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Awkward Segway

G5 isn't as good as G4, but a lot of people (including me) still like it.


i hate chat for making me have to google what smile hd is my life was fine before knowing what that was


\/ NO SPOILERS \/ Hey Scoot, and fellow patrons. I'm an animator, and I think I can shed light on why people are disappointed with G5. Everyone seems to be on the same page that the movie was great, and when it came to the G5 show, they found severely lacking. Obviously you'll have people who are just bias to G4 because it's the generation that blew up, and is responsible for the Fandom we grew to love. I agree myself, that G4 just has that spark about it. But looking at the production of the G5 series as a whole, there were some mistakes made a long the way, but a great deal comes down to time and money for the studio. On the point of animation, MLP A New Generation had great, fluid animation, and there was a lot of weight in the "squish and squash" techniques, the photometric lighting, and VFX were also on point. But the rendering fir this movie took at least 9 months to a year alone, meaning they likely started the animation process up to 2 years before release. The movie was also animated by Boulder Media, who have experienced 3D animator on their team. When it went to the show, they had less time to animate, they had less render time, meaning they had to lose a lot of the photometric lighting and VFX. And you can tell the animators had less experience with the character models. However, you can see more fluid animation as the series goes on, proving the animators are gaining experience. On another note, the voice acting talent for A New Generation was a great selection. However, it was extremely disappointing to hear the new voice acting talent change, not because it's bad, but because a standard was already set, and they dropped the ball on consistency. Overall, I do like G5 for what it is. I'm happy to still have new content to watch. But nothing beats G4. If you made it down this far, you a G.

Michael Jones

For me, it has nothing to do with the animation or voice acting. I mean, everything Crimson said is true, but I knew they weren't going to be able to keep up the movie-level quality anyway, and even approaching it moderately well would have been fine to me. I lament that they didn't keep the original voice actors, but that was probably never going to happen. For *me*, these were predictable, and not really the problem. The thing that bothers me is that the writing and world building wasn't quite on par, neither in the story, characterization, nor in the dialogue. Of course, there's a new team of writers, and we were totally spoiled rotten by having an entire _decade_ of FiM for the previous writers to build and hone and polish what they'd created, and it would only be seriously fair to compare to the early years of FiM. But I'd _still_ rather re-watch the early FiM episodes (as we're doing with Scoot right now!) But let's switch gears. I could nail down more specifically what bugs me about it, but, eh, let's turn to brighter thoughts. As of what NetFlix weirdly is calling "season 4", (which is really sensibly 'season 2') ignoring the first 'special', the rest of the series actually _is_ starting to do some better worldbuilding, and the characters are starting to come out of their shells. There's a ways to go yet, but I think if NetFlix puts out _enough_ seasons, it will get there. And after all. It's still ponies. They add joy and adventure to the world. It's hard to write my criticisms when I just want my heart to smile.


I also do agree with what you said. The way the characters were written in G5 does feel fairly empty. Same with the show. And I can see that the writers are getting there. And same, the main reason behind me watching with Scoot is because when I see him experience these episodes for the first time, it feels like I am as well.