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Hey guys- just wanted to ensure everyone was aware of a change I've made to the Rena-boob tier:
All previous rewards, plus:
- This tier of patrons gets to provide input and/or votes to be considered for the comic's direction, "positions," clothing, stuff like that. Feedback can be provided through asks I'll send through the Patreon itself, visible only to this tier.
- No cooldown on stream sketch slots 

Basically, what this means is that rather than a cameo spot in a comic (which likely won't even come up for a few months), I'll let some folks have some input in costuming, actions, sex-positions, that sort of thing. This should give Patrons at that level a little faster return on their pledges than a cameo that, legitimately, probably won't happen for a few months, at best.

Ideally, this'll also have the advantage of opening up new ideas, poses and directions for the comic I might not have otherwise considered, and will be much easier to manage than shoehorning in dozens of potential cameo appearances.

I'm giving you guys some advance notice because that's a pretty big change, and if any of you guys want to reduce your pledges, I totally understand.

Once the time for cameos rolls around, I'll let everyone here know, and figure out something. 


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