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There are times where I just get completely lost in details when I'm sketching these pages out, and chortle softly to myself at what a nightmare this'll be for the inker.

Then I remember that I'M the inker.

And I cry.




Awesome village, but I think my favorite part of these pages is getting to see a bit more of Jenny and Renamon's friendship in play. It's been a while since we've gotten to see them just talk without danger dominating the conversation.

Klesk Vadrigaar

A nice moment of peace for our daring duo...which can only mean shit is about to go down again. :S


Oh good, they're secure enough in their friendship to insult each other. (Although Jenny might be showing hints of the McHornyberry aftereffects.) And it might be amusing if their newfound shelter was abandoned because it had become sexually overcharged.


Now, let's see how their good fortune turns into butt stuff!