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Starting with 0.0.8b's Laura Examinations I will introduce the "Medical Record" in the game. This will tell you the most important informations about a character you're about to examine and will substitute some of the questions you're going to ask (i.e. "How old are you?").

It will be very important to remember the infos given by the medical record, as they will determine the failure or success of an exam (think about allergies, for example).

In time all previously released examinations will feature a Medical Record and the patient's Codex will be reworked to include this interface too.




Cool stuff. I've only recently started this game. Will there be options to be a diabolical enemy to society during exams? if you know what I mean. Getting someone to be fully nude without a need is a step in that direction. I just enjoy having replay throughs of games where I'm opposite to my real morality. :3