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Something I should mention, now that these pages are posted in their entirety: I'm not writing Jenny to be perfect. She's not. She's noooooooooot. But neither is anyone else. Except Renamon, I guess? But she's Renamon, its hard not to be perfect when you're Renamon.

That aside, Jenny is flawed. And at this stage, she's... we'll, it's all there, really. And something I hope I've established is that she's not good at making the right decision.

Renamon seems to be pretty understanding though. Which is almost to her detriment? A lot of people might see this as being doormattish, but I feel l need to point out a couple things:

- On Corneria, orgies and casual shagging are pretty commonplace. Exclusive relationships are rare, though it's common courtesy to ask first.
- Renamon's kinda low-key chill about a lot of things.

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Could be worse, though- there's a reason we never saw any male Alderbarans in the single episode of Bucky O'Hare that was set on Alderbaran...


Like, a canon reason? I have a few of my own, but what was the actual legit reason for that? Or is it a sex thing? I mean, it's PROBABLY a sex thing...


It doesn't help that there are 14 issues of the comic that were only published in the UK (and I can't find any scans of them online), but supposed to be that the males are all held in enthrallment, and there's a reason why Jenny's order is a sisterhood... (it's infanticide, BTW).


Oh wow, that's not too far from what I came up with- I figured the men were enslaved into cat-man harems or something. Oh, Larry Hama, you kinky monster XD


Picture of Jenny butt-chomping Slippy when?


Now I'm imagining Jenny getting back, Fox and Falco acting all "Oh, you were gone?", and so she goes to retrieve Renamon's card and settle up, only while she's sitting there drowning her sorrows Slippy shows up and accepts her as she is.

Thomas D Kennedy

Visiting Corneria is now on my bucket list.