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There’s a 1-season mini series called Pony Life and it’s basically a gen 4.5 MLP version of Teen Titans Go. It’s with the main cast of MLP but it’s near to nothing like the show and animated differently. Banger theme tho

Jeff Spencer

actual a season and a half they seemed to stop on episode 14 of season 2 (at least according to my DVR) do agree tho the theme song was very catchy.

Jeff Spencer

sadly hasbro isn't about quality they are about sales particularly toys and while G4 had some good toy sales the fandom is what made it (in every category from art, toys, music, and animations) and sadly the reboots and new gens have not been that great of sales for them I mean I'd personally buy more merch if it wasn't so badly made (really need a pipp plush). I would recommend watching yourself both the make your mark and tell your tale, recorded or not and make a decision. I will sale the new gen is very slow to start and their is almost no real story. their is one but yeah it kinda bounces in and out of relevance till around 1/2 way through the show. as for pinkie.... yeah love my girl but she was a total L here. yes her INTENTIONS were good but the execution ... yeah completely failed it. I love this with starlight how she is able to make friends with the ones you don't think she would till you hear their reasons and it's like "Wow they totally do make a great pair" love the fact maud helped starlight get the means to take over the village. see maud can be helpful lol. and yes maud will be back. she forgot her slippers at pinkies.

Smol Son

I literally said "I'm still kinda hungry" right before you went "You're hungry? Me too." lmaoo! But anyways yeah, it's kinda sad that we probably won't get these iconic characters again but it's pretty much tradition for the mlp franchise to update to a new gen with new characters every few years. This one went on for by far the longest with 9 seasons too

Ember Aura

There’s a theory that since they always refer to the Crystal Kingdom as “the place of love and light” it would make sense that since Cadance is love then Flurry would be light, you know, the innocent fun loving type of love and then the scarier and more serious one.

Ember Aura

Oh, and unicorns might seem OP on the surface, but they legitimately just have enough magic to help them with their special talent, and not much more. Any magic outside of the magic used for their talents takes years and years of practice to perfect, it’s like a muscle, you can see this when Sweetie Belle tries to pick up a broom in Twilight Time. Things like teleportation and shield spells aren’t something every unicorn can do. As stated by some of the writers of the show, the other pony races DO have magic, but magic they’re born with and don’t really have control over. Pegasi have a magical connection to the sky that lets them walk on clouds and control the weather, and Earth ponies have a magical connection to the Earth, which gives them a gift for growing crops and a physical advantage on the ground (they do more hoof work than the other two pony races, so it would make sense that they have stronger legs). Alicorns have the powers of all three pony races, as well as added magical ability. Alicorns are the ones that are OP.


tbh i hate flurry sooo much but maybe it is just my issue i hv with all babies, they be sooooo annoying D: