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Re:ZERO 2x20: "The Beginning of the Sanctuary and the Beginning of the End" // Reaction & Discussion

00:00 Intro 01:22 Regarding OPs and EDs 04:35 Reaction to Show 22:01 Discussion


Rafael Souza

LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ohhhh man, they didn't notice the eyes! ;( There is still hope for episode 24 and 25, tho, they will definitely see it!!

smth positive_

Oh neptune... here we go. F in the chat for Ben having to watch that opening scene. Im expecting him to scream "It should've been me, not him!" Regarding the intro and ending. The ending is fine I actually recommend you to watch since they’re gonna do some cool stuff with adding to a scene the 2nd time it plays and I’m curious if you’re gonna notice Also if the mods are reading this please let them know Devi is a mistranslation. Warlock would be more accurate since Hector is the male version of a witch of sin You did indeed hear about the magic release period in Memory Snow Another great line was Subaru saying Garfiel changed without ever changing. Happy to see how invested you are in this stretch of episodes and all the lore bc some reactors just disassociate till there’s more action on screen again One last thing loving the thumbnail for this


Something I noticed is current Roswaal has one blue eye and one crimson like Hector. They also share the same style and way of speaking.


That translation error of calling him a devil instead of a warlock throws so many people off


Fun fact: When Subaru does his finger-point stance while saying "I'm Natsuki Subaru", it happens at the exact same time that Emilia does the same thing when speaking to Echidna.


Hector's Japanese title Majin (魔人) makes it clear that he's a male counterpart to the witches, who use the title Majo (魔女). While the title Devil is one accurate translation of (魔人), some translations use Warlock to make it clear in English that Hector is essentially a male Witch of Sin.


Ben was stuntlocked by the first minute of the episode and never recovered lol


If you want to better understand the beginning of this episode, re-watch the beginning of episode 3 of this season ;-)

Jay Craig

Except it didn’t because they immediately understood it to mean a counterpart to witches

Evan Valenti

You definitely should not watch the finally intro of Re:Zero season 2. It spoils so much.


Roswaal got spanked so hard, he now cosplays as Hector.


As far as i am concerned there should be consensus between the mods for this OP. As i understood from Bens pov, they dont read comments until after they finished the season. So SPOILERS below: 1. It spoils the arrival of Garfiel in the mansion (this will be cleared by the end of next episode) but we get the OP next episode. Yes i know Garfiel says he can leave etc but they might not connect the dots yet, anyway the ending hits harder without the OP. 2. There is a frame (and we know they catch frames), where Subaru appears with Beako holding hands. This spoils episode 24, the outcome of Beako/Subaru, that buildup as far as i am concerned cannot be ruined, especially given how much they love Betty. 3. The last frame spoils episode 25, as it clearly shows the outcome of the sanctuary as the whole cast is present, including ROSWAAL, FREDERICA, PETRA and REM, this is okay after episode 24 because by that time it's obvious but not ONE episode before that. This has nothing to do with misleading people or setting false flags, there are a lot of those in the intro and they plant them nicely but those 3 points, nope. I was furious as i watched it back then, not because i got spoiled, im a source reader, but i like watching reactions to Re:Zero and it ALWAYS spoils those who pay attention to detail, which as far as i am concerned Ben and Anna do. Have a nice day.


"He stole Melancholy's pants!" had me dying. The timing and delivery caught me so off guard.


The problem with your OP discussion is that you can always go wrong watching it while you can never go wrong not watching it. So not watching is always the better choice. You can never mess up and you never go wrong by not watching it. You can always watch it later on during the last episode for example. I really dont understand where the problem is with just waiting...?


Hello, Mods. Please read this. Sorry in advance for the very lengthy comment. I completely understand where Ben/Anna are coming from regarding the discussion pertaining to watching the opening (OP) or not. However, in this particular case, with this opening of the series, please, PLEASE do not have them watch it until they finish the season. I don't even understand how the mods are apparently butting heads over this; I was dumbfounded when I heard that. The last 22 or so seconds BLATANTLY spoil extremely important events that occur within the last few episodes in a very straightforward manner, as straightforward as one can possibly imagine. The studio essentially just put in climax scenes that are basically already in the episodes themselves without any regard to subtly, none whatsoever. The presentation of the visuals will leave virtually NO room for speculation or misunderstandings by Ben/Anna. I promise you that with 100% certainty. What little speculation that could potentially be had would be voided out with Ben/Anna using their brains normally for about half a second. I sound dramatic, but I'm not exaggerating even the slightest bit. Heck, even the author of Re:Zero himself tweeted about how spoiler-filled it was during the initial airing of the season and how the studio deliberately chose to delay its implementation into the episodes (and it was STILL shown much too early!). S2 SPOILERS BELOW: There's Subaru reaching out to Beatrice in the fire-filled environment, Roswaal vs Ram and Puck, Garfiel vs Elsa in the mansion, Subaru and Beatrice holding hands entering the Sanctuary filled with snow and rabbits (spoiling the outcome of Subaru and Beatrice's relationship developments and episode 24's events, as well as where they end up to help out during the rabbit fight for episode 25), and the ENTIRE arc-relevant (S2 = the fourth story-arc) cast alive and well after the in-narrative conflicts are wrapped up (the way the visuals are presented in this shot clearly indicate the outcome(s) to future events, even if this specific scene does not line up directly 1:1 with the episodes like the other examples do). All of these events are shown to the viewer in basically as direct a manner as possible, and they are definitely not intentional falsities put in by the studio (nor would they be perceived as such when viewed, even by a first-time watcher). Knowing these two, Ben/Anna WILL, more likely than not, notice and understand most of what is going on in these sequences, as well as the narrative consequences behind them. I REALLY don't like being the guy to butt in and try and tell channels how to consume content, and I usually don't comment on stuff like this, but I felt that this topic, in this specific instance, was too important to leave alone on my end without saying anything and trying to convince Ben/Anna to reconsider just this once. I'm saying this as a very passionate fan of the series, and I can guarantee the mods most of every other viewer will agree; I've already seen tons of comments ever since the second cour/half started asking Ben/Anna not to watch it. We who are enjoying these reactions are mostly united on this and have stated good and logical reasons for feeling this way (notice the disparity between the number of commenters/comment replies on YT/Patreon who want them to watch it vs. those who are against them watching it, and the amount of hearts/likes on the against them watching it comments). This is not an "in hindsight/hindsight is 20/20" situation; they will just be spoiled outright, and their initial viewing experience/first reactions to most of the (above) listed events will be SIGNIFICANTLY negatively impacted, affecting both them and us viewers by way of their newfound foreknowledge. The decision should be obvious enough: they should not watch the OP before they finish episode 24. After 24/before episode 25, or after the season has been finished, whatever floats their boat. Thanks for reading.


I'm of the opinion that the opening is part of the experience of the anime, for better or for worse, and isn't something to be skipped the first time. I know people get very serious (and sometimes angry) about spoilers so I don't even bother giving my opinion because of the response I usually get, but since it came up in the video I thought I'd drop my two cents. I want to see their reaction to the opening the first time it plays just as much as the rest of the anime.


yea, I'm against watching OP, We're all here for the reaction but mainly for the analysis, and personally watching OP would lower the quality of the analysis [discussion of the --> content of episodes/ what to come next]. ED was fine though it nothing spoiler.


Respectfully (and non-aggressively, lol), this is an example of the exact type of inane comments that cause me to wish that Patreon implemented some sort of dislike button/broken heart icon. : P


I think that you guys can just watch the opening after episode 25, isn't that just the simplest solution if you don't want spoilers


I'd say that was a perfectly reasonable comment, but I can see you're trying your best to be civil so I thank you for that


I'm not in the mood to argue with those entitled "there is 100% consensus, no other opinions allowed" people that just decide they can speak for everyone. Just know, there are other opinions.

smth positive_

Use me as the don’t watch the opening till the end of Episode 24 button


People get too heated. I get there's genuine passion behind it, but sometimes the words said get to be a BIT much.


Nobody within the comments pertaining to this episode has acted like the type of people you don't feel like arguing against tho 🤔 did I potentially miss something like that in which you can point out as an example?

Daniel Borrego

for those who are interesting made in abyss 67 dropped this morning and its AWESOME!!!!!!

Nikolas Tye

Couldn't agree more. And that is despite me actually really liking Long shot. I think the songs great, and there's some nice thematic elements in the video that I really like. It's just that it's also full of spoilers. like, really big ones...

Reuben Filimaua

Someone please remind them to react to the OP before starting episode 25 as it doesn’t show up ever again from episode 21 or 22, I forget which one. I really want to see their reaction to the OP.

Jay Craig

They said in this very video you’re commenting on that they’re going to watch it when it shows up in an episode

Reuben Filimaua

I know. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they also said that if the large majority continues to be loud enough they'll do it. And from reading this video's comments on Patreon and Youtube, the majority seems to say to not watch the OP at all until the very end.

Tempered Glasses

Having fun watching the show is definitely the wrong call. Anime should be viewed with a well developed strategy and a serious mind. Only when one has deep introspection about the images they are about to view on screen and a determination to watch it the optimal way can one hope to avoid being isekaid.


Lol there's a lot of aruging about the OP but they are both valid points, therefore maybe best to watch the OP at the end. These two are great at analysis and theory crafting and watching the OP now will give spoilers. It's an amazing and epic OP but showcases moments best left to be surprised about :)


Here we go again. All the anti-opening trolls come out of the woodwork. When everything was going their way they were like "guys, let them decide for themselves if they want to watch it or not", but now that they did exactly that this sentiment changed real quick.


yeah I agree. Even me myself could figure out what gonna happen next when I watch the opening when it air weekly then. Kinda ruin my viewing experience tho....