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Okay, D-Cuppers, time to use your special shadow council votes to usher in February's next Waifu of the month inductee! And I also have something separate to ask you guys in addition to garnering your votes:

"How long should past waifus be left alone?"

Sometimes I wonder if I should haul Carmelita or Felicia or one of the other 30-some-odd waifus I've drawn up to this point: what are your thoughts? Bring the older ones back, or leave 'em be? And on the back of that, how LONG should we let them retire before they return? Please let me know in the comments below!


The One Hammer

Bring them back. 3 months sounds good to me.


When I first signed up was January 2018, the month Carmelita won. I was sad i missed out on Felicia since she was my original crush when it came to the furry community. I see no reason not to rotate back in past winners, otherwise you might have to start using more OC's like Max Blackrabbit or Eric Schwartz's characters for example. To be fare to the amount of characters that are available though id say a winner can only be allowed back to the waiting board once a year. Otherwise some might be picked (all be it unlikely) twice in one year. Like a January and December if votes swing hard on that certain character. Id like to make the point that it took Rarity 13 months to win, and if im not mistaken Bowsette was added to the main board in August. Shes had 5 months and is tied with the 4th most votes. Some characters are hard to say no to.

Queer and Pleasant Banger

Makes sense to bring them back, maybe with a 6 month delay before put back in the running? I like the idea of returning WotM maybe referencing their wins? (assuming some win multiple times)


A year from their winning month seems reasonable. Sooner than that, and you're gonna find yourself drawing the same characters over and over again, which may get difficult to find ways to keep it fresh with new ideas for their pieces.


Braixen was on the board when I started doing 'em XD Honestly, I'm tempted to replace her at this point, but dangit, she's so close as it is, it feels unfair to do that. But wow, I didn't realise Rarity was on for that long- but you're 100% right on Bowsette's meteoric rise. Personally, that's who my money's on for this month.


Hoo,.. I dunno about a 6-month delay- a year, I think I'd be down with though- I might need to revamp the "waifu in waiting" board to accommodate the increase of waifu potential. Maybe adjust voting somehow, too, to account for that... I don't want to be TOO repetitious with waifu (any more than I am already I mean).


For a lot of them, that'd certainly be true: it's already a bit challenging to come up with suitable but different ideas that translate well to Wallpapers and Pinups. I do Krystal, Renamon and Jenny every year, and I know them well as characters and sometimes I'm just slamming my head on the desk trying to figure this out.


I suppose the question is: If she's had her time as a Waifu, are you refusing to draw her again?


I'll second what Kodiak said and a year cooldown from a win seems reasonable. I don't want to live in a world where porn can only be drawn of a character once and then never again.


Nah- just don't want to be TOO repetitious. At least more so than I already am.

Logan Vaughn_Obsidianwolf117

Just spit balling; not something you have to do but you could make a returning waifu board to use once every say... 3-4 months. That returning waifu makes it onto the main board the following month and has a couple months to accumulate votes (or just 1 month, she could be uber popular and spank the comp :V) before the next returning waifu board. Yeah you'd be rotating between the waifu's in waiting and the returning waifu board; but it could keep a good ratio of fresh tits to returning tits at 2:1 or 3:1. [I'd also limit the returning waifus to a minimum of 4 on the main board and bar that board until said returning waifu's have been swapped out with fresh tits]