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I AM BACK! That was one of the best months that I have ever had! It was so awesome to meet everyone and just hang out. America is weird. I like it.

Apologies it has taken me a little time to get back into the swing of things.


If you want to see pictures and hear tales of the adventure check out the ARCHIVED CHANNELS, #us-spam-eagle-noises

Landed in LA after a grueling 16 hour flight with Miaowwww and G3nl0ck. At least the airline was really nice. It was worth the extra ticket cost for a tad more comfort. The air is LA is gross. 

Had layover flight to DC - just a quick 5 hours.

DC was pretty cool. Went to the zoo saw 'Murica things. W A I T
OMG THE Museum of Natural History. I spent almost 3 hours just looking at dinosaurs. I actually cried because it is one of the places I have always wanted to visit.

Walked around a tonne and managed to remove the back part of my heels.

Drove (on the wrong side of the road and car) to Baltimore.

WOOT BRONYCON. That was definitely a con. Parted way with G3nl0ck and met up with the other peoples. Finally got yo meet Simply and Riley. I did con things, got drunk, drew arts and met so many amazing artists. 

After a great dinner with some fab people, we left for out 5 hour drive back to New York. Halfway through the drive back home, I offered to drive the rest of the way. So I did.

Spent two weeks memeing and shopping with Spoops, Miaowwww, Simply and Riley. I brought so much stuff, I am amazing at Escape rooms and WEGMANS IS AMAZING.

Then I sadly had to come home. The Trip wasn't too bad I had good company with Miaowww.

Right now I am working on some smaller odd commissions for close friends and also trying to adjust to my  new CINTIQ! I was so graciously gifted this amazing piece of hardware. I LOVE YOU SIMPLY <3


I will have some Patreon reward sketches very soon! Apologies that I have been some absent. At the present that is all I have been able to get to at the moment. Thanks for hanging in there!


PostyBirb is back and now with 40 scheduled posts :'D
This took me 2 days, off and on to finish. 


I want to be taking commissions very soon! I am making a small commish guide with limited options just so I can get bet into rhythm.


I am still mid way through some updates and changes. I will be removing/editing Roles. I will give details at a later date.




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