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Non spoiler info now. Madoka first wish to be a magical girl was to save that cat


Also a notification for the mods. Let them now that the madoka movie 3 rebellion is the sequel to this series. The other two are recaps


idk if anyone has told you but probably everyone has but the lyrics to the op are from homuras perspective and thats why it plays at the end of this episode


I sent them a direct message a while back with detailed and important info about the movie and commented multiple times about it. Really hoping they get that info, lol.

William Pina

and now we know that the OP lyrics are actually from Homura's perspective. Homura's theme is 3 notes repeating and looped.

William Pina

On rewatch, the conversation in episode 4 when Madoka tells Homura that she will never forget her either, hits so hard because you can tell how much those words actually hurt Homura, after all, she has completely forgotten many times before, from Homura's perspective. If you look at the whiteboard when Homura is at the Hospital you can see that there are 2 weeks before she goes back to school. In those 2 weeks Madoka makes a wish to save the black cat from the OP after it was ran over by a car. In the later timelines, Homura kills Kyubey before Madoka makes a contract and probably saves the cat so that Madoka has no reason to make a contract. According to the creators of the Anime, Homura has traveled back in time about 100 times, each loop lasting about 5 weeks

Alex Jackson

According to one of the audio dramas that were bonuses with the Japanese Blu-Rays, Madoka's wish in the first timeline was to resurrect a cat that got hit by a car. That's the black cat in the OP. She made her contract after Homura got out of the hospital but before Homura's first day at school (notice that there are two dates highlighted on the calendar in her hospital room) The Grief Seed that Madoka uses on Homura in the third timeline was the one dropped by Sayaka's witch. The crest on top is the same as Sayaka's Soul Gem. No wonder Madoka was saving that one...


Urobuchi has never actually been consistent with that number. He's said 100 times, he's said 1,000 times. We don't actually know. We know it was a lot, though.


MADOKA MONDAYS LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO This is a peak episode, Homura is peak. This is a probably futile reminder for mods to tell them to pls watch movie 3 its a direct sequel to the show, I sent a direct message (spoiler-free) to the AutoSave acc here on this site with very important info about it : ) any acknowledgement on this subject would be appreciated : )


It's cool that you noticed how Sayaka interacts with other magical girls, and I think that's in large part due to her unwavering ideals clashing with the way Homura was doing things even in that timeline. Whether or not Hitomi gets together with Kyousuke, I think Sayaka would always turn into a witch quicker than anyone else because she's simply unwilling to reconcile the differences between those ideals and reality, and it will wear her down to nothing every time

L Freya

I will be pretty disappointed if they don't do the third movie soon after this, it's like watching Star Wars Episode IV and V, but then not watching Episode VI. Besides just directly continuing the series (a lot of anime movies are mere side stories and fairly irrelevant to seasons), the Rebellion movie is more Madoka than Madoka Season 1 itself is, really all the best parts of the entire series/show IMO are in that third movie.


Lets be real about the soul gem "weak spot" - there's multiple places in the human body where getting shot will kill you almost instantly, or immediately (and sometimes permanently) incapacitate you. Magical girls could get shot multiple times all over their body and survive to fight again the same day, good as new. Trading all those weak spots away for a singular, much smaller weak spot that kills you instantly if struck is, in practical terms, a good deal

te vi

I hope you read the lyric of OP little more carefully now.


Some information always given in this episode: Homura has been repeating this for about 12 years, like about 100 times. This is why she's just dead inside always :))))


MODS! A lot of people are trying to share information that are NOT spoilers because it's information that the writers give OUTSIDE of the anime and it's all just information that will give them way more clarity so I'll compile them and you can decide whether to share them to AutosSave! (I would hope you do!) Here they are: -Homura wakes up ONE week before school starts for her, which is also the same day that Madoka makes her wish to BECOME a magical girl. You can check the calendar that is in Homura's hospital room to verify this. -Homura will ALWAYS wake up on the same day whenever she goes back in time and has NO control over how far back she can go. -Madoka's wish in the original timeline was to save a dying cat, the SAME cat in the OP. -The Grief Seed that Madoka uses to save Homura is SAYAKA'S Grief Seed. There are musical notes and a score on the Grief Seed that would imply that the Grief Seed IS indeed Sayaka's. This means Madoka held onto Sayaka's Grief Seed to hold onto the last remaining piece of her friend. -The timeline where everyone kills each other ALL die to other magical girls and NOT by ANY witches. Sayaka (witch) dies to Homura. Kyouko dies to Mami. Mami dies to Madoka. Madoka dies to Homura. FUN trivia! -Homura has FAILED to save Madoka over 100 times. Each attempt is roughly 6 weeks of time that she has to redo and repeat. So Homura has gone through at MINIMUM 10 years worth of time trying to save Madoka and failing. -If you go back and read the OP, you will now understand that the lyrics are ACTUALLY written in Homura's POV. Homura IS the deuteragonist (second most important character) of Madoka Magica.

Russell Gambardella

I'm with you both, this episode is amazing and upon watching it I was sure this story is among my all time favorites. It was a pleasure re-watching this one. Homura's character dynamics really shine and it made me appreciate the precise planning it must have taken to write this part; there's so many little significant details among the elaborate yet clear sequence of events. Your discussion was great as you noticed parallels, subtle character behavior, worked through the logistics of the timelines and time intervals, and even pointed out Madoka was only able to defeat Walpurgisnacht in a later timeline iteration. And most important of all, Ben noticed the CHAIRS. Haha, thanks for your hard work and looking forward to more! <3


My favorite episode of this show. Crazy how they could fit so, so much into a single episode. This episode recontextualizes the show somewhat, it's crazy how much you see differently on a rewatch. Some of my stand-out moments: in episode 2(?), Madoka asks Homura what her wish was. Homura doesn't answer verbally, but just looks intently at Madoka, as if saying "You. I made my wish for you". And in episode 4, after Mami's death, Madoka and Homura have a conversation on that bridge, where Madoka says something like "I'll never forget you Homura, how you saved us!". But, from Homura's perspective, Madoka always forgets her after each reset... you can see how much that line hits Homura...


One thing for sure is that watching Madoka before watching Groundhog Day really ruined the movie for me, pchhht get on Homura's level Bill


"Are you ready" "Yeah I think so" no I don't think so


Heartbreaking how, in a way, the original timeline is the happiest for Madoka. She lived as a hero, she died, satisfied, protecting her home and a precious friend, without ever finding out about Soul Gems or Witches. Every loop past that gets worse and worse.

Keith Merrington

Great points. Thanks. I'd not given it any real thought before, but when Homura first meets Mami and Madoka, Madoka says she only made a contract last week. So that would be between when Homura was released from hospital and when she entered school. It never occurred to me to wonder what wish she had made for the contract. Saving a cat is so Madoka like :-)


also, everytime homura goes back, she goes to save that cat


Fun fact: Since Madoka's magic power is so strong in the last few timelines, any usage of magic would immediately deplete her entire soul gem and turn her into a witch.


I really like how they put the OP at the end, because the ending scene of this episode is actually the start of the series, which is where the OP kicks in, of course. I think it's such a yummy cherry on top. I love Madoka Magica so much. It's like everything is done so well and so clean and so subtly, the more you watch it, the harder you fall in love with it

Leonardo Penazzi

I'll say It, they are going to understand Rebellion at first watch.

Jumod Jones

I just want to thank you guys so much. Yall make me love some of my favorite series even more than I already did. Your discussions open my eyes to so many things I never would’ve noticed (even though I constantly rewatch shows and reactions). TYSM ❤️❤️🙏🏽


A magical girl never robs police stations. That was a Yakuza's office.


It seems that Bens favorite characters are always the evil ones...


The reason they put the OP at the end is because now you have the knowledge to understand what it's about. Who do you think sings the song? For whom? What is the promise?

Iejir Isk

And... the protaganist's(Homura) story begins :D


Can't remember how long now and it never says in the anime. But I think Homura has been reliving the same few weeks over and over again for about ten years-ish. I know it's something crazy like that.

亞利克 庫倫

A mandatory notice whenever I see a youtuber reacting to PMMM: According to Gen Urobuchi (who penned this show), there has been an unseen number of loops (like more than 100 of them) between the 5 seen in Episode 10. This would make her subjective time close to 8 years stuck in the loops.


this episode, and "Your name" movie both took my breath and tears away, such masterpiece.. the question no one can answer usualy sound like "do god can create a stone too heavy for him to lift" and when time and space is the trouble, not letting the most precious bond within the character to reach each others... man its great whichever director that play it well will success.. also its the best episode of madoka. madoka is most likely my 2nd anime show of all times, so i appreciate dearly your reaction and bonds you make with the show.. for your first watch you so on point.. for me its about the 1000 time i'll watch it <3 and episode 10 still never fail to bring tears to my eyes

Marta Kira Ayanami

Oh, yes, this ep, finally!!! /real comment later. <3

Asbjørn Kennedy

Man, Anna was going through it every time we saw Madoka lying in the pool of water. In terms of Homaru's wish allowing her to keep going back in term, keep her entire wish in mind - she wished to redo her meeting with Madoka AND have the power to protect her. Since the latter part of her wish haven't been granted, it makes sense that she is able to redo their meeting over and over. She is indeed trapped in a maze. Also for the OP playing at the end, it occasionally is mind blowing to first time viewers - that is for people that didn't pay attention to the lyrics until episode 10 - and then realise that the lyrics are actually Homura singing to Madoka!


You should do a patreon only rewatch some time :3