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Wheeeewwwwwwww. Looks like I'm back in the habit of making these things overly long and complicated. OH WELL. Still worth it though.

Also, sex produces a lot of fluids. Fluids can get a bit crazy in zero G- of course, I don't know if we'll get to to see actual porn in space for a while yet (seeing as that PornHub attempt didn't get funded) so I'll have to assume it's going to be a giant floaty mess until some brave souls prove me wrong. 





"dick" move by Fox to use Rena's floof to wipe/catch cum. just sayin :P

Savage Shark

The floof is meant to be loved, not a spooge wall, ya jerk. But man I had forgotten about PornHub doing that. Im surprised to hear it didnt work out. Like seriously, Im stunned.


This certainly piques my curiosity about their relationship. There's a candid nature to this that lends it a real charm.

Savage Shark

I dunno, if he keeps using her floof to shield him and gets his spooge on it. I've a feeling she's gonna make him pay for it


This just means he gets to be a proper boyfriend, and help her clean up his mess. In an all benefits included shower.