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(The content here is the same that I shared on Discord, except condensed and better presented. If you already read it there, no need to read it here.)

I'm currently 6 chapters behind. This is how I plan on working this out this month. Also, important notice on possible release rate reduction next month.

The release schedule for this month will be:

This week: at least two chapters, leaving me 9 chapters behind.

May 10-14 (next week): one chapter a day, for a total of 5 (normal week). There's a very small chance I add a few extra chapters here or there.

May 17-21: two chapters a day, leaving me 4 chapters behind. (I'm confident in accomplishing this.)

May 24-28: one or two chapters a day. If I manage 2 chapters, I'll finish releasing late chapters. I might fail though (the reason is explained below).

May 31: last chapter release this month (my weekly releases start Tuesday and ends Saturday).

Reason for possibly failing to release double chapters on the May 24-28 week, and possible release reduction next month:

I've started treatment for ADHD and light anxiety. It will help me with the release schedule on the long run, but I might need some time to adjust to the new medicine I'll start taking on May 20th. Therefore, I might fail to to release double chapters on the May 24-28 week.

Depending on how well my body and mind adapt to the medicine, I might also decrease the weekly chapters from 5 to 3 chapters next month.

I'll give my body one week to adapt to the medicine before making a decision on whether I'll need to decrease the release rate or not.

Therefore, on May 27th, I'll make a post here on Patreon to let everyone know what I decided for next month.

I sincerely apologize for all the trouble.

Writing a web novel helped me realize I have ADHD, which I've started treating, but that doesn't change the fact that things have been chaotic as of late.

I'll strive to improve.



ADHD gang unite! I hope the drugs work a treat :)


What happened to the 10th-14th chapters? Am I just too stupid to find them? It's a great story, if you need some time you should take it. Wont do anyone any good if you burn out. We're just here for the ride, it's your story

Filip Atanasovski

what the hell happened to any chapters this month?