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Attack on Titan 4x23: "Sunset" // Early Access Reaction and Discussion

00:00 Intro 00:18 Reaction to Show 12:50 Discussion



Next episode is imo the worst aot episode


I feel like everything after like episode 21 becomes pretty mid compared to the previous episodes.


Why even take the time to write this comment? What are you hoping to get out of it?


Slightly agree, it did feel a bit rushed. Not a manga reader, but I also heard (could be wrong) that it felt similar to the pacing in the manga. But the pieces were there (character choices made sense imo), and I get that the events between certain scenes would not have been too interesting, so I get the choice of wrapping it up quickly. That being said, the transitions could have been more natural lol.


Grisha's words to Shadis, calling him special, also arguably led Shadis to invest everything into the scouts. Without Grisha, Shadis would definitely have quit and married Carla, become Eren's alternate daddy lol.


I personally adore everything that comes after this point. I wouldn't say there's a single weak episode of Attack on Titan save for maybe a few drawn out, limited animation episodes toward the end of the Trost arc.

Adam Adamowicz

Could not disagree more. I adore it for so many reasons. But we'll get to it when the episode is out.

Night Sterling

Fritz is the family name hence the numerous king Fritz's.


Floch did nothing wrong. Someone has to take control, someone has to do the things. Words alone won't work, everyone acting like Floch is the first person to ever kill anyone.


Floch is the real successor of Erwin, he is the only survivor of the charge Erwin led.


I agree with your other comment, Erwin would probably be with the Yeagerists but what they are doing is definitely wrong. There isn't really anyone in AoT doing nothing wrong except for Sasha's dad.


Riiiight.... fascism, violence and hatred are not wrong 😂. But I get he was trying to defend his homeland. Although, Armin's plan would have been more effective.

pas douée pour les pseudos

Amazing reaction and discussion as always! I particularly love all your thoughts on Floch. Such an amazing character, such development! And like you said, it makes complete sense, I fully understand where he's coming from. And yet, I can't help but hate him. Since 4x14, everytime he speaks, my gut reaction isn"t "what a cool dude", but "please shut up." I get that he felt so powerless in the battle in Shiganshina that he never want to be powerless again, but now he's drunk on power and it makes him cruel (or maybe it's just his true nature); I can't stand him when he's so happy to reveal he knew about the spiked wine "what if some dumb MPs get dumber" (whereas Eren tried to stop Zeke from screaming), or when he, in this episode, gleefully tell the Volunteers "guess what, your homelands will be trampled on". And maybe he cares for his homeland, but it only includes the ones that think like him: "I'll wipe out any resentment", that's not only for the Volunteers. So yeah, I hate what he became. But what a character!

pas douée pour les pseudos

Some other thoughts, I had so many listening to you! - about Floch knowing about Jean’s initial plan to join the MP, I think Ben is actually wrong: Floch was in the 104th Cadets Corps with them, even if we didn’t see him before season 3, he said so himself when he’s introduced in 3x12; he probably chose to join the Garrison. So he would have heard Jean speak of his objective at length (and would have known the "reckless, annoying, and cheeky" old Jean. - about Annie’s dad, my take is he’s not dead. First, no body = no death. I think the editing is purposely misleading us: we just hear a gunshot, and immediately transition to Keith hearing a gunshot / Floch having shot the Volunteer in the hand. My theory is, using his martial arts technique, he was able to disarm the guard before he shot him. - about Shadis protecting the Cadets the 1st time around: not only did he let them beat him up, he saw that they were reluctant in doing so, knew that would put them in trouble with Floch, so he’s the one who riled them up and pushed them to beat him. - about the conversation between Armin and Mikasa, I loved all what you said. I’ll just add, about Mikasa trusting Armin with making decisions: even before Eren, she’s the first one we saw trusting Armin and telling him he always makes the right choices, way back in 1x08, when they both thought eren was dead. Also, I think at this point, Mikasa is still broken about what Eren said to her, she’s not sure if she really has free will and so more than ever relies on Armin to make decisions.


Idk why y’all are so upset that they just shared their opinion on an episode lmao. It’s not like they were being rude, they just shared their opinion. You guys are aware that the ending of this series is massively controversial right? I think it’s so weird to expect everyone to love everything that happens just because the title card says “Attack on Titan”. As long as the discourse is civil why is a differing opinion a problem?


Love the reactions and discussions as always. Cannot wait to see and learn their thoughts for the rest of the episodes ☺


season 2 episode 8.. we got basicly 1 minute on eren and rinner on top trees. and 20 minutes of mikasa and armin care for eren so much they eat their cracker roughly


What plan? They spent YEARS trying to figure out how to get the world to talk to them and it got them nowhere. You're acting as if they went for the rumbling first when they've clearly explored alternatives, and even Eren himself tried to reject that plan. The only thing Armin has is naive, useless idealism that only works when Marley is backed into a corner over their own stupidity in handling the island. WIthout Eren triggering the rumbling, they would /never/ talk to Paradis, and it's shown over and over and over and over. I am so tired of these people against Floch and Eren pretending 'morality' will save the island from a global alliance when they were clearly going to war no matter what they did. It's ridiculous.


Those guys are ignoring the fact that before even the Rumbling began the world already united the army and came to kill them all, where and what does Armins plan do 😂


bro Floch is Eren most loyal friend, do not bash him, he was always right and you will see also his hearth is with his country and his people a true patriot


Floch was actually part of 104th cadet with them, it is said in season three when his character is first introduced. That’s why he knows what Jean wished for back in the days