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I know the first deadline for questions isn't up yet, buuuuuuuuuuuut I did kinda want to do this as soon as it was asked. I don't get a chance to go over the complicated relationships that go on in LoJR, because Jenny and Renamon are on Sauria, and will likely be there for a few more years. So yeah! Krystal's single, but pines for Fox, who she can never have, because he's dating her bestie. I'll probably do another one this month. I like doing these. Also, any excuse to draw boobies.




Awww You made Krystal cry, You monster!


Damn it Yawg, you're not supposed to make me feel things. Though I now want backstory so you need to get Jenny and Renamon off Sauria faster.


This made me genuinely and truly sad. I despise seeing a good person heartbroken. Still, I applaud you for this, as it gives vital insight to the nature of Krystal's character being more than some tramped up bed thrasher. Please, though, PLEASE let her have some sort of happy ending.


May I offer Krystal a coupon/pass to the Vixen Spa? (It's a reference to some of the art StarFighter has posted to FA.)


Cooooold bloooooded!

Savage Shark (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 07:37:16 Fox made Krystal cry p ^ q ....Shave him bald! > : C
2017-06-19 20:21:03 Fox made Krystal cry p ^ q ....Shave him bald! > : C

Fox made Krystal cry p ^ q ....Shave him bald! > : C