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00:00 Intro

00:49 Reaction to Show

14:52 Discussion



smth positive_

I didn’t expect the 2nd half of the season to take the turn that it did but it’s so interesting. Every episode discussion till it’s wrapped up will be great You can skip the special episode and no worries you have another full cour of 86 ahead of you!

Sparky Reynolds

Please watch Ctrl alt QQ’s part 1 86 video on YouTube of things you might of missed…. I titled it correctly in the last video… part 1 is episodes 1-11 it’s so well done and in depth… even if you don’t react u should watch before continuing it made me appreciate the animators and director so much more

Jarren Jenkins

I can't help but get giddy watching this with new reactors. Everyone keep your lips sealed!


God, just the fact that the remaining 86 actually believed Lena would come find the letter in their old place and wrote individual notes for her gets me emotional. Even after all they’ve experienced at the hands of the Alba, Lena proved herself when she risked everything just to give them a little more time to live. 10/10 characterization, goddamn. I love this show so much, especially Lena. She’s an inspiration lol

Sparky Reynolds

There's only 1 season of 26 well written visually and audibly pleasing episodes of 86....so far


This show has S-tier hard cuts and transitions. Both aurally and visually.


P.S. You can skip, it's just a clip show / recap episode. Go ahead and start the 2nd cour.


You can probably skip the special episode I think it’s just recap

Sparky Reynolds

the special episode is a mid season recap... i would replace it with ctrlaltqq's video "86 Eighty Six - Reviewing Details You Missed From the Anime Part 1" on youtube. instead of a recap of 1-11 it goes through details probably missed by most in 1-11. And I promise that's the last I'll try to push this on you... but i know you will appreciate the video and go into the second half of the season with ...don't know how to put it....just more of everything already appreciated and loved so far....

Brian Maynard

I love the throughline and recurring visual metaphor of the traintracks in this series.

Nut Kon

i always stop watching at this episode. i feel like the story ends so much better here.. maybe i'll watch till the end this time with autosave

Aris Risa

You can absolutely skip the special episode, it's just a recap ^^ the show doesn't end with 11 episodes, the season just aired in two separate cours so there's more to go! We will be now entering the second half of the season, super excited about the discussions it's gonna brew :3

Aaron Wright

You're wrong on so many levels, lol. The second cour and what comes after in the LN is the best parts. Also nice dropping spoilers on them.


Erm... might want to edit or remove your post? Should probably keep info to only that which has been confirmed/shown in episodes up to the one you are commenting on =/

William Wellman

Like most people have said, you can easily skip the recap episode. I'm personally more interested in you just continuing into the story.

Aaron Xiong

You can skip the special episode, and like some people have said, the youtube video by crtlaltqq is an amazing video that you should watch.


This is like my 6th time watching this, and even 5 reactors later it still gets me.


Can't wait to watch it later for my favorite ASMR long range canon


The End of Part 1! What a fantastic first cour. And it only gets even better! You can skip the Recap episode, and move straight into Part 2! It's even better than the first 11 Eps!

Alexiel Knight

id be careful because of spoilers showing up in thumbnails etc. (of related videos being suggested on yt) better do that after the anime imo.

Ariel Causey

It is 26 including the recap episodes, so if you just glance at the episode count on crunchyroll that’s what you would see, but yeah, those extras are skippable

Luis Arispe

After the Aldrecht twist is fun to watch some of the scenes with him and realize every time they hide his eyes when he take his glasses out.

Sparky Reynolds

They could… but watching three 15 minute sections seems more manageable than one long 50 minutes in one go.… more insight should make the experience even better moving forward or at the least indifferent….I don’t see a negative fin my opinion….

Jake Thompson

Some fun easter eggs: Albrecht, the mechanic, hid his eyes with a clipboard after being struck with a ball in one of Fido's flashbacks, keeping his eyes hidden so no one would recognize him as Alba until their final mission. All the flowers have withered up, because Kaie was the one who took care of them. The 86 mandate was put in place 9 years ago, so Kurena was 5 or so when they went to the camps. The special episodes and "extra" stuff isn't necessary for a reaction, but if you have any interest in what goes into the making of a show and the perspective of voice actors, i recommend watching them on your own a least.


I get what you mean. That's likely because the story this was adapted from was originally written as a one shot for a competition, and the rest of the series came afterwards. Everything that we get so far mostly wraps up nicely around this point, and when I was reading the first volume of the light novel back when it was first officially released in English, I myself thought it was a one-shot that ended there and was surprised when the second volume was released. With that said, what comes after is still worth watching, and I think it's strange that you never finished before. Keeping this comment spoiler free in case you delete or edit your spoiler away

Kyle Wilber

“It was depressing as shit but the best” -Ben Summing up 86 as a whole


How can you say it “ends better here” if you haven’t even continued 💀 some of the best episodes ever are in cour 2, you’ve been missing out big time. But I guess you’ll find that out eventually