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Oh, hey, lookit that, I totally finished this before month's end.

I'm a genius! Except when it comes to posting sketch versions of projects I have on the go. THAT I suck at.

But hey, here's Bob!

Got a couple alts for this one too that people* have been asking for:
1) Harem Outfit Bob
2) Covered in Kissies Bob
3) Bob with his dick out
4) Regular Nekkid Bob

and variant of same.

*I don't know who these people are, but you may want to alert the police if you see them in the area.




I love Bob xD

Savage Shark

Bob knows what the ladies like.

Simone Spinozzi

Police being dialed. Thank you for the warning citizen. 🤣😁👍

Simone Spinozzi

Uh... i get the hunks of meat above on the skewer but what's the apple fo-... no. no. nope. no. no. *gasp* <b><i>BIG NOOOOO!</i></b> ... <i>*looks at the script*</i> uh... i wasn't supposed to scream the "big" part of the "no" apparently... meh... what's done is done. Happy new year!


Bob finally has his day! Though I gotta say there's something indescribably odd about a confident Bob. It's like I'm looking at the evil universe version of him, sans the goatee.