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on this weeks episode of how unlucky can autosave be. For the first time ever, ben has gotten covid. this is ben by the way. this sucks, i’m a little loopy but can look at a screen today unlike yesterday. obviously the week prior anna was experiencing issues from a chronic heart condition which is the most important issue at hand. hopefully this is all resolved soon. i miss watching my favorite shows. did any of guys you get covid? What did you do to pass the time/feel better?

ps: gonna post this on youtube later too at some point. it’s taken an hour to type this.



Hope you feel better soon! Tbh when I had covid, I mostly just slept as much as I could and passed the time with mobile games or YT videos when I could bear it.

Wade Bell

I got covid last year and i killed the time. by playing pokemon when I was awake, but I mostly slept. Hope you have a mild case!


hope you feel better soon ben and so does anna best wishes to both of you take care of yourselves you will beat this in no time <3

Meg B

I hope you get better soon dear Ben, and I hope Anna has also been getting better. You and your well-being always comes first. Love you guys so much even though we've never met. I feel an affinity with you and I truly care for you both like good friends. I too miss watching (full-length) our beloved shows together. Attack on titan has been crazy and I'm also anxiously waiting to go over the final 3 episodes of HotD with you! Wishing you a swift recovery ♥️ I hope you can go back to doing what you love soon!


Wouldn't it be cool if you found a YT channel to watch AoT reactions? Lol. Half kidding, just stay away from comment sections. Pick a smaller channel not one of the bigger ones. Either way rest up, drink those fluids and feel better soon you two!

Reggie Azem

Oh what, that's nuts! I feel bad yo, what. I hope and wish my favorite couple a speedy recovery, don't stress, relax everything is going to be alright.


Get better, you too! 💪❤️


Welp, there’s only one thing left to do. Turn these guys into titans so they can heal. Who’s got the syringe?

Aespa MY

it was like 2 months ago thought I got it did all the test and as - at first, I had the chills then a fever then a cough that lasted for like 2 weeks. Best advice just rest up you're not going to be 100% for at least a week but everyone is different. Take care f each other's health


If your taste or smell starts getting weird, don't eat your favorite foods or drinks!!! When I got covid back in July, it temporarily affected my taste and smell to the point where everything smelled and tasted like some weird hybrid of hand sanitizer and medicine to me. Luckily it wasn't permanent for me like some other people, but for some reason certain foods and drinks that I consumed when I had covid still have that taste now. One of them being blue gatorade, which was my favorite flavor :c Anyways though, I hope both of you feel 100% better soon! You got this Ben!


when i had covid my only symptom was severe exhaustion, so i spent most of my time asleep :/ really just finding things to make time go by faster until you feel better is the best option imo haha. feel better ben!