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Re:ZERO 1x6: "The Sound of Chains"// Early Reaction & Discussion


Russell Francis

Hey just to let you know audio and video desyncs at 16:49!


Did you guys decide to not do the directors cut?


Its even harder, cuz he has been spending like 5 days with them before each death... and doing that several times... one can imagine how easy it is to feel close to them when they just see him as a new guy (like how Emilia responded to Subaru saying why he gave her a pet name and she pointed out they dont really know each other... while Subaru has gotten to know her for multiple weeks while she probably only knows him for a day or two at this point (since I think the first cycle was one day and him naming her was on the "first" day after waking up following those events). That is insanely rough. I couldnt imagine having to constantly try to reforge the ties with people. It must feel so awful to see someone as a friend and have memories of good times with them and they have zero memory of any of that and see you as just a stranger.


Oh yeah... no, Ram's trimming of the hedges made them look a hot mess. The atmosphere even looked dark to drive that home. She messed them up pretty badly xD Yeah I thought the same thing the first time I saw the scene where Betty was spinning. I was imagining she was in a spinny chair bored with Subaru just hanging around for who knows why.

DJ Hunter

This reaction is why I have Patreon… I love autosave’s deep analysis!


Usually the everlasting pain when people die, lays heavy on the people who live but in Subarus special case, after having to endure the physical pain, he is the one who additionaly is losing all the connection and progress that he made while other people just forget. Its like losing someone despite being the one who actually dies, so the pain just doubles.


We have not completely decided yet. One of our Mod's has suggested not too because of how it would affect our scheduling with longer episode durations, so discussions might suffer. Our 2nd Mod is doing a more thorough look into it before we make the decision. He also suggested a master cut after season 1 showing us all of the changes made after we finish season 1 if we decide to stick with the OG version.


Alright, either way I love the re zero reactions and discussions!

Russell Francis

That is more than likely the best option. I can think of multiple instances of incredibly interesting discussions and moments that may end up never happening/may not have the same impact if you swap to the director's cut and don't have the time in between certain episodes to decompress and analyze