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Thank you guys so much for all of the support. Happy to be feeling the way that I am now.



[This Video] Ben and Anna (but mostly Ben) give a quick update into where and how we have been as well as talk about upcoming releases. [Social Media] Please follow us on these social media platforms: Instagram: @AutoSaveFamily , @asf.ben , @auto_anna_ Twitter: @AutoSaveFamily , @Gundamn_ , @_auto_anna


Sikk Karuzo

No need to say sorry, happy to hear u feeling awsome again :) and of course that the Videos are back too ;)

Styx TV

let's fucking go, glad to see you guys doing well


Your looking good bro. Good on you for taking your time, and happy to have you back :)

Alex Glyman

Really glad to hear you’re doing better, Ben! No need to apologize for lack of communication, the most important thing is your own health, both physical and mental. :) Excited to see the new reactions and potentially new passion projects you talked about too!


So glad you guys are back!

Rocío Sotelo

This videos fills my heart with so much joy. I am so glad you took the time to take of yourself and feel comfortable enough to talk about it. No need to say sorry at all! We are all here to support you no matter what. Thanks to both of you for being such kind and genuine people. Mental health is incredibly important and there are times we need to step back and take care of ourselves. It’s exciting to see you come back filled with excitement! I wish you both a beautiful day and can’t wait to see more of your Eighty Six content.


You guys haven't even been away that long, but I've definitely missed your videos. Great to see you're doing well again!


Excited to have you back! Don't wear yourselves out, just because you've recovered. It's a marathon, not a sprint!

Sylphis Farheit

Even if to me there are not needed, your excuses are completely accepted. I'm glad you can continue your good work while recovering. I hope it helps too. Anyway, please take care !


This news almost as good as Ben's hair


Glad to see you’re up for coming back! I’m of the mind that we’re here on patreon to provide you extra support because we like what you do. I know there are some that think they are paying for a service, and I can’t flat out say they’re wrong, but know that a great amount of us have your backs and just want you guys to feel well. And selfishly, I feel like that gives us the best reactions/content! So win win in my opinion!

Jason Parker

So happy you're feeling better!!! Looking forward to all you guys do!!


As a fellow bipolar haver it's great to hear you're getting better, I hope it didn't affect your job or anything else permanently. Ig the one silver lining with this disease is that you can be sure it will pass, though it sure doesn't feel like it at the moment. Excited for Frieren and Tengoku


Glad to see you back and well!


so glad to see you doing better ben! your health is the most important thing! can’t wait to see more of your reactions guys! please take your time with it 🤍

Rimuru Tempest

So nice seeing you back. Y'all are wonderful. I've been pretty stressed lately, so seeing you both look happy puts a smile on my face and really relaxes me too. I'm also excited for the anime this season, we're really eating good, hahaha.

James Usher

Keep well both of you!


Glad things are better !


Much love and you've got nothing to apologize for. Mental health is important as hell, and I'm glad you're feeling better.

Asbjørn Kennedy

I’m so happy to see and hear that you are better. I’m supporting you guys on patron not to “expect something in return”, but because you guys are awesome, make awesome content, and I’d love for you to keep making content <3 I’m happy you made the right decision to take some time off - that must have been really, really tough!!! Which is something that needs to be acknowledged imo, I can’t even imagine. Glad to see you. Excited for whats to come, and love you guys <3


Glad to hear you got through the tough period Ben. Wish you a long streak of happiness. Also Anna the MVP as usual.


Also regarding the Monogatari reaction I hope you have someone to help you out with the watch order, but more importantly with watching the correct (Blu-ray) version. As streaming services sadly are not a good way to watch the series for many reasons.


Happy to see you both doing well, excited to see new reactions and any other new stuff you choose to do !


Nothing to apologize for. Mental health should be the priority! Glad you're doing better and we've all got your back bro.

Russell Gambardella

We love you guys!! Makes me so happy you’re feeling healthier and recovering Ben. I don’t think an apology is necessary and I’m sure everyone in this community genuinely cares about you and was relieved to hear you’re doing better. As someone who has struggled with severe depression throughout my life, I just wanted you to know your videos have brought me joy and meaning in times of numbness and feelings of helplessness. Luckily it seems this awesome community understands just how debilitating mental health issues can be even if they haven’t experienced them first hand; while your expressed thankfulness of it is appreciated I’m certain most are just happy to hear you say they were able to make a positive difference in your recovery from this episode via comments and such, however small a contribution it may be!

Aaron Griffin

I couldn't imagine watching Made in Abyss with a depressive disorder. It's really cool to see you talk about this publicly too. As someone who works in the mental health space, I really appreciate it.

Eduardo Alvarado

Im glad that you are doing well guys! hugs from mx!


Love you guys and missed you terribly. Mental illness is hell and I'm glad you're on the up!


John Titor (name subject to change)

Glad to hear you’re in a better place. Your health always comes first. I will certainly enjoy the videos you mentioned are forthcoming - but if you ever need more time, take it. Looking forward to seeing more of Ben-Anna. :)


Sooo happy :) wishing you all the best!


You guys look great and we’re glad you guys are doing good!

Bryan Torres

So happy to hear you’re feeling better Ben! Don’t feel bad if you need to take it slow and we’re very excited for the content you guys are cooking :)


We are so fooking back! Let's goo you two, so glad everything is going well!

Thomas Reinhardt

Glad to have you guys back! I was ready to go through a winter of no reaction content but here we are 🙌


I am very happy to see you guy again and glad to know the support was helpful! We are indeed so fucking back <3


So happy to see you guys doing well! Can´t wait for what ya´ll come up with in the future content wise :)


Massive W! Y’all look beautiful btw


So, happy to see that you both are doing well


glad you are feeling better ben. dont rush yourself. Also love the dog.


So glad to have you guys back :D I know you are very careful about spoilers, but it would be awesome if you or a mod could check out the Patreon DM I sent you before starting Monogatari. There is a vast quality difference in the available subtitles for the series, and it would be a shame if you started off with a bad source. I made very sure not to include any spoilers in the DM whatsoever.


my favorite reactor is back!!! lets go ben!!! happy u took ur time to get better also ... nice update


good for you Ben, taking care of your mental health is always top priority. and it makes me happy to see a supportive community like this one too. keep up the good work, excited for more peak animes to come lol


Love you two, take care yourselves both. No rush, no rush🫶💪


Glad to finally have you both back


Glad you're feeling better!

Marcus Johansson

Love you guys. Hope that patience with yourself and your condition in the face of perceived audience expectations really sticks. Your health trumps everything else <3

Keith Merrington

Glad you're feeling better. Welcome back.


So happy to see you guys back again and to get some good news regarding your wellbeing… Don’t rush yourself getting back into content, make sure you guys go at a steady pace that feels good for the both of you. That said I am excited for what’s to come. I’m sure plenty of people have said something or reached out in some way to you guys or the mod team about the Monogatari subs, watch order, etc - we the community are here to help clear up any questions or anything that needs to be addressed regarding the show. I’m sure you both will love it, and it will hopefully satisfy that Madoka-sized hole in your heart and then some. As a fanatic who has watched and re-watched the show so many times, I want to offer my help as well if needed for anything. I’m going to be stuck as a patreon for at least the duration of that series because I’m sure you guys will do it justice as few others have done before. Much love!