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Your attitude towards Mel is hmm…

Max Spencer

ahh i love that your watching arcane it is so high on my list, and as a league lover let me sing its praises for a sec players can definitely get toxic but if you like a game with roles to play like support or adc, you can pick from like 170 champs (arcane is only a fraction of league lore its a huge rabbit hole) who you can each build unique or in just op ways, you play on the same map every game and it has a lot of aspects besides just champ vs champ brawls but you can play as Jinx whose a really fun and fast adc, Vi's a cool jungler who can charge with her fists, and caits a more hard hitting but slower adc compared to jinx (all depending on their item builds) so yea the game has a pretty bad rep and the top down free moving camera look can turn ppl off but its overall a real fun game if your into that kinda stuff :D excuse my ramble but glad to come back to patreon to see one of my favorite games/shows! if you play league tho id love to watch even if i have to learn how to use twitch hah


I’m pretty high rank in league. It’s not a game you play for fun unless you have friends who also play it. I’ve seen arcane many many times and it’s easily the best thing to come of league of legends. You can watch their “champion spotlights” which will show you their abilities in the game if you’re curious. “Jinx/vi/heimerdinger/jayce/viktor(probably avoid viktor, he might be a surprise if you don’t check him out).