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So, Patreon did a thing. 


I'm sure some of you might have seen the rumblings about it on Twitter, or other Patreons you support: Patreon's doing some juggling, in regards to the fee schedules. And those changes are going into effect on December 18th.

The tl;dr version is this: rather than charging creators 20% +\- off the top for fees and service charges, they're going to be spreading those fees onto the supporters, to the tune of 2.9%+0.35 cents. Per pledge.

I know a few creators are reducing their pledge levels to cope with this additional drain on their supporters. Some aren't doing anything, and are hoping to weather the storm. Some, presumably, are working to change Patreon's mind, or at least allow creators the option to cover these fees for their subscribers (we can write off these fees as business expenses, and you guys can't).

Right now, though, I'm more concerned that this is step #2 for Patreon to be purchased by some other company. 

Just a few days ago, I was talking about how Patreon may one day be sold, and this new pay model will ensure that it appears a lot more profitable and viable- which will increase it's asking price. I can only hope that whatever major company buys it still allows for "artistic" adult content and /or furry boobies to be created, otherwise, I'm SOL.

In the end, I guess all I have to say is that I'm not sure what the future holds. Whether this fee rescheduling will actually come to pass, or if we can apply pressure in the right areas and make them reconsider, or if we all jump over to Drip instead, or if Patreon gets purchased by EA and gets shut down after a year.

But I do know it's been fun, guys, and I'll keep this porn forge running as long as I can.



Personally, I'm hoping Elan Musk buys it- I'd be okay paying fees if they\ went to electrical cars and rocket ships.


The day Patreon is sold is the day it dies. Patreon may not see it, but if they sell the site to someone else FOR SURE everyone is gonna find an alternative. I sure as hell will


It'll be a slow lingering death- when it comes to measuring laziness vs. righteousness, you'd be surprised how often people settle for the former. Look at FA- it's still a juggernaught, despite it being a pile of fuck on it's best days :P


Patreon or not, I'll find a way to throw money at you, Yawg. Even if I have to build some crazy adaptation of a German railway gun to launch stacks of cash into Mooseland at you.

Savage Shark

do you still have that link to somebody actually doing the numbers on how the % amount works?