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This was a bit tricky to answer- not because I didn't know how the girls would answer but because I wasn't sure how to answer the actual answering: I didn't want to do another single-panel answer this month, but the actual answer ("no") was pretty straightforward.

So I elected to go with the old standard of just cramming unnecessary butts and boobs into it.




But... boobs and butts are always necessary.


I think the important question here is, are Fay and Miyu making eyes at each other?


Also, Fox has a real Renamon dakimakura.

Klesk Vadrigaar

Well there's my head canon down the drain. Oh well.

Savage Shark

Who needs a bounty from space thungs when you can join the crew of the Great Fox for boots and booty :3 Good to know the girls have standards. But why does Fox get the Rena boobs? >^