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[A/N: Chapter this week: 2/3

Delayed chapters: 1

Next chapter: Saturday]

Like everyone on that side of the world, Shen saw a red blur leave the planet and return faster than he could blink. Then, a black blur attacked. They exchanged one—or was it two?—blows, and suddenly, the darkness disappeared from the world.

A spear of pure darkness materialized on the skies just long enough for him to identify it, then also became a blur as it fell on the world.

Shen thought that was the end. He could feel the power in that dark spear just from looking at it. There was no escaping if it decided to pierce the planet and blow it up.

It didn't do that, though. The red blur—which had also stopped long enough for him to fully see Uk'Gaar—was eliminated with an anticlimactic ease that only made it even more impressive. And the world was left alone.

In the end, only the lonely pitch-black humanoid with an open chest and pulsating heart remained, flying in the air. It was likely the Drow Maiden, holding her spear and looking down upon the world she had just shown mercy towards.

All that was a little shocking. It had happened so fast! From beginning to end, not even a single second had passed, and a B-rank was gone!

Unfortunately, the shockwave from the blow the Maiden and Uk'Gaar had exchanged wasn't as merciful as her dark spear.

Earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis were born at once. Shen was close to the volcano when it erupted in a fury that covered the skies in dark clouds and the air in ashes.

His armor alone was more than enough to protect him against the elements, and a layer of qi covered what remained of his squad. He set for the skies for better stability and waited there.

"Every drow on this planet, leave it right now!" the Maiden commanded through her echo plate.

In Syron, the specific words she used also made it clear how absolutely urgent that was. How only death awaited those who disobeyed.

"Teleport me and the ones I'm covering with qi to Shar'Talon," Shen said, but there was no answer from the system.

Nature wasn't as fast as the new incoming dangers. Lava and smoke were still rising when a green bubble surrounded Planet Seventeen, and three figures appeared around the Maiden.

They were giant, dark, octopus-like creatures. Shen had seen their likeness on Earth.


"Inspect," Shen attempted, but the system also didn't reply to that.

He didn't need the system to feel an immeasurable pressure from those beings, even more potent than from the drow Triarchy. Just looking at them made his mind hurt, and his soul threatened to crack. He was forced to avert his sight.

Either these were ridiculously strong B-ranks...

...or three A-ranks had come for the Maiden.

= - = - =

Liya tried to stop the incoming teleportation, but her efforts were rebuked. Then, she tried to attack as soon as the three oversized squids appeared, but she was frozen in place. She didn't even feel any energy, but she recognized what was holding her in place: their Realization.

She couldn't use hers like that, just like Shen couldn't use his domain yet. Well, he could, but he would suffer; she didn't even have that option. Maybe she would be able to at peak B-rank, but most likely, it would require reaching A-rank first.

"I know you," a deep, foreboding voice said in the depths of her mind. Her existence had been invaded just like that, and she couldn't even pinpoint where it had happened. "You were with the other offender we're pursuing. The abyssal dragon."

Liya also recalled them. The three had appeared in the gnoll rift the first time Liya entered it when Shen was still being controlled by external influence. Back then, they had been hunting for the dragon that saved her charge back then.

However, she didn't waste time reminiscing. As soon as she noticed the invasion, she cleared and shut down her mind. There was nothing at all in her short-term memory, no thoughts happening, nothing. She was in a perfectly blank state with barely enough consciousness to recognize when to return to normal.

Mind invasion was divided into layers. At the most basic layer, one couldn't read her long-term memories. She had to assume this was the case until she found evidence otherwise.

"Smart," another voice said, this one like a warm whisper. That likely meant her tactics had worked. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be enough.

One of the huge tentacles of one of the three colossal beings approached her. The limb had smaller hair-like tentacles everywhere, and the very tip of one of them extended, revealing more and more tentacles until a needle-sized one touched her forehead.

Liya felt that invasion. Her mind was torn apart for an instant... and then healed. No, no healed. She felt like she had died and returned as if she had been unmade and reverted.

Those beings had directly touched on the Aspect of Time.

"Ah, so you weren't with the dragon," the whispery voice said. "He belongs to this so-called Immortal Emperor's faction, is it? We know where to go now."

That proved Liya's actions to clear her mind were irrelevant, so she returned to normal and asked, "Are you going to kill me?" She couldn't speak, but she could push only those thoughts to the top of her mind.

"Not yet," the whisper replied. "We're from the Primordial Bridge. We've checked your Realization and deem it not harmful to the Alliance." The smaller tentacles stopped touching her and pointed at where Uk'Gaar had been. "That one was on the verge and marked for probable execution."

Liya couldn't hide her scorn from beings that could read her mind, so she didn't try. "The Laws of Carnage aren't bad enough for you, but whatever the orc was brewing got noticed?"

She was being disrespectful, but they had read her memories. They likely also knew she despised the Alliance and wanted to bring it down. If that wasn't enough to warrant her death, she doubted a little disagreement with their methods would be.

"Carnage is not targeted," the first voice was the one to explain, its deep voice making it sound like a sinister lie. Yet, his words rang true. "It's a tool that any can wield. Such tools are sometimes necessary, terrible as they might be. But some define their existence to destroy specific things, races, ideals, or even Laws. You were close, too, little one. Had your hatred for the Alliance defined your Realization, not your sense of justice, you would've been erased already."

His words showed the one who had read her memories had shared everything with the others. Liya hated them all already.

Another added, "The Alliance you so despise exists for the good of all its members. Sometimes, parts of it forget that. If you succeed, your Laws of... Karmic Balance, was it? They might become a constant reminder of the consequences of abusing one's power. It might prevent other issues."

"Don't worry about your memories," the third said for the first time. It was the only clearly female voice, tiny and almost shy-sounding, unlike its ridiculous massive, terrifying body. "The Primordial Bridge is beyond petty politics or power struggles. We had to know because all three had to agree upon your judgment. We'll forget as soon as we're done."

As if Liya would ever trust that.

"Such a shame," the deep voice said. "So much potential, but with such hatred for everything we protect. You can't be invited to join us. You would be a valuable addition."

The whisper added, "You'll be brought for further evaluation after reaching A-rank. And the final evaluation will be made when you try to reach S-rank." After a pause, it added. "I see our race in your ways—"

"You shouldn't," the deep voice said.

"I should," the whisper insisted. "She is not lost yet. She might come to see the true Alliance after she leaves this Sector. I would hate to see Karmic Balance made real only for her to face eternity alone."

After a pause, the female said, "I'll give her the benefit of the doubt."

"I find that enough to put my mind at ease," the whisper said. "Your conclusions are correct, little one. You were not the first drow to Realize your Path, but the hurdle you overcame is greater than you seem to imagine. Only one other of your people ever accomplished the same, and their Realization was aimed at vengeance. They resented your mental slavery, no matter what you call it, and sought to change Reality itself so your entire race would be unable to keep existing. I advise you: go back and free everyone, or the tools that kept you safe in the past will one day be the blades that end you. I promise you that there can be no other outcome. There has been none in the two million Standard years I have lived for."

Liya was shocked that anyone could live that long. She knew it was possible, but the drow had been integrated into the Alliance only a few thousand Standard years ago. Only that long had been enough for them to go through so much!

How much had that cthulhu seen?!

Yet, after her newfound freedom, she couldn't help herself from commenting, "So old, and you still live as A-rank hunting dogs going after pitiful C-ranks instead of reaching S-rank or doing something for yourselves?"

The female didn't sound offended as she answered, "That's how much we believe in the good side of the Multiverse Alliance. When you go to the First-Class Talent Summit, see it for what it says to be instead of a plot to control the weak. It'll expand your horizons."

With that, they teleported away, the barrier disappeared, and the system came to life.

| 122 C+ weapons sold | +292,800,000 AP

| 321 C weapons sold | +706,200,000 AP

| 749 C- weapons sold | +1,498,000,000 AP

| 1,812 D+ weapons sold | +434,880,000 AP

| 3,262 D weapons sold | +717,640,000 AP

| 12,111 D- weapons sold | +2,422,200,000 AP

| Base transaction total: +6,071,720,000 AP

| Maiden bonus: +50%

| Mass sale bonus: +10% (MAX)

| Transaction: +9,714,752,000 AP

| Your total AP: 11,870,952,000 AP

And thus, the fruits of her labor of hundreds of Standard years were sold. It was a hefty profit that even B-ranks might have trouble making. She was the best C-rank spearmaker she had ever met.

Unfortunately, it hadn't been just both materials and time that had limited her production. She couldn't just make spears non-stop as soon as she recovered from the last crafting. If she tried to, she started having the same identity issues as Shen had and would have trouble distinguishing between herself and her Path.

She wondered if that had changed now with her Realization.

| Attempting to increase rank to B

| Requirement met: Beginning to realize a Realization

| Rank Up (B) default cost: 100,000,000 AP

| Stat beyond C+ found!

| C++ stat found. Rank Up price x2 | 100,000,000 → 200,000,000 AP

| C+++ stat found. Rank Up price x2 | 200,000,000 → 400,000,000 AP

| Purchased: Rank Up (B) | -400,000,000 AP

| Remaining AP: 11,470,952,000

The system didn't like those who went beyond its established limits, and that was just the beginning. Liya would have to pay a lot for having dared to reach C+++.

Though it did come with some benefits.

| C++ strength found

| Strength automatically upgraded to B-

| Next Strength Up cost multiplied by 2X

| C+++ strength found

| Strength automatically upgraded to B

| Next Strength Up cost multiplied by 2X

| Strength Up (B+) cost: 163,840,000 → 655,360,000 AP

An extra plus symbol on any stat beyond the first wasn't just a simple modifier. It symbolized that one had already gone beyond the limits of a rank but been limited by the system. However, the system didn't want to completely suppress those people.

Instead, it greatly lowered the stat until the Guardian's rank went up. Then, it put it right where it belonged and charged extra for the next upgrade.

A few argued a single extra plus sign was worth it, but almost everyone who went further than that expected not to be able to do much after ranking up. They had reached the end of their Path and just wanted to be as strong as possible before they stopped.

In Liya's case, she had gotten that far because the Triarchy had used her as a test subject.

| Purchased: Strength Up (B+) | -655,360,000 AP

| Remaining AP: 10,815,592,000

She received similar notifications for agility, resistance, and magic.

Then came the final changes.

| Purchased: Learning Ability Upgrade (B) | -5,000,000,000

| Remaining AP: 3,849,512,000

| Racial Title removed: Maiden

| Achievement received: Former Maiden

| You no longer have any AP gain penalty from fighting

| Your AP gain bonus when not fighting was reduced from 50% to 10%

Her Racial Title had done what it was supposed to: catapulted her into B-rank through non-combat means.

As for her AP, Liya had calculated everything and been ready to rank up and evolve on all fronts for a while. The remaining AP was already enough to let her reach A-rank!

She was tempted to but knew better.

First and foremost, she felt that she should understand the entire sets of Laws of Annihilation, Darknes, and Spear at B-rank, not A. In fact, she was almost sure that after reaching A-rank, she could only stop or move forth. She wouldn't be able to reach for the Laws of Reality to understand them better any longer.

Second, she had just been warned about being kidnapped when she reached A-rank. Until she could guarantee her escape like the abyssal dragon had, she would rather keep her freedom.

Third, and the most fun of it all, this was a warzone.

Liya had just accomplished a remarkable feat by killing a B-rank at C-rank. Whatever agreement the drow had had with the orcs to guarantee Liya could fight Uk'Gaar alone wouldn't be enough to keep them away any longer. Whatever the orcs had said or done to accomplish that wouldn't stop enemy B-ranks from coming to kill a newly raised enemy B-rank that had shown so much potential.

They wouldn't know she was going straight for B+ stats. Before she Realized her Path, she also wouldn't have been able to notice if an enemy used similar power. So, some would underestimate her and come to die.

The ones with a Realization of their own might gang up on her, but she was willing to take the risk. Karmic Balance couldn't be bottled up and stored away. It was always ready to enact rightful punishment, and whoever came to cut her down for the potential she showed deserved nothing but death.

As for A-ranks coming?

She sent a message to the Triarchy explaining everything and giving the warnings she needed to give. If she died, she died. Karmic Balance would reign absolute one day, and that sufficed.

Yet, she didn't believe that would happen. Many A-ranks in Alliance were known for hating each other to death. Yet, they never directly killed each other or curbed their competition. The Alliance couldn't afford bloodbaths at that level when they had the Void to protect themselves against—or so they said.

Liya doubted it, but it seemed at least some beings, like the cthulhus, believed it—if they hadn't lied to her. It also looked like those beings were responsible for reinforcing such rules. They had just visited, so she should be slightly safer than usual.

Lastly, there was the Drow-Maiden-in-training.

Liya had enough positive karma with the girl already. She could faintly feel it, even with her incomplete Realization. She had withheld her progress for too long. It would be no issue.

It was time to take the next step toward the greatness that Karmic Balance deserved.

"Cancel the teleportation order," she said as mana started filling her body, and she felt dozens of B-ranks popping up in the space above Planet Seventeen.

[A/N: Fair warning: we won't see the rank up or that fight happening (if it does). Shen's PoV next.]

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I'm kinda torn on the primordial brigade, on one hand they have shown they are a pretty good group making sure no one is too bad, on the other hand they serve the primordials who are assholes, soo I dont really know what to think of them.

Sir Arthus

Not to sure right now but shen has no "crafting" skill at all right?


Ok... so there is some justice left in this world. Wonder why the squids want to hunt the dragon


Now I’m really wondering how the earth Maiden will progress, can she outlet through politics? He concepts where around metal if I remember correctly so might be tricky or require a shift