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So, I've been meaning to write this for like, a week now, but it's kind of a big thing, so I wanted to make sure I was phrasing this correctly. Spoiler alert: I probably won't:

A friend of mine postulated that eventually, Patreon's gonna get sold. Now, I haven't HEARD anything, obviously, and neither of us have any insider information, but that's just what seems to be happening with a lot of smaller internet companies nowadays, so it's really just a matter of time.

I guess my point is, I should PROBABLY get a move on to the big projects before Patreon gets acquired by IMVU or something and I lose this as a revenue stream.

I used to think that I need to get through the LoJR comic, and the CMYK concept stuff first before I even think about getting back into game design again, but honestly, if there's a timer in play I'm not even aware of, then there's nothing to be gained by waiting. 

So, this is what I've been wanting to do since I set up this Patreon: 

I've been wanting to do an adventure game for a while; like a furry Leisure Suit Larry (aim high, Yawg) that would explore the StarFox universe outside of Sauria (gasp!). I've got a game design document for that written out, and a few lists and ideas involving that (attached below). It's a bit dated, as I really haven't opened or updated it in the last couple years -I believe I was still citing Flash as a good medium for the game- and it desperately needs to be updated, but it's still my favorite iteration and a good example of what I'd like to do.

The names and stuff are aspects of this draft that will likely change into their CMYK counterparts, and I'll need to expand it a bit to come up with stuff for Bob, Drudgegut, Galdon, not-Renamon and not-Jenny to do.

Now, here's where you guys come in: I have some questions for you:

1. Any ideas on how to blend in CMYK/LOJR with this concept?
2. For those of you who played adventure games in the past, what was it you liked about them, and what would you like to experience again?
3. Any scenes you'd want to see?
4. Who would you like to control? 

I guess that's about it, really. This started as me asking you guys what you'd like to see me animate, but then everything just kinda came tumbling out over the last 2 hours. I REALLY hope this is understandable. But I need to prepare for today's stream- let me know if you have any questions at all- you know how to reach me! (Hopefully).



This will definitely give me something to chew on while I'm at work.