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00:00 Intro

00:19 Reaction to Show

18:11 Discussion


Hans Santoso

An extra stuff that the Author mention in an interview about what happened to Subaru's parents afterward. "After Subaru went missing (was transported to Lugunica), a police investigation was launched but ended up empty-handed. As a result, Kenichi and Naoko now spend their days praying for their son's safety."

Luis Arispe

Like I've said with Bocchi's episode 8 the other day. This is also one of the best episodes of anime I've seen in my life. It touches every single fiber of my soul. Makes me remember every moment of my life with my parents. The good and the bad . I don't have them with me anymore but this takes me back there and I love it.


They are such great parents! His mom's line about "We didn't have you because we wanted you to do things for us. We had you because we wanted to do something for you." is something everyone needs to hear! Shame the parents don't have closure according to the author.


This episode is what solidified Subaru as my favourite character ever!!!


One of my favorite episodes of anime ever.


In the light novels, Subaru does actually think of his parents quite often, since the very start of the story actually, and each time he represses it and shakes it off. This episode really sets ReZero apart from most other isekai, because Subaru actually misses people from his past and it isn't just brushed over. The stuff that happened before he was isekai'd made him who he was and you can go back and see from season 1 with this context of why he did the things he did.


I think it was clear in episode 1 that Subaru was not happy before getting isekai'd, with how his eyes were dead and glassy and brightened up the moment he realized what happened, and he was so excited to be there. It's great that we got a deeper look into his situation, compared to a lot of isekai where it's a more standard "I'm sick and tired of the harsh working society in Japan and this is my chance to live a life I want to live"

Nikolas Tye

Man, when I first watched this. And I was listening to Subaru talk about realizing that there was nothing special about him at all. I was crying my eyes out. And there's so much to say about this episode, but I really love the context this episode gives to the 'act' that Subaru kept up until it finally came crashing down in Episode 8. Him thinking that the only way he can get people to like him is to be more like his dad. To do what he thinks he would do. That he looks at himself like a pale imitation of his dad, and how beutifully it mirrors Rem doing the same exact thing.


This episode hits every time no matter how many times i rewatch it or watch a reaction to it.

Beowolf Chow

Don't apologize for being entranced by the episode. This is one of the all-time greats, we ALL understand as we've been there ourselves. This is such an amazing episode. Another one like episode 8, of almost constant dialogue and exposition, that just leaves you entranced as it fleshes out characters. There's very little room to breathe, let alone think and express your ideas, before it plows ahead. Once more, it doesn't do this by being flashy, as all the tension comes from simply knowing and empathizing with the characters. Great writing, great animation, and great music accompanying it. All of that, brought to its peak, by the journey we've walked to get here.

smth positive_

I was Ben during that episode when I first watched this, having parents like this seems way to fantastic for me which makes me even sadder for Subaru for having to leave them behind


I love that both his most important girls appeared in this episode building him up and how he said that he isnt letting anyone else have them :) He is a greedy guy, thats pretty fitting when i think about it :)

Jeff Drake

Re:Zero has a very good habit of having these in depth moments where we get a heavy dose of the feels. Rem's speech, the first time Subaru tried to get the Arlan villagers to leave (and they catch him lying), the mansion sequence where he breaks down in Emilia's lap, just to cite some of the previous examples. Tappei really gets into the details most isekai miss.


This episode really breaks my heart due to what I've heard about what happened with his parents in his original world, after he vanished that night. I don't know if it's canon but it still hurts.


I don't think the significance of the "itterasshai" was that Subaru understood it differently, but rather it made Subaru remember that his very last interaction with his mother was brushing her off.


You shouldn't worry about not talking much during a reaction, especially with episodes like this one. I think it's great seeing you guys being fully immersed in the storytelling and then getting to have an in-depth discussion after the episode. You're one of the few channels that gives the viewers both authentic reactions and great commentary, which is something that's hard to come by these days. Never change, AutoSave 💛


again it was ben whos the one feeling it to the level i felt. almost teared up rewatching this.


This for me is what really genuinely started making me love the series. This was the starting episode for why I have rezero season 2 in my all time favorites. Season 1 was more or less just good for me. I got annoyed at some points with it. I didn't really care all that much for the Rem episode. This episode explained a lot of subaru as a character and connected a lot of dots with him and the way he was in season 1. Overall just expect season 2 to be on this level of greatness. One of the greatest parents in all of anime and we just got 1 episode of them.

Daniel Borrego

his parents being so over the top kinda ruined it for me. i thought "oh his dad is guy sensei and his mom is so supportive, how did he become an otaku again?" it makes subaru's personality less special i think. instead of coming from some strict background and suddenly coming into his own in this world, becoming a larger than life character, he was always that way.


This episode for me is life changing


It literally shows how he became a shut-in. He developed a severe inferiority complex because he was constantly compared to his father. This he started acting out and being immature. At first it worked, but as he grew older more and more people distanced themselves from him because he was just doing things for attention. Subaru realized this and became self-aware, but didn’t change his behavior, he instead opted to just stay home because his behavior around others made him embarrassed.

smth positive_

It’s not even about how the parents act but how much they care about him and are willing to quietly do the best that they can to support him I think you missed the whole point. Obviously real parents aren’t gonna act like anime parents

this is one long ass username (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-08 02:02:39 I mean it was very clearly portrayed how his dad is a little on the narcissistic side and a charismatic people person, while still obviously being a caring father and both of his parents kind of shoving problems away from plain sight (remember the peas thing?). What then makes them not so horrible parents though is that they obviously still love and care a lot about him while simultaneously being troubled by how things have developed. Taking all this into account it’s not that far off for Subaru to turn out a little bitter about being in his dads shadow and also bad with dealing with his emotions because of his families way of sweeping things under the carpet.
2023-10-27 22:59:54 I mean it was very clearly portrayed how his dad is a little on the narcissistic side and a charismatic people person, while still obviously being a caring father and both of his parents kind of shoving problems away from plain sight (remember the peas thing?). What then makes them not so horrible parents though is that they obviously still love and care a lot about him while simultaneously being troubled by how things have developed. Taking all this into account it’s not that far off for Subaru to turn out a little bitter about being in his dads shadow and also bad with dealing with his emotions because of his families way of sweeping things under the carpet.

I mean it was very clearly portrayed how his dad is a little on the narcissistic side and a charismatic people person, while still obviously being a caring father and both of his parents kind of shoving problems away from plain sight (remember the peas thing?). What then makes them not so horrible parents though is that they obviously still love and care a lot about him while simultaneously being troubled by how things have developed. Taking all this into account it’s not that far off for Subaru to turn out a little bitter about being in his dads shadow and also bad with dealing with his emotions because of his families way of sweeping things under the carpet.

this is one long ass username (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-08 02:02:39 That’s all u took away from Hans’s comment? Be bitter elsewhere
2023-10-27 23:05:33 That’s all u took away from Hans’s comment? Be bitter elsewhere

That’s all u took away from Hans’s comment? Be bitter elsewhere

smth positive_

I think you’re so used to anime portrayal of trauma and how family dynamics affect someone that this realistic portrayal is off putting to you. Re:Zero is a character study almost haven’t seen any other tackle these topics as realistically as Re:Zero

DJ Hunter

This is my least favorite episode of Re:Zero… it always felt like a slow-paced filler BUT after listening to your discussion, I now see how wrong I was.


Re zero has some of these beautiful episodes where dialog is enough to captivate us. It goes on to show how strong of a writer Tappei is (the sole writer of re zero web novel). Tappei is great at writing these moments and he focuses much of his story around them. His action writing is not as great, I think that's why he prefers to put more dialogs and plots instead of action in his writings (there are definitely actions, but they always feel rushed in the web novel imo)

Tutter the mouse

as a light novel reader, I didn't really have a complaint with the action. It's not as entertaining as character writing and dialogs but honestly, it's still pretty entertaining to read, especially the fight scenes in arc 5


Arc 5 had the most amount of fights imo. Tackling all those enemies at the same time is insane. I never read the LN but I have heard they did a great job drawing action scenes