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Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation 1x5: "A Young Lady and Violence" //Early Reaction & Discussion

[TimeStamps] 00:00 Intro 02:18 Reaction to Show 13:30 Discussion


Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Still can't believe this show won a poll on here so early... your community is unfathomably based

rusty warhorse

Season 1 best girl is here!


Funny enough Roxy was my number one girl and when they introduced Eris I was like "who's this girl trying to take Roxy's place" but damn Eris is my favorite character


I believe Ghislaine's name is pronounced more like Ghee-Lane. Could be wrong, but that's how I hear it.

Radamanthys Wyvern

Just like the real world, most of nobility couldn't read in the past because they had an scribe to do that for them and consider writing and reading a waste of time. Ghislaine fighting style is the Sword God Style and she is King rank, just like last episode when Paul Said that King-Class mages can be counted with one hand, the same applies to King-Class swordsman. It's really amazing how the show represented she breaking the sound barrier. I was waiting the whole week for your reactions of MT, please do more than 1 episode per week :(


This get over way too fast. Waiting another week will be hard. This episode really showed that it is a brutal world in a way. Especially considering Eris being a child here. That scene really hard to watch. But later Ghislain with that attack was animated so damn good.


Spoiler-free notes here! Rudy and Eris aren't quite direct cousins, they are second cousins if that does anything at all 😂. They're from the same main family which is the "Greyrat" family but different side families. That's why Paul and Philip joked about Rudy seducing Eris. The reason Eris doesn't know how to read is because she just kept beating the crap out of her tutors, thus landing Rudy his job. Rudy's job is to teach her Magic, Math and Reading and Writing. The thing about Ghislane is that she's a complete muscle-head as Paul said and never put in any effort for anything other than swordsmanship, that's why she teaches Rudy Swordsmanship, while he teaches her the same things as Eris. Ghislane's attack was so fast it broke the sound barrier. That's why they only died after she slashed, as well as the ringing after the fact. People wish to kidnap nobles because of many reasons, mostly political, but some like to power trip over the fact that they have noble slaves. As for the power-scaling, I'll let you guys figure it out yourselves, but if you would like clarification, please do ask.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Loved your reaction to the Ghislane epic action sequence. Studio Bind was literally created just to make this show, its a true passion project. For most people, this is the episode that convinces them to watch the entire first season. Trust me, it only gets better and more action packed from here while still retaining the incredible dialogue, character development, and worldbuilding.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

arguably the best part of this show is that there are so many characters to pick as your favorite, its a truly fantastic massive cast of amazing unique personalities


They are not distant cousins, Sauros' sister is Paul's mom, they're first cousins, Rudy and Eris are second cousins. About Ghislaine's LSoL, I explained why the way they chose to animate it is pure genius in the youtube comments.


To be fair, its also by present day standards in a lot of countries... there are still a good number of places that have first cousin marriages as not rare, if not common. Even the "first world" countries tend to only have consanguinity laws up through first cousins, so second cousins are considered distant enough to marry in most places, from what I recall anyway.


dere doesnt necessarily mean Tsundere. There are a bunch of different types. "Dere" essentially translates into "love" or "lovey" and tsun means "to turn away" (I think. I dont remember for sure). So Tsunderes are the ones that act like they dont like someone when they really do. The other super common one you hear about is Yandere which comes from Yan-something that means "mentally ill" combined with "dere" so its a mentally ill lovey, which is why they usually are all psycho killer love interests. To be fair, Eris definitely puts out mega Tsun vibes here, so your assumption that him saying "dere" to be meaning tsundere isnt far from the mark in context!


Yeah, there's nothing wrong with it, just correcting the misunderstanding that they are way too distant or something that I see everywhere.


You know the idea that he self sabotages himself is a very interesting idea too. I think that in the previous episodes where he decides to save Lillia he justifies his actions that way too. "Oh i want to save her because she brings me towels and cleans up after me etc" Rather than saying outright I want to save her because that's the right/good thing to do. On the topic of healing magic they never really explain the healing thing in the anime I believe and probably won't ever elaborate on it since the explanation happens early on in the source material. The reason why he can use other types of magic with no incantation is because he can visualize elements and understand how they work since it's just basic science. He states in the book that if he was a doctor in his previous life he would probably be able to cast incantation-less healing. (or something to that degree, been awhile since I've read it)


He is not ready to be a "good person" yet, that's why he justifies his actions this way.