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Spes Lux

I love how the picture on the scroll changes throughout the seasons at the end of the intro


***NO SPOILERS*** @Scoot Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash are both voiced by Ashley Ball. Ashley Ball is the lead singer of a band called Hey Ocean. Because she is a proven singer, she can sing their voices with ease. Too add further, Apple Bloom who is voiced by Michelle Creber is sung by Michelle Creber as well. Michelle Creber is also the singer for Sweetie Bell. The VA for Sweetie Bell (Claire Corlette) sing some songs for her character way later in the series after attending singing lessons. Fun fact: Peter New who voices Big Mac, also voices Goldie Delicious

Emperor Belos

Hey scoot what’s your team your rooting for. I’m a packers fan all the way and havin a blast


There was slenderman in this episode


I'm not saying any spoilers. I just hope you understand why some people are being a little extra when talking about this season. Many had to wait a while between episodes when the show was still new, so theorycrafting and sharing predictions was a big thing among fans. It almost seems like a tradition starting at this point in the show, so that's why some are being too eager and waiting for a 'he finally sees what is going on' moment.


*It's actually true, in the first episode, in the background for like 2 frames.


That's... not how the elements work lol. But uh, I'm sure you'll figure that out eventually. (I know you're mostly joking but still)


im so hyped for you to see Pinkie Pride bro u have no isea

Awkward Segway

My three favorite singers of MLP characters (in order of when they were introduced/when they first sang) are Rainbow Dash, Cadance, and Sunset Shimmer.


no more hints guys pls 🙇


It was kinda implied Pinkie is a part of the family because she and Goldie delicious share a similar skill. Remember the beginning of the episode where pinkie grabbed a scroll from the bottom of a stack and the stake didn't fall over? And then Goldie did the same thing with a stack of books? It's a small thing, but it'd be weird to make that parallel without an implication behind it. Also, you're being too hard on Rainbow. They don't have to be ALL about their element. Rarity had her generosity challenged when it came back to bite her in the butt, Rainbow is being challenged between being able to fulfill her dream and fly with her heroes, or abandon her team. It's the clarity they later gain to realize what they're doing/did was wrong that shows their true character.


You really should normalize your voice levels before uploading. In Premiere, it's three clicks, rightclick the audio track, select Audio Gain and then Normalize. I can't even hear you without blasting my studio speakers almost to max levels, and when I then switch to something else, I damn near blow them out if I forget to lower the volume, so for now I've been downloading your videos, running them through Shutter Encoder to normalize the audio levels and THEN playing them so I don't accidentally blow up my entire system.


Nope, several comments on it on your streams too, saw several saying so in your MLP streams, keeping saying "I need to have my phone on max volume" etc. I ran your video through Audacity to check. You are subpeaking at almost -13dB.


Recently you saw that? Because they may have been the case months ago but not now


Here is a spectrogram on your latest video (the Dashie Mini Movie). https://i.imgur.com/uaZ8ZWG.png The top original track is peaking at around 50% of what it should be. The bottom is when I've fixed it by setting normal normalization to 0dB via Premiere. Listening to original track on my studio speakers, I do indeed need to double the volume to hear it at "normal" levels. Most don't notice as they simply just increase volume, but I damn near tear my walls down when I have to double the volume to listen and forget to lower it after :P So I download your videos and then run it through normalizing myself :P Not sure what editor you're using, but as in Premiere it's the three click process to normalize as I said above, most others also do a spectrogram check before you publish and ask if you want to normalize before rendering.


Yeah idk like I said I haven’t heard anything from anyone here or recently on streams, maybe a long time ago but sense then I’ve changed my OBS settings.


Yeh, as I said, most won't notice. That's the drawback of having a studio setup in my home ... I'll just keep downloading your vids and normalizing them myself, then I can stream them via my mediastation anyways.

Jeff Spencer

sadly scoot you fail to see the truth just like the mane 6 do the entire series. THEY are the elements of harmony not those gems but like I said they fail to see that thru the entire show too. oh and with big mac they can't let him talk he is paid by letter and double per space thats why they only give him 4-5 letter words with no spaces total fact I pulled out my *ss lol.

Gabrielle Rhoden

the elements don’t dictate their character, it’s actually the other way around truthfully