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I had a Christmas-time holiday called Life Day -which may or may not be related to my favorite* Christmas time tradition- in LoJR that was just a thinly-veiled excuse for the characters to pork the bejeesus out of each other.

And that tradition shall live on in The Iron Reef. I'll need to come up with decorations, or some kind of traditional dress for it, but by and large, it'll be an excuse for the crew to shag each other senseless.

Poor Bob seems to be caught in the middle of this one though, much to his distress, but everyone looks pretty comfortable. He's done well!


*Its weird that it's somehow developed into a tradition for me. It's weirder still that I kind of look forward to it every year.




I freaking LOVE this! Astounding work, Yawg!


marvelous work Yawg!