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Hi, guys. Its Anna!

Frieren and Vinland Saga will hopefully be out by tomorrow. The delays are primarily due to the fact that returning to our 9-5 wasn't the best for Ben's recovery and he started to show signs of regression, because of that we are just going to take things at a good pace for Ben. Thank you all again, we both appreciate all of the support.

In regard to The Boys: For the past month and a half, 90% of our videos (all different shows) have been getting immediately age restricted and limited monetization. The monetization side of things doesn't matter, all though it seems that the reach and visibility is being affected because of that. In trying to figure out why this has started, it seems to coincide with when we were first age restricted for a certain episode of The Boys. We are still in the process of figuring things out, as we would like for the rest of our videos to not be affected by these restrictions going forward.


Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Honestly just take a break until Ben is back 100% It would be a huge shame if any reactions suffered in quality due to these issues. Especially with the incredible quality of the shows you are currently watching.


Do what you guys think is best for yourselves! I'd rather you guys be happy reacting to shows we enjoy watching with you instead of you guys feeling like you have to put SOMETHING out purely because of the schedule you guys have set up. If breaks are needed, that sounds like a plan to me!


Take your time! I appreciate the update!


Whatever you guys decide to do, I'll support it. Having Ben be in good health is the most important thing. Hope he starts feeling better soon!


Ben: please don’t hurt yourself for the sake of your viewers. These videos should be something YOU (and Anna) enjoy doing above all else. Delay as much as you need to, you aren’t disappointing anyone by taking care of yourself.

Dale Tucker

Yeah being a wage slave is tough. These 9-5 jobs suck your soul right out. It's why I started gambling. I'm losing money, but I feel great doing it. Some call me foolish, but to each their own I guess. Hope Ben has something to take his mind of work. Something to look forward to. Like the next game of Blackjack at the local casino. Can't wait for Sunday!


The Boys is a series for mature audiences. Of course it would get age restricted. I'm surprised it hadn't happened earlier. Your subscribers and patrons will watch it regardless of visibility. Is the channel still growing after 3 years? Obviously health > else.


Thanks for your hardworking!


Please prioritize your mental and physical wellbeing. Best of wishes to you both!


Rest up Love you both and hope everything works out!

Kai Palaran

prioritize recovery. we'll just be here, probably rewatching your other vids. i know i will XD


Like many of us had said, reaction can wait but health can’t, so please prioritize yourselves first! You guys have been giving us quality contents so rest assure we won’t be going anywhere


Your well being is the priority. We'll still be here

Asbjørn Kennedy

Take your time. Love you guys, and thanks for the updates <3

Sylphis Farheit

I wish Ben a quick recovery and for both of you to take care.


We support you because of how much we connect with your content. We will be here.


Much love to you guys! ❤️ Health comes first always! Feel free to take a break if u need to. As for youtube you might want to limit the footage maybe or put something over it, i know its fair use and all with the time limits, but youtube is youtube.... Or maybe some series just are not very liked by the algorithm and get the channel shadow banned (the boys). As far as jobs go, dont know how your situation is, but for me what helped was to find a less stressful job even if it was less paying... Obviously idk whats exactly the problem so cant say much... ❤️

Neutr0n (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 11:15:15 I hope they're doing okay
2024-04-23 21:29:47 I hope they're doing okay

I hope they're doing okay


Hope you guys are ok. An update would be appreciated but life happens we all get it and we all support you guys stay strong! <3