chrysalis..... sealed their bonds. also if you look in the background in the sky of the 2nd episode that sheds more proof on it.


And, without spoiling anything, there is evidence that Earth ponies can become alicorns as well.


If I recall correctly Lauren Faust had intended for them to be born alicorns, which is (kind of?) expanded upon in a non-canon book about Luna and Celestia, but since (I'm pretty sure) Lauren wasn't part of the production team anymore at this point, they changed it.

Stella Rivera



Yes, under the right circumstances an earth pony can indeed become an alicorn. I'm not going to tell you, so don;t even bother asking me how i know that. No spoilers for you.


Ah yes, that. But yeah the requirements for ascension to alicorn can be fulfilled by unicorns, pegasi, or earth ponies.