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This post is not relevant if you read chapter 59 after 01/18.

I added a paragraph and changed another in chapter 59. See the excerpt below.

I would usually not make an entire post about such a small change. Doubly so because we'll see it happen in practice. However, it gives a better perspective on the challenges of this "middle boss," sets expectations, and showcases Shen's strategic mind. Those factors make this post needed.

The first paragraph of this excerpt is here for context. The second is the one I added. The third is the one I changed slightly.

They had the numbers to make the fight one of attrition rather than technique. If the elites failed to deliver a killing strike at once, the regulars could pull back, surround themselves with their allies, and recover. The elites could attempt the same, but they would take much longer to heal, which would be better for the regulars.
Moreover, there were nine regulars with unlimited energy for each elite. How many elites could deal with an unceasing stream of attacks from nine opponents? Magic and physical attacks would keep coming, and the regulars didn't need to worry about hurting each other. From Shen's experience in the Arena, maybe half could adequately protect themselves from that much. How many would overcome it and fight back remained to be seen.
Both things were good for Shen. He could kill faster than anyone he had faced and had a lot of training in dodging enemy attacks—the Techmages' dome had been really useful for that. The more the regulars resisted and killed elites, the better for him.


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