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I love the statement in the image above. I saw the phrase in a meme recently and it hit me. I don’t know that I truly believe it 100% however.

I do love to give. Giving to and building up others is a great project also. 

On the flip side, You certainly can’t help others grow if you‘re not taking care of yourself.

‘You cannot pour from an empty glass‘ as they say.

You all have been so great, kind and wonderful to support this, so…get prepared for me to bombard you with content.

Theres been a recent lag in activity, as you may have noticed.

 “What’s been going on?” 

Well I’m glad you asked!

I’ve been filling my glass so that I can pour out more content on a consistent basis.

An improved, sound resistant work space has been created. Sound interference had previously hampered, slowed, or just cancelled the recording process on several occasions. Because of you, I’ve also recently been able to set aside weekly time blocks. This is massive!

”What’s this mean?”

The audios that have been previously recorded can now be tended to properly, completed and released. Expect consistent... new, stronger, more muscular audios in the coming days and weeks…

THANK YOU again for your continued support!!!

Be Good

Stay Strong 💪

Keep in Touch

and stay tuned 😉

-Big Man-




So excited to see you continuing to improve :)


Awesome to hear more great things coming from you to us, can't wait!