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Doing something a bit different from usual for this one this month: instead of just going with the standard clothing-alt versions for this and trucking out the tribal and assault suits again, I've made more work for myself and I'm doing different figures/poses and partners for the alts:
- Got the Krystal solo pic (shown)
- got a Krystal x Wolf
- got a Krystal x Fox
- got a Krystal x olds (Pepper and Peppy)
- got a Krystal x Krazoa Spirit

No Krystal x Saurian alt (shockingly) because I feel like I do that almost TOO much, but if I have time tonight and inking goes well tonight I might try to squeeze another alt in: so if there's an alt you want to see, comment below TODAY and I'll try to run with the idea that tickles me the most. :3




I feel like the most obvious one would be a Slippy alt, but I wouldn’t mind seeing a Bob alt. Maybe even a Bucky O’Hare alt.


How about Rixx. Everyone seems to like that Naga, and krystal gets double dipped.😁


So you could do a blast from the distant past… Who was the schmuck from the old cosplazer stuff?


Those are definitely since exciting alts already... I know he's a saurian and all, but I do love Drudgie. He's adorable.


Jurassic Steve. He is the Butler after all.