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I decided to make a new post about it because the thing is quite comprehensive.

I believe this simplification will make people feel less confused and keep our minds on the novel while reading (or writing) it.

I'll fix past chapters in the following days.

I'm open to feedback and suggestions.

The Logic:

The new ranks are about making things more self-evident and follow a pattern. They aren't even that detached from usual military ranks, only more straightforward:

Junior [Rank] → [Rank] → Staff [Rank] → Second [Rank] → First [Rank]

For instance:

Junior Sergeant → Sergeant → Staff Sergeant → 2nd Sergeant → 1st Sergeant

Not every military rank has all sub-designations. For instance, there is no First Major. Full list below.

Junior [Rank] is the rank that Recruits get automatically promoted to after their introductory training, but before/while undergoing basic course. Shen started as a Recruit and became a Junior Lieutenant.

Staff [Rank] is meant as a non-leadership senior position.

Second [Rank] and First [Rank] are necessarily tied to commanding troops. They can also be called [Unit] Commanders. For instance, Zyn could be called Brigade Commander.

Each military rank can only be held by someone of a specific personal power level. For instance, F-ranks can only be Privates. Full list below.

Some designations may sound weird for Privates and Corporals, to they were replaced:

Junior [Rank] → [Rank] Apprentice

First [Rank] → [Rank] First Class

New Ranks from the Bottom:

Recruit — Anyone before completing introductory training

Private — F

- - Private Apprentice → Private

No Second Private or First Private because F-ranks command no one.

Corporal — E

- - Corporal Apprentice → Corporal → Corporal First Class

– – – – Corporal First Class : Squad Commander

E-ranks can only command Squads, so no need for a Corporal Second Class, which would be a leadership position.

Sergeant — D

- - Junior Sergeant → Sergeant → Staff Sergeant → 2nd Sergeant → 1st Sergeant

– – – – 2nd Sergeant : Platoon Commander

– – – – 1st Sergeant : Company Commander

Lieutenant — C

- - Junior Lieutenant → Lieutenant → Staff Lieutenant → 2nd Lieutenant → 1st Lieutenant

– – – – 2nd Lieutenant : Battalion Commander

– – – – 1st Lieutenant : Brigade Commander

Captain — B

- - Junior Captain → Captain

– – – – Captain : Division Commander

Major — B

- - Major

Majors are the weird wild cards in the Alliance military structure. They are above (and almost always stronger than) Captains and can take control of a Division at any time, but seldom do it. Few B-ranks want to "waste time" commanding troops during an engagement

Majors are usually assigned to a Captain' Division and follow it around while focusing on B-rank combat. A Captain only gets to fight if the Major can't deal with something

During an engagement, Majors can be called to take command of the Corps in case the Colonel (A-rank) becomes otherwise occupied, but it's usually only done when the battle is going terribly

Colonel — A

- - Colonel

– – – – Colonel : Corps Commander

General — S

- - General

– – – – General : Field Army Commander

Special Ranks:

[Rank] Specialist — Those who are so good at something that they get a Specialist designation (i.e Sergeant Specialist). They are expected to serve with their expertise rather than their power.

Acting [Rank+1] — When there is no one from [Rank+1] needed to command troops, someone of [Rank] is temporarily appointed to their position (i.e Second Sergeant becomes Acting First Sergeant). There are proceedings for it to happen either on headquarters or in the battlefield.

That is different from a field promotion, when someone will temporarily receive the actual [Rank+1], but only until they return to headquarters. The new rank will receiving a "pending" status upon their return, and might be confirmed or denied by the higher-ups. It's confirmed unless there's foul play, they performed very poorly, or they rose to a military rank not allowed for their personal power level (i.e C-rank First Lieutenant gets field promoted to Captain during an emergency, but only B-ranks can be Captains). Field promotions skip the "Junior" rank.

Vertical-Only Hierarchy:

Anyone only needs to obey someone in the chain of command.

If, for instance, Sergeant A, who is under Captain B, meets Lieutenant C, who is under Captain D, no special greeting or obedience is needed. Trying to force it is a medium offense unless in a proven emergency.

Also, even if Lieutenant AA were placed directly under First Lieutenant BB, he has no right to command Second Lieutenant CC. Only First Lieutenant BB can command Second Lieutenant CC.

Characters' New Military Ranks:

Those who just arrived, regardless of personal power:

- Recruit

Shen, Luthdel, etc:

- Previously: Corporals before auto-promotion, then Sergeants

- Now: Recruits before auto-promotion, then Junior Lieutenants


- Was: Master Sergeant

- Is: Staff Lieutenant


- Was: Master Sergeant

- Is: Lieutenant Specialist (expert at training troops)


- Was: First Sergeant

- Is: First Lieutenant


- Was: Second Lieutenant

- Is: Captain

Tazuz (mentioned by Abbav):

- Was: First Lieutenant

- Is: Acting Colonel (until A-rank arrives), then reverts to Major



Can definitely see how the new ranks are more intuitive

The Tallest Tree

Not a fan. Seems like you put in a lot of work though. I think something simpler would be better. Straightforward but slightly flexible. My idea is this Minimum military ranks per power level ie B ranks can't be Privates, D ranks can't be Captains However A ranks aren't guaranteed Colonels; but they can't be less than Majors etc Otherwise: Private Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Major Colonel General Considering there aren't airborne divisions etc. I think keeping it basic will be enough