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Re:ZERO 2x1: "Each One's Promise" // Reaction and Discussion

00:00 Intro 02:15 Reaction to Show 20:16 Discussion



Figured this episode would have a lengthy discussion, I wonder why lmao.



Jason Parker

Feels good to finally be in season 2! I know they like to avoid spoilers but I kind of hope they watch the op at the end of next episode or at least the first half of it. It's soo good and they barely show it


In case anybody doesn't know because I believe it's only mentioned in the novels, but Rem was the one who wrote the letter that was delivered to the estate. It being blank is the first hint we get that something happened to her.

Rafael Souza

Very nice that they actually noticed that Ram never mentioned Rem in previous conversations. It is EXTREMELY out of character for Ram to not ask about Rem's whereabouts. She is the most important person in her life, we saw how she reacted to Rem's death in episode 7. Not only that, but she was in charge of Subaru in the capital, and if Subaru is going back to the mansion AND fought the Whale... THEN WHERE IS REM? That was a huge hint and its nice that they noticed it, although they weren't sure of it. Sadly the anime does a poor job explaining that Rem was the one who wrote the letter and, since she was "eaten", the content of the letter disappeared, just like Rem's stuff disappeared from her room in episode 17. Subaru doesn't know how to properly write nor read yet, he only knows 1 of the 3 alphabets, he isn't capable of writting such an important letter. But the anime never fully explained it, which, in my opinion, is a HUGE mistake. I get it that not everything has to be explained, but they don't need to overly complicate it as well. In the novels it was properly explained. Ever since the Whale we knew that Rem was the one who wrote the letter


It's been mentioned in other comments, but remember the plot detail of the blank letter from season 1? That's our hint that something happened to Rem, because Rem was the person that wrote the letter that suddenly turned blank. Also, Re Zero had IF side stories/routes that essentially detail what would happen if characters make certain different decisions in the plot. That montage with adult Rem was a reference to one such IF story called Sloth IF or Rem IF. For now, that's the only IF story you guys could read without any spoilers, but there are more.

smth positive_

Haven’t completely finished the discussion but Anna almost had it with the blank letter. It was empty because rem wrote it remember how everything disappeared in her room when her memories got eaten by the white whale? Same thing happened with the letter which is really good writing in my opinion since if you know it’s really on the nose but since you and our protagonist came up with another reason for in you have that false sense of security like gluttony or the white whale can’t have something to do with it


“Nothing too bad could happen episode 1”. Oh man famous last words


Loved the love for Yusuke Kobayashi at the end, as you said his range and passion is so good. One of my favorite vas for sure and I couldn't imagine subaru with anyone's voice but his.


To the question why they show the knive that much. Thats the studio hinting at cut content for those who read the novels. He killed himself over and over and over again, just to reset back in front of the bed where Rem slept.


For the still frames just before Rem got nom'd on by Gluttony, those are frames from the Sloth IF side story. The author does IF stories of Subaru on important break points in the story where he goes a different path. The one here is episode 18, where Rem agreed to run away with him. So grown up Rem with his children.


The whole "who is rem" build up situation suffered a bit under the fact that they cut out the dialog between Subaru and Rem in season one after the white whale battle (episode 21), where he told Rem he wants her as his second wife and that he will convince Emilia. As having multiple wives is a thing in this world. That was the lead up to that awkward conversation in the carriage but if that detail is missing, it comes across as more comedic than it should be.

Beowolf Chow

Another great discussion guys. Since you seem to like the weird things that brains do, I have one you may not have heard of. There is a particular type of brain injury that breaks the connection between the parts of your brain that handle facial recognition, memory, and emotion. Victims of this will see their parents, recognize them as looking like their parents, but because there isn't a link to the normal feelings of familial love and shared history, will have a very weird response. The brain goes "Well, that looks like mom and dad, but something is wrong. *GASP* They must be IMPOSTERS!" The person suffering from this simply can not be convinced, and treats every meeting with a person, as meeting a clone of them for the first time. I think it might relate waaay back to how our evolutionary ancestors recognized camouflage or mimic-type predators as a subconscious "... something is not right here". Our brains are squishy meat computers, and they are very weird.


Who is that Blue haired girl that looks like Ram?


So a bit that was cut from the LN, "I kept trying to sound all brave saying I'd die as many times as it takes, but I never make it in time". Subaru killed himself a great number of times, including using that letter opener next to her bedside, he didn't give up after the first time at all, but every time he wound up in the wagon with Emilia. That is why the camera kept focusing on the knives all episode. Subaru focused on them too lol


It also gives you a hint about when that happened. Because Rem was erased much earlier than people think.


Emilia better accept it that Rem will be living with Subaru as his second wife.

Night Sterling

"Nothing bad could happen in episode 1" RE:zero says otherwise 😂

Eduardo Alvarado

guys can you react to Ergo Proxy? :3

Luis Arispe

For that "Who is Rem?", the directors cut of season 1 was superior. Imagine that line and cut to black.....END....arrrghhhh....That cliffhanger was superb.

Nikolas Tye

Just a fun little Trivia. There's actually a reason as to why the Carriage is such a "Smooth ride" as you put it in the start of the episodes. See, Ground Dragons actually have something called the Divine Protection of Wind Evasion. And this ability is what lends to the smooth rides they provide and likely largely contributing factor to why ground dragons are so heavily used. Back in I believe episode 12, you can actually see this effect for a brief moment during a quick flashback where subaru sticks his hand a little too far away from the cart, causing him to lose the protection and almost falling off the cart as a result.


pretty sure in the ln subaru kills himself again in the room by rem.

Daniel Borrego

I can see why they cut it out as its literally pointless after the first time. By this time subaru knows his save point doesnt go back. It seems more like the author did something out of character in the light novel to add a bit of drama.

Daniel Borrego

It kinda makes him out like a bit of a dick at that point. He hasnt even got to date emilia yet he already wants a second wife?!

Daniel Borrego

Ah season 2. You want sauce, they give you the sauce. So much so that they end up skipping the intro and outtro to shove as much in as possible.

Daniel Borrego

In real life, carriages actually had suspension. So they would be far smother than a wagon. They used leather or later metal leaf type springs.

Nikolas Tye

I completely forgot about that. Yeah, the Axel would be connected to the front with like a connecting joint and the back end they'd used padding or springs like you said between the Axel and and the carriage floor, right?

K. Unknown

in what universe is "subaru spends a while stubbornly and desperately dying repeatedly trying to achieve something" out of character for him? even if he knows after the first try that it's not going to work, it's not exactly easy to accept what happened to quote subaru himself from season 1, "It was so much easier to believe that there was something I could do."


Its not. it shows how much he loves Rem and he is trying everything to get there faster


know the times you saved your game too far without backup (save no 2) so you cannot go back and have it all? my only guess is subaru save point dosnt like rem :// Also i've been heard rem battle with the archibishops happend around the time subaru and julious fought betelgius..


Anime did much better with this. Hinting at the temptation but never showing him do that. As bee said, its a pointless deed since tbe checkpoint is already moved. If he would have died over and over in hopes to somehow save Rem, that would be the definition of insanity. No that would not show how much he loves Rem or anything like that. Besides we know already how much Subaru likes her.

C Wick

"thats a well deserved cry"... this season.... woof


few more episodes left for that episode. hope it is what i expected from you guys :)