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Hey guys, Anna here! So, here is the plan going forward.

We will be returning to regular uploads this week and will be making up throughout April for what has been missed! Due to our work schedules at our jobs, there would be no way to make up the content within the next couple days and that is why we will be spreading it out in April! Thanks again for all of the support that you sent to Ben, it meant the world to him (as he felt extremely guilty not putting out our videos as scheduled).

THE POLL WINNER: Throughout today, we have compiled all suspicious usernames/email addresses for each person who has voted and what they have voted for. Using software that we got to reverse email search each account that seemed suspicious, (accounts made minutes from each other for the lowest tier) we were able to find the accounts that belonged to the same creators by matching up information! This helped us double check that the winner of the poll was correct as it now stands. The Monogatari series is the winner of this poll! (Most of the suspicious accounts had voted for the Fate series in the past 24 hours)

Future Polls: We have still not decided what we will be doing to further protect the authenticity of our polls, but we are looking into several options including discord, google docs and survey monkey (again) to try to find the best option. Someone mentioned that we may need to put polls further behind a paywall, only being available for select tiers over $1, but we are trying to avoid doing that.

This Month: As you can see, the schedule looks a little differently than normal, I was attempting something new to be able to show both Auto Defender and Auto Family tiers what videos to look forward to!

The Highlights being:

1. 86 will start on the 9th. Per usual, episode 1 will be posted on YouTube and then episode 2 and 3 will be posted for their respective tiers. We have heard you, and we will also be posting episode 1 for new shows here on Patreon.

2. Heavenly Delusion starts on the 24th!

3. Mushoku Tensei will be coming back this month and the full-lengths will be available for Auto Family. Per usual for live show, they will be posted as soon as possible.

4. Making up for what we missed: Our doubling up days will be as follows: Madoka on the 7th, The Boys on the 9th, and Vinland Saga and Frieren both on the 25th.





smth positive_

Let’s go! Glad Ben is feeling better not for the sake of reaction but but for his own well being easier said than done but he shouldn’t feel guilty for looking after himself Beyond stoked for yall to start 86 and the after show discussions it’ll breed


Glad you’re feeling better Ben!


I’m so excited, thx for your hard work!!!

this is one long ass username

Which slot would Monogatari replace and roughly when would those reactions hit Patreon?


and probably 3 weeks after they finish madoka since they have to have at least three weeks of videos recorded

William Pina

Welcome back! Stoked we get episode 12 and movie on the same day! IMO, the best way to watch them


hell yea! we are getting the madoka movie!

Timmo Warner

Hurray! Glad to see the Madoka movie is already on the schedule!


MT finally back, you have no idea how excited I am!


We are on the precipice of golden age of reactions, can’t wait:d


I'm glad Ben is feeling better! He shouldn't feel guilty over something like that. Thank you for the detailed update! Also, I am very happy to see the Madoka movie is there. I was worried about that since there was no indication beforehand that you two knew of its existence. Looking forward to all of the new content! Stay well.


Pleeeaaaseee consider using fansubs for Monogatari. The subs on Amazon or whatever other "official" streaming service are inferior (trash) compared to those that the community has been using for years to truly immerse themselves in the series.


I kinda hoped that Mushoku Tensei was a given - that you guys would continue it when it returned, glad to see that was correct. Expected date on Monogatari would be awesome glad to get confirmation on it tho. If mods or anyone needs help with fan subs, where to get them, how to get them, what ones are recommended - down to help. Couldn't be more excited to start on it.

Asbjørn Kennedy

Holy… I hadn’t even considered that method to verify the poll results. Anna really standing on business :D must have been a pretty huge task to go through the votes like that, but mad respect for it. I sort of expected Ben would feel guilty for missing uploads, but I think I speak for all of us when I say that we care waaay more about his health and well-being, than a few uploads. I genuinely just hope that he feels better when you guys return to recording <3 Also can I just say that I am beside myself with excitement for the double feature of Madoka on sunday? Not to mention whenever they start monogatari😍


Appreciate your hard work. Some guy really portrayed Fate fans in a bad light. I'd suggest he rewatches the series and pay more attention to the messages this time around..

Alexiel Knight

Does that mean highest tier will get 3 episodes of 86 on april 9th? :O


Don't overwork yourselves


They should definitely consider doing fansubs, i would say MTBB are prolly one of the best. If someone is asking why sail the seas, well because the official people did a poor job at it sadly 😢. Also its not blu ray on crunchy/amazon pretty sure. Obviously its their choice if they want to or not.


All is well


Glad Ben is better. I take this that there will be no updates on Re:Zero until October for S3?

Benjamin Chen

Hey man, make sure you guys stay healthy!!


welcome back Ben, glad you are feeling better.


Holy shit, PROFESSIONAL fact-checking on poll votes. Nice one


Really glad Ben is feeling better. It's also good to know AutoSave care about representing the community fairly; get those pesky bot account out of here. I'm quite excited for 86.


I think mono is still a bit too far away for a specific date. If I had to guess it'd be happening in the first half of May


Yup. The best thing about stumbling on a channel in this sort of infancy phase is that they still have almost exclusively bangers to watch kek. Glad to have mono to keep me glued to the channel once Madoka is done

Daniel Borrego

so we're getting double episodes from now on? SWEEET!!!!!.....ah crap no i missread it. :(


Tbh I think doing them in the same day would be too much brain rot bc of how dense the movie is lol

Dale Tucker

Looking back the past 3 months, you guys have watched only heavy shows (with the exception of Apothecary and SpyX). Maybe slot in more feel good shows?


Damn i didnt know people were going that hard to vote on these polls lol.


I hope this Patreon and your Youtube can someday produce enough for you both to have the option to either take this full time or to pursue other passions.

Daniel Borrego

they probably make a fair amount now, its more about being uncomfortable putting all thier eggs in one basket. plus the whole novelty of being a reactor rather then seeing it as an actual job.


Of course. I know it’s tough juggling a typical job with content creation. Anyone going full time content creator is taking a risk. Still hoping the best for them and for their success.


RIP to the guy that made like 100+ accounts only for Fate to lose

Nut Kon

Thank you Anna for all your hard work! must not have been easy having to deal with so many things happening at once


The real winner here is Ben! I'm glad to hear that he's doing better. And I think having a Discord in general would be nice. In other reaction channels, Discord has been great for interacting with others and asking questions.


I agree with this. Clear and active communication between creator(s) and the audience would REALLY benefit this channel as a whole, especially since they're watching series that have a lot going on (be it side content that can easily be (and has been) missed or seemingly complicated watch orders that should be explained/subtitles that should be changed). I hope they consider it sometime.



Hoa Trương

Sunday already pass. Where's the content ?


Can't wait for 86 tomorrow! Was one of my favorite new shows of the past few years :)

Aaron Wright

Really needs to be 2 episodes a week tho...once is just painfully slow. Thats 6-7 months for the entire show,nearly a year