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Greetings fellow space officers!

Today I'm going to show you a preview of our upcoming 0.0.19 update, featuring a lot of new stories and characters' story development.

The update features the discovery of Aberoin, hem feelings, hem difficult mood, hem quest to blend in while being surrounded by aliens who are both curious and scared of hem. The challenge to be accepted in an open-minded universe who still distrusts Briallen because of their different culture and physical uniqueness.

As you choose to pursue a romantic relationship with Aberoin, you will discover new opportunities to be with hem, and new choices to further improve your relationship. All while being hem colleague, commanding officer or just friend.

With brand-new, full-hd beautiful images, exploring Aberoin's sexuality will add depth and complexity to the game's story.

A lot of interactions with Sulijan have been added as well, taking her on a field trip to distant Venus, challenging the planet's hazards to prove a scientific theory.

Is Sulijan the hard-skinned, loyal Nixanti she appears to be? Or is it merely a fachaude made to lure people away from her true feelings?

In the next few weeks I'm going to announce you the actress playing Sulijan, so stay tuned for more info!

More classes have also been added as Academy's class part is almost completed. A new mission involving players who chose to become "Managers" will also be available, where your diplomatic and trading skills will be tested in the aftermath of The Prophet's attack.

Will you be up to the task at hand?

Thank you for your support, I hope you enjoyed this patreon-exclusive update!

Be safe and healthy, see you out there!



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